There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 1450: Lin Nan, must kill! (Second more)

Hearing Lin Nan's voice, Zidie also stopped abruptly.

She looked at Lin Nan in a somewhat unbelievable way, with doubts in her heart.

Just now, when Lin Nan left, she made sure that the other party had entered the ancient house, and then she appeared to deal with Liu Ruqing.

The ancient family is so powerful, in the eyes of Zidie, even if Lin Nan is strong, the ancient family that has to be dealt with cannot be easily completed in a moment.

But now, how long has it passed?

Lin Nan unexpectedly appeared.

However, after a brief surprise, Zidie quickly calmed down.

At this moment, she looked at Lin Nan with a charming tenderness in her eyes.

"Lin Nan, what? Are you still planning to shoot at me?"

The purple butterfly's voice is extremely feminine, with a tingling charm, as if it can melt the stone, even if it is made of steel, it can become soft.

But Lin Nan snorted coldly. He glanced at Liu Ruqing beside him, felt the frost-like expression on the other side's face, and quickly glared at the purple butterfly.

"I, Lin Nan, don't fear anything in my life, but there is only one thing. Others must not have the slightest covet, that is my family!"

Lin Nan's tone had a hint of killing intent.


Zidie still had a weak and boneless appearance. Looking at Lin Nan, she didn't believe that Lin Nan was really hard-hearted, and under such circumstances, she had to take action against herself.

"So you can only die!"

Lin Nan said lightly.

After speaking, he immediately raised his hand, stretched out a finger, and nodded to Zidie.


From his finger, a white light visible to the naked eye was suddenly shot, and it shot at the purple butterfly in the distance at an incredible speed.


Seeing Lin Nan taking a shot against himself, the purple butterfly seemed a little unbelievable.

However, when she felt the white light shot from Lin Nan's fingers, with a terrifying breath, she only felt that she was facing death.


At this time, Zidie had no time to resent this incomprehensible man, and even the man who was ruthlessly destroying the flowers. There was only one thought in her heart. This man really wanted to kill herself, and now he could only escape!


Zidie didn't even have time to control the Zizhu beside her, suddenly her figure flashed, turned into a streamer, and flew away.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the purple butterfly flew hundreds of meters.

But at this time, Lin Nan's finger finally fell.


I saw the purple butterfly flying by in midair suddenly stagnated, and then fell like a rag to the ground.

However, before her body fell to the ground, she burst open with a crash, turned into a cloud of blood, and died on the spot.


Seeing this scene, Zizhu gasped in shock.

"Senior Sister...!"

Zizhu yelled, as if the whole sky had fallen, and stood still on the spot.

The senior sister was actually killed. This is really incredible. If Master knew about it, I am afraid that the entire Star City would be turned upside down.

At this time, Lin Nan clapped his hands, as if doing a trivial thing.

He turned around, with a smile on his face, looking at Liu Ruqing.

"Lin Nan, you die for me!"

At this time, Liu Ruqing had a cold face, staring at Lin Nan, and said angrily.

Lin Nan gave a thump in his heart, but in his heart it was like a horse galloping.

Regarding the purple butterfly, Lin Nan can say that he has never crossed the distance at all.

And Zidie fell in love with herself completely because of her amazing charm, which is also wrong.

However, Lin Nan came to Liu Ruqing honestly, as if he had made a mistake.

Liu Ruqing directly lifted the jade-white catkin, stretched out two jade-white fingers, and pinched Lin Nan's ears.

"In the future, dare you still dare to touch flowers and grass outside?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Lin Nan shook his head quickly.


Seeing Lin Nan's appearance, Liu Ruqing couldn't help laughing.

"Xiao Nannan, this is almost the same!"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan with tenderness in her eyes, holding back and almost laughed again.

Lin Nan suddenly woke up when he saw Liu Ruqing's expression, but he was not angry either, instead he hugged Liu Ruqing in his arms and kissed fiercely.

Kissed enough that Liu Ruqing was almost out of breath, her face flushed with shame, and then she stopped.

This is a punishment!

While Lin Momo and Ling'er were by the side, they quickly crossed their fingers and covered them in front of them to take a peek.

But at this time, that Zizhu took advantage of Lin Nan's time to take advantage of Lin Nan's time, and hurriedly flashed and fled.


Purple Butterfly Valley.

"Master of Great Valley, Master of Second Valley, it's not good, something has happened!"

At this moment, Zizhu's figure staggered, and fled all the way back to the Purple Butterfly Valley, not daring to stay in any way, and reported directly to the two valley masters.

Hearing Zizhu's voice, the owner of Purple Butterfly Valley, Jiangzi Fairy, had a trace of sullenness in her eyes, "What is so flustered, in what manner?"

And beside Fairy Jiangzi, Fairy Caidie, the master of Ergu, also had a majestic appearance, with Sun Chen sullen in his eyes.

"Master of Great Valley, Master of Second Valley, Senior Sister Zidie, was... killed by someone!"

Zizhu said quickly.


"how can that be!"

Hearing Zi Zhu's words, Fairy Zizhu and Fairy Caidie stood up immediately, with shocked expressions on their faces, unable to believe them.

Afterwards, their spiritual thoughts were released immediately, and they quickly investigated Zidie's life card placed in a stone room in Zidie Valley.

And the life card that represented Zidie was broken at this moment.

"Who? Who did it?"

Fairy Crimson asked with a gloomy face, almost dripping water.

Zidie is the most talented disciple she has seen in the past tens of thousands of years, and she is also her most fancy disciple, but now, she has been killed, and this hatred must be reported.

Fairy Caidie on the side also breathed fire in his eyes, apparently being extremely angry.

On the territory of Qing Mingzong, there are still people who dare to kill her disciple, and they are still the disciple she cares about most.

You know, in the hearts of Fairy Crimson Purple and Fairy Caidie, that Purple Butterfly can inherit the existence of Purple Butterfly Valley in the future.

"Yes... it's a man named Lin Nan!"

Zizhu didn't dare to conceal it, and she hurriedly told the whole story, even if the purple butterfly was infected with love, she did not dare to conceal anything.

"Huh! We made a rule at the beginning that the disciples of Purple Butterfly Valley must not be tainted with love, this Purple Butterfly just won't listen!"

After listening to Zi Zhu's words, Fairy Jiang Zi became more angry.

If Zidie was beheaded because of other things, she would not be so angry, but now, it is clear that Zidie did not listen to them, and it was contaminated with emotions that caused her death and disappearance. This is really irritating. .

"No matter what, we must avenge Zidie's hatred, and Lin Nan must die!"

Fairy Caidie said coldly.

"Yes, Lin Nan, must kill!"

Fairy Jiang Zi also nodded.

Afterwards, under the lead of Zizhu, Fairy Crimson Purple and Fairy Caidie turned into a streamer and slew towards Tianxing City.

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