There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2288: This is your mother!

Lin Nan nodded slightly, as a response to Tianxuan Supreme.

For a moment, Tianxuan Supreme couldn't help but become nervous. She was naturally not afraid that Lin Nan would attack her or destroy the heavenly clan. Judging from Lin Nan's attitude, it was obviously not here to kill.

The reason she felt uneasy was because she was not sure if Lin Nan, who was about to go to a higher level, would agree to resurrect Beichen and Beichi father and son.

At the same time, she also knows that only a small part of the monks who entered the canopy of the Bei family have returned. The ancestors of the Bei family and the immortal sages who entered the canopy have not returned. Like the cultivators of the Shaling clan, they met the great opportunity in the sky. After all, it was not only the Bei family who did not return this time, so she was sure that the cultivators who did not return after the Bei family entered the sky, except for those who fell during the experience. It must have been beheaded after meeting Lin Nan.

Beichen is a member of the Bei clan, and Bei Chi has a very close relationship with the Bei clan. With Lin Nan killing many of the Bei clan's powerhouses, Tianxuan Supreme is not sure whether he will resurrect Beichen and Bei Chi. This is the reason for her anxiety.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you revive Beichen and Beichi."

Lin Nan spoke, as plain as ever.

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Tianxuan Supreme was stunned, and he did not return to his senses for a long time.

But Lin Nan had already used his magical powers, and in just three or four breaths, he had already resurrected Beichen and Beichi father and son.

The father and son Beichen and Beichi had been beaten to death by Lin Nan. If it weren’t for a supreme existence like Lin Nan, they would definitely not be able to be resurrected. At the same time, even if they were another fourth-class emperor, they would be killed by Lin Nan if they wanted to resurrect. People of, that is also completely impossible, only Lin Nan himself can be resurrected? Although the heavenly emperors are already detached from the big world, they are still bound to each other? After all, the ways of each emperor are different , They must be mutually exclusive.

But now the resurrected Beichen and Beichi father and son, their current realm is the same as when they fell. Beichen has the strength of the late fairy state, and Beichi has the strength of the early fairy state? Of course? If you unlock them In the second heaven? They can quickly improve their realm, just like the Supreme Heaven? In the first heaven, the Supreme Heaven was just a late stage existence in the fairy realm, and now only a few months have passed. , Has entered the middle stage of Xiansheng.

After being resurrected? Beichen was stunned for a while? I don’t understand what happened? Knowing that he could see the Heavenly Jade Supreme with a dull look on the side? Only then did I have a slight aftertaste, and then I saw the surrounding scene? I understand that this place is inside the Tianzu Mountain Gate ? So even if I saw Lin Nan? He didn't call out immediately.

But the other half? Beichi is different.

"You are so courageous? How dare you attack my Beichen Palace and kill my sect disciple? I'm so angry, don't hurry up and kill me!!!"

Beichi was stunned for a while, and when he came back to his senses? Seeing his father by his side, he couldn't help but feel happy? But he had no impression of the surroundings, and he didn't know where it was. He only knew that it had nothing to do with him, as for himself. He also didn't know his mother Tianxuan Supreme, but faintly felt that Tianxuan Supreme seemed to be someone close to him, but now he didn't have the mind to care about these, because he saw Lin Nan.

After a roar, Beichi attacked Lin Nan's father and daughter with magical powers. He was extremely angry now. Although he didn't know why he was in a trance just now, why he suddenly came to such a strange place from Beichen Palace. For Lin Nan, the guy who wantonly slaughtered the disciples of Beichen Palace, he has unspeakable hatred. If you can't wait to take Lin Nan off alive, where is the slightest polite?

"Chi'er, don't be rude!"

Hearing Beichi's roar and seeing that Beichi had actually performed magical attacks on Lin Nan and his daughter, Tianxuan Supreme was shocked and no longer froze. He hurriedly made a sound while casting spells to attack Beichi's magical powers. Quickly resolve.

"Huh? You... are you?"

Bei Chi was surprised by this sudden scene. You must know that although he was only in the early stage of the Immortal Venerable Realm, he was incomparable with his father's existence, but even his father could not use his full power so easily. Resolve with strong supernatural powers.

But Tianxuan Supreme’s words still looked at him anxiously and kindly and softly, giving him an inexplicable sense of intimacy, which made him not scared, just wondering whether he and the powerful woman in front of him What is the relationship.

"Chi'er, this is your mother!"

Bei Chen finally recovered and glanced at Lin Nan. Although I don’t know why Tianxuan Supreme is protecting Lin Nan so anxiously, even if Tianxuan Supreme is protecting Lin Nan, he feels sour, knowing that this is a jealous jar. It was overturned, but in any case, he knew that his wife would not protect outsiders for no reason, so he arranged his thoughts and said to Beichi who was stunned.

Before Bei Chi could react, Bei Chen couldn't help asking: "Sister Xuan, what is going on...?"

He was really puzzled. He didn’t understand why he was already dead for himself, why he was still alive, why he was in this heavenly clan mountain gate, why Lin Nan, the guy who killed him, was also here, which made him extremely Confused, the doubt in his heart is undoubtedly deeper than Beichi on the side.

After all, he knows better than Beichi where this place is and how much energy it has. It stands to reason that although Lin Nan can run wild on the first heaven, he has no reason to be safe and sound in the second heaven. After all, before his death He had already heard that Lin Nan had already had an affair with several Saint Sects in the Scarlet Star Region.

Therefore, he did not understand why Lin Nan was still safe after arriving in the second heaven, especially in this Tian Clan Mountain Gate, he could still get the favor of his wife, which really made him puzzled!

"Husband, it's like this..."

Tianxuan Supreme informed Beichen of everything that had happened in the past few months, and at the same time explained everything to Beichi Transmission on the side.


After listening to them, Beichen and his son were dumbfounded for a while, turned their heads to look at Lin Nan, not knowing what to say for a while.

Especially Beichen, he knows more than Beichi how much Lin Nan is against the sky when he said these things from Tianxuan Supreme. This should not be a person in this world, this world should not be, nor should he appear Such a talent is right!

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