There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2344: Really doubt life!


The long sword is unsheathed.

The man in the green shirt held the immortal sword in his hand, holding his breath, he had no contempt for the little girl anymore.

At the same time, he has also understood that there is no need to worry about the safety of the little girl. At this age, he has cultivated the fairy king status. It is possible for the little girl’s parents to be the supreme fairy. If the little girl cannot resist his magical attack, Xiao The girl's parents must be able to do it in time.

Only a half-step Xiansheng Venerable can easily dispel his magical attacks, let alone the Xiansheng Supreme!

He now has an unprecedented fighting spirit!

He wanted to try it out, if he had ever met the real one in front of him, he was the first genius that he had heard of, how powerful would he be in the early days of the fairy king realm!


The thunder raging in the sky is a vision caused by the man in the blue shirt when he shoots his sword.

The sword qi was silent, as if it merged with the void, and the speed was extremely fast, no less than the speed when the genius of the late Xianzun realm made a full shot!

"Oh my God! Senior brother actually realized the Tao at this moment, and his understanding of kendo has improved to a higher level!"

"It is indeed my Taiyue Immortal Sect, the first arrogant before the appearance of Junior Sister Bai Qing and Junior Brother Beihong, I actually realized the Tao in this environment, and in this sect competition, the senior apprentice will definitely be ranked higher!"

"This time, no matter what you say, it is enough for Senior Brother, at least his understanding of kendo is already higher, and he will be able to enter the late stage of the fairy realm soon!"

Many disciples of Taiyue Immortal Sect showed surprise after seeing this sword, but they were relieved very quickly, thinking that this was normal.

After all, the man in Qingshan was the first arrogant among the contemporary disciples of Taiyue Immortal Sect before the rise of Bai Qing and Beihong.


A soft sound.

It was the little girl who stretched out a small hand and grabbed the extremely powerful sword energy directly into the palm of her palm!


"Oh heaven! O earth! This is... Is this the situation of the horse?!"

"This...this is too...too unreal! The little girl herself has gone to the extreme. She is only seven or eight years old, and has cultivated the status of the Immortal King. Now... easily, she will be the brother He’s strongest sword aura, directly... directly in the palm of his hand!!!"

"Impossible... I must be dazzled! It must be dazzled! I have already gone against the sky to the extreme, now can I behave even more against the sky!"

"This...this is not logical! It's unreal!"

The monks onlookers were petrified, and they all looked at Ling'er dumbfounded.

Their minds are completely blank now, and they can't use words to describe their mood at the moment.

If you have to use words to describe it, it would be: "Fuck! Fuck! I'm a big boss!"

"You don't need to be discouraged. In today's world, neither my father and mother nor the Xuewu four chosen by my father are counted. It is also the fact that my sister and I were able to have such a fighting strength in the early days of the fairy king realm."

Seeing that the man in Qingshan was dumbfounded, and staring at himself blankly, Ling'er spoke to comfort him.

"What? Except for you, there are still... seven in the world today?!"

From Ling'er's point of view, he was indeed comforting the man in Qingshan, but the man in Qingshan was hit even harder when he heard Linger's words.

Damn it!

There is a wicked evildoer like you little girl in the whole world, which is considered to be too many, which makes people feel unreal, unrealistic and illogical.

Now you are telling me that besides you, there are seven guys just like you. What are you trying to do?

Let me not be discouraged, I... can't I **** be discouraged? !

"No, Xue Wu and A Shui have similar qualifications to my sister and me. Hong Lin and Lan Qin have a slightly lower qualification than my sister and me. The qualifications of my mother are similar to my sister and my father's qualifications... crush us. Seven, so it’s not that there are seven like me, only four."

After hearing the words of the man in the green shirt, Ling'er broke his little hand and settled, and came to this conclusion.


The man in the green shirt felt that he was numb.

What's all this!

You little girl might as well not explain!

If you don't say anything, I thought your father was about the same as you. Now that you explain, I know that there is above your little evildoer, and your father's kind of evildoer that is truly incomprehensible and will never be understood.

Don't you think... Is this hitting me again and again? !

"how can that be!!!"

The onlookers wanted to say a lot, but seeing the little girl's serious appearance, and with the little girl's talent and strength, there is no reason to lie about this kind of thing, they are even more dumbfounded and their minds are even more blank.

They are very suspicious of life now.

They are all human beings, and even if they are divided into three or six or nine grades at birth, now I have worked so hard to climb up and become the immortals that mortals want to be in their dreams.

On weekdays, when you look at the favorites of the sky, you should just look at it as an interesting thing. Sometimes envy is envious, but it is not enough to be jealous, let alone doubt life.

After all, many talents of heaven are different from ordinary people because they have a good background and enough cultivation resources. If many casual practitioners have those resources, they can achieve higher achievements than those of talents. , But not too much difference.

But... now they really doubt life!


Obviously they are all human beings, why are you, a seven or eight-year-old doll, so defying the sky!

"Hey, don't be stunned, hurry up, you only have the last resort."

Ling'er was able to understand the psychological activities of the man in the green shirt and the onlookers. After all, she knew how defying and extraordinary she was. After all, her father was under forty years old and had already cultivated into the emperor's status.

However, when she saw Bai Qing's group coming, she could obviously go up the mountain to watch the excitement.

With the new excitement to watch, the little girl naturally doesn't care much about the excitement here that is about to end.

After all, the master of the man in the green shirt had already expressed his apologies to his father. The anger between her and her sister had long since been calmed down. The reason for fighting against the man in the green shirt was that I wanted to teach the man in the green shirt. But more because of boredom.

"You...well, you're ready, I'll do it!"

The man in the green shirt came back to his senses after hearing the words, his expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and his mood was the same.

He knew that he was destined to be unable to defeat the little girl, but he didn't want to admit defeat, and he would never allow himself to admit defeat, because he didn't want to really be decadent!

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