There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 760: He ruined me, I want him to die!

Upon hearing this, Rowling and others shrank slightly!


"You still have to do with us?"

The group of young men and women who spoke just now turned pale and their voices began to tremble!

Only then did they discover how much they had just died!

Lin Nan didn't mean to be joking at all!

A few people turned around and ran, they didn't dare to stay here for a minute!

But Lin Nan had already moved, and he stomped lightly with one foot on the ground!



There was another crisp sound, and everyone, including Rowling, lay on the ground limply on all fours!

Lin Nan didn't mean to pity Xiangxiyu at all. Just now, a group of handsome men and beauties all had their mouths exploded, and all their teeth flew out, lying on the ground in all directions, looking terrifying!

After seeing this scene, Qin Ge and the deputy director, as well as everyone in the crew, were so frightened that they were cold and stiff in place, unable to say a word!

They have seen ruthless people, but they have never seen so unscrupulous, so vicious!

Are you afraid of being punished by law if you hurt others in front of everyone?

After doing all this, ignoring everyone's horrified eyes, Lin Nan walked to Liu Ruqing's side!

The coldness on his face has completely disappeared without a trace, replaced by a faint smile!

"It's done, let's go see Mo'er!"



Three hours later.

In a certain international hospital in Tianhai City, this hospital can be ranked in the top three in China. Except for Yanjing and Hong Kong Island, it belongs to this international hospital in Tianhai City, the most famous and the most experienced doctor!

After Luo Fei, Rowling and others were injured, they were sent here the first time!

After several hours of surgery, although the lives of the two were saved, they must spend their entire lives in hospital beds!

And almost completely disfigured, a whole mouth rotten!


In the upper floors of this international hospital, in a top-notch ViP ward!

In front of the bed of Luo Fei and Rowling, a middle-aged man stood with his face extremely gloomy!


I don't know how long it took before Luo Fei woke up quietly, tried to move, and found that there was severe pain all over his body!


Luo Fei screamed!

The middle-aged man in front of the hospital bed quickly said, "Son, how do you feel?"


Luo Fei cried bitterly and said vaguely.

Because all the teeth in one mouth were smashed, Luo Fei could not speak clearly!

"Son, don't worry! Even if you become a waste, the Luo family can support you for a lifetime! When you recover, no matter what you want to do, I will send someone to help you!" Luo Chengzhong said solemnly.

Luo Chengzhong is in Hexi Province, although he is also a hero!

But he is also a father who loves his children. Now that he sees his son, he has become like this, Luo Chengzhong has secretly vowed long ago!

As long as he finds the murderer, no matter what his origin, even if he is from the big families in China, Luo Chengzhong must let the murderer be punished!

"Dad! I hate it! I hate it! He ruined me and I want him to die!"

Rofe roared angrily.

His voice awakened Rowling on the side!


Rowling began to cry after discovering her situation, "I'm like this, Qin Ge will never like me again, oooo!"

"Lin'er don't worry!"

Luo Chengzhong comforted him softly and said, "It's just an actor. If you like him, Dad will bring him back right away! I will stay with you for the rest of my life. If he doesn't want to, Dad will kill him immediately!"

"Ooo, ooo! Dad, I want that waste my dead ah!"

Rowling also yelled!

On weekdays, she is spoiled and spoiled. Now that she has endured this kind of experience, she can't accept it at all for a while, and she only has the idea of ​​revenge for Lin Nan!

"Don't worry, I have sent someone to collect the information of that person! Once verified, the blood debt must be paid by blood!"

Luo Chengzhong roared lowly, like an angry tiger, every word, loudly!

After hearing Luo Chengzhong say this, Luo Fei and Rowling calmed down a little!

at this time.

There was a knock on the door of the ward!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"

Luo Chengzhong said solemnly, without anger and prestige.

"San Ye! The information is found!"

What came in was a slightly hunched middle-aged man, who looked more than forty years old!

This person Luo Fei and Rowling knew each other, and he was a right-hand man of his father, named Zhou Tong!

"Zhou Tong! Hurry up, who is that person? I'm going to kill him!"

Luo Fei was excited again!

Hearing this, Zhou Tong's expression was a little weird, he looked like he wanted to say something, and couldn't help but glance at Luo Chengzhong!

"If you have anything, just say it, hesitating!"

Luo Chengzhong said loudly.

Zhou Tong sighed for a long time, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Master, young master, young lady, in my opinion, you should forget about this! Don't think about revenge!"

"what did you say?"

Luo Chengzhong was a little surprised!

"Impossible, no matter who he is, I will kill him!"

Rofei shouted!

"Let me forget about this? Zhou Tong, is your brain broken? He killed me like this, killing him will hardly understand my hatred, you made me forget about it?" Rowling stared roundly. Closed eyes.

Originally, her eyes were very beautiful, but at this moment, she was so resentful that Zhou Tong couldn't help but shiver!


Seeing the two of them, Zhou Tong sighed again and smiled bitterly: "Young Master and Miss, if you want revenge, you must catch up with the entire Luo family, and you can't take revenge. Do you still want to take revenge?"

Hearing these words, Luo Chengzhong, Luo Fei, and Rowling were all taken aback!

Although the three are angry, they are not fools!

"What do you mean?"

Luo Chengzhong frowned!

"San Ye, if I tell you that the person who injured the young master and the young lady is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan, the godslayer of the underground world, the martial arts leader of China, or the super giant in the underground world? This hatred, Do you still report?"

Zhou Tong handed out the information in his hand and said helplessly.

"what did you say?"

This time, Luo Chengzhong was completely stunned, almost short-circuited his brain!

He stretched out his trembling hands, took the information that Zhou Tong had handed over, opened it, and his pupils suddenly shrank!


The information in his hand fell to the ground with a snap, and the entire ward fell into a dead silence!

Seeing Luo Chengzhong's performance, Luo Fei and Rowling were also a little shocked and couldn't help asking:

"Dad? What does Zhou Tong mean?"

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