There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 642: Three beasts, dare to bully my disciple?

Outskirts of Jiangnan City.

Near the national highway, you can only see a ferocious Sirius, fighting with a charming woman, fighting heartily!

The battle has continued for dozens of rounds, and half an hour has passed, and the battle has entered a white-hot stage!


The other two Sirius commanders stood up and said solemnly:

"Broken Wolf, you waste too much time!"

"We will help you to quickly kill this person and enter Jiangnan City!"

Killing the wolf and the greedy wolf, shot directly without any hesitation!

There is no such thing as a stand-alone, self-reliant identity problem!

For them, as long as they can quickly solve their opponents, there is no difference between one player and three players!

The joining of the two powerhouses made the Libras of the battle incline!

Under the siege of the three figures, Leng Yan retreated steadily. He couldn't hold on for long and could only defend the border line of Jiangnan!

The cold face at this time, alone against the three Sirius commanders, but there is no sign of falling into the wind!


The people in the underground world looked at each other, unbelievable!

Three Sirius commanders shot, but they couldn't help a woman out of nowhere?

If so, if you were any of them, you would understand it very well, I am afraid that within ten strokes, they must fall under the combined hands of the three Sirius Commanders, and there is no possibility of being spared!

‘Lengyan, how could she be so good? ’

Among the crowd, Venerable Ying Long, the head of the dragon group, his eyes widened in horror, and his pupils reflected cold face!

In his heart, he couldn't believe it, it was like a dream!

‘When Leng Yan left the dragon group, he was clearly the first level of immortal cultivation! ’

‘Now, you can compete with the three Sirius Commanders. A few months have passed? Her strength is so powerful to such a terrifying realm? ’

Venerable Ying Long thought with horror, his mouth was bitter!

You know, nearly half a year ago, Leng Yan's strength was inferior to Venerable Yinglong!

In less than half a year, the cold face of Venerable Jiaolong, one of the five dragon kings in the dragon group, has reached the point where Venerable Yinglong needs to look up?

‘Is it... everything is because of the godslayer? ’

Venerable Ying Long wondered in surprise, no longer thinking about the battle!

at the same time.

There have been thirty rounds of fighting between Leng Yan and the three Sirius Commanders!

"Hehe, I see how long you can hold on!"

Killing wolf licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, like a ghost, taking advantage of his cold face to resist the combined attack of Powolf and Greed Wolf, stretched out terrifying wolf claws, and grabbed it!

"not good!"

Leng Yan Qiao's face changed color slightly, and she backed away quickly!




The three Sirius commanders, like a tiger or a cheetah hunting, pressing hard every step of the way, so that Leng Yan has no chance to take action and can only defend passively!

After fifty rounds, Leng Yan finally showed a trace of fatigue!

No matter how strong she is, she can persist in the hands of the three Sirius Commanders for so long, it is already very remarkable!

"The opportunity is here!"

How bitter is the look in the eyes of the killing wolf?

The flaw revealed by Leng Yan, although only 0.01 seconds, was between the lightning and flint!

However, the hole was still caught by the killing wolf, and a thunderous shout broke out from his mouth: "It's now! Die to me!"

Landed with the violent shout of killing the wolf!

A steel-like wolf claw has reached the position of Leng Yan's throat. If it is a hit, Leng Yan's head may be cut off!

But the next moment, Leng Yan's body style, like a fish swimming, spins in the air!


Even so, even though Leng Yan avoided the fatal wound in his throat, his chest was exposed to Killing Wolf!


There was a sound of cutting meat, the claws of killing the wolf, like a cutting machine, the cold face of the chest was instantly bloody, and a terrifying hole was drawn, bloody!


Po Lang was even more excited when Leng Yan was injured, his eyes filled with light of killing and bloodthirsty!


The strong men in the underground world who watched the battle shook their heads and sighed!

"The three Sirius Commanders joined forces, and there is absolutely no one in the world who can make them rivals!"

"This Chinese woman is already amazing. She has persisted for dozens of rounds. If she passes it out in the future, she will be proud!"

"One person faced the three Sirius Commanders alone, and they were already injured, even if the gods came, it would be difficult to save!"

Just when everyone thought that Leng Yan would definitely die!

A faint voice came, like Huang Zhongda Lu, falling into everyone's ears!

"Three beasts, dare to bully my disciple?"

"Who is speaking?"

In the outskirts of Jiangnan, everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sky!

Standing in the Zuijiangnan Hotel, Lin Nan stepped out, spanning a distance of tens of kilometers, and appeared in the sky above the suburbs of Jiangnan City in the next second, like a god, looking down below!

"Lin Nan?"

Ye Qi raised her head, and the man who looked at the sky was shocked!

In her eyes, Lin Nan's appearance was reflected!

He is like a god, standing in the air like this, making people unable to have the slightest sense of blasphemy and resistance. There is only one thought in his heart, he wants to kneel down and worship!

"You're the Godkiller? Finally came out!"

At the moment Lin Nan appeared, the three Sirius commanders also stopped their offensive at the same time. They stood in place, staring at Lin Nan indifferently!

For them, the person they wanted to kill was Lin Nan, not cold face!

Now that Lin Nan has appeared, what is the difference between being cold and dead?

"He is the Godkiller?"

"Younger than imagined!"

Everyone in the underground world was stunned, because Lin Nan's appearance was so young!

Although many people have seen Lin Nan's photos on forums in the Underground World, they are completely different from the photos!

The photo can only have its shape, and it can reflect the appearance of Lin Nan, but it can't take the picture of Lin Nan's self-respect and self-existence!

"Teacher, my disciple is useless, I'm embarrassed!"

Leng Yan walked out, dragging his badly injured body, and said ashamed!

Lin Nan taught her a set of fairy family sword skills, but even the three Sirius commanders could not match her. Leng Yan's heart was very disappointed and discouraged!

"The blood of these three people has long returned to their ancestors. They are not ordinary people and can be called Yaozu! You are not their opponent, it is normal!"

Lin Nan spoke lightly without blaming his cold face!

These three Sirius commanders have long gone beyond the scope of human beings. There are too many blood to return to their ancestors, and they are already three wolf demons!


It was the wolf demon in the transformation stage, even among the monks, the general might not necessarily be its opponent!

Leng Yan has been able to hold on for so long, it is already amazing!

"Wolf demon?" Leng Yan was taken aback.

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