There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 82 Sword Manual: Bloody Battle in All Directions

A village woman opened the cellar where the bandits used to store food, as if offering a treasure.

Lu Hu ordered one person to help and move all the food out, while the other person went to release the few people who were still locked up in the dungeon.

He was sitting at the door of Scarface's room, watching the busy figures.

I couldn't help but ask myself in my mind.

If the person undressing in front of me is not a village woman, but three charming beauties, will my choice change?

Thinking of this, he was also amused by himself, and he was really idle, doing moral testing for himself.

What has not happened? What can you come up with in your imagination?

As long as you focus on doing what you think is right, that's all.

Now it is more serious to dig three feet into the ground and look for knife skills in the room.

What Lu Hu thought of digging three feet into the ground was not an exaggeration.

The earthen bed and wardrobe had been dismantled by myself, and the room was in a mess. The only place where things could be hidden was underground.

Lu Hu took out a long knife and started digging.

Starting from the door, Lu Hu found that the ground here was much harder than outside.

"The ground inside the house should have been compacted and flattened when it was built. It is usually very hard. If Scarface buried something in it and smoothed it out later, it must be softer than other ground!"

When Lu Hu thought of this key point, he not only dug into the ground stupidly, but also stabbed the ground with his knife.

Sure enough, at the position next to the bedside of the earthen bed, Lu Hu slashed the knife, and the tip of the knife penetrated the ground much deeper than other places.

"found it!"

Lu Hu was overjoyed. He lightly pounded the soil loosely with a knife, then squatted on the ground and started digging with both hands.

After a while, his fingertips touched a hard object, and then he tried hard three times to divide two by two, and a dusty wooden box appeared in Lu Hu's hand.

When he opened the box, what he saw was a yellowed book.

There are a few thick characters on it: bloody battles in all directions!

It was rare that Lu Hu recognized all these four characters, and the smile on his face could no longer be suppressed. There was also a yellow paper full of words on the booklet.

Lu Hu ignored the yellow paper, took out the booklet, opened it and looked at it. There were words and pictures inside.

Lu Hu struggled to read the text, but the pictures were clear at a glance.

"It's really a swordsmanship!"

According to the barrel theory, the shortest piece of wood determines the upper limit of the water capacity of the barrel.

When it comes to weapons, Lu Hu has no shortcomings, but no shortcomings!

Now that Lu Hu has finally acquired the sword skills, this piece of the puzzle can be filled!

Lu Hu was so happy to see that he was hunting, and he immediately took the sword manual and read it with great interest.

The Bloody Battle Bafang Sword was handed down from the battlefield. The sword technique is simple, fierce and fierce, but there is no lack of detail in it.

After looking at it, Lu Hu discovered that swordsmanship and boxing were fundamentally similar, with emphasis on the control of the center of gravity.

It’s just that the boxing technique is the center of gravity of one’s body, but the sword technique is the cooperation between the center of gravity of the blade and the center of gravity of one’s own body.

This is very difficult. If a person has never practiced boxing, it will be difficult to get started with sword skills as soon as he gets started.

"No wonder there was a saying in the previous life that if you can't make good fists, you can't practice weapons! So that's the truth!"

Lu Hu continued to watch the sword manual.

"The power of a knife lies in cutting." The main technique is chopping. In addition, there are several basic moves such as teasing, stabbing, intercepting, blocking, collapsing, chopping, wiping, belting, and wrapping.

"The only way to use it is to focus on the body, to go far beyond the distance, to have quick eyes, and to move forward and backward, to jump vertically, to carry the sword with you, and to adjust the body and weapons. Brave, fast, and powerful. people!"

Lu Hu watched with great difficulty. For the first time, he felt the horror of being semi-literate. He thought that if he had the opportunity, he must make up for his cultural classes, otherwise he would suffer a big loss in the future.

He simply picked up the long knife from behind and began to draw on the picture, feeling the weight of the long knife in his hand.

As his arm trembled, his wrist flicked, and he pressed the blade hard.


There was a crisp sound, and the long knife in his hand was suddenly shaken off by Lu Hu.

"Here I go, this knock-off product is indeed of poor quality!"

Weapon blades need to be taken care of regularly. They must be kept clean, maintained, and properly stored to avoid rust and corrosion of the blade.

Especially after chopping a person, the knife is not only stained with blood, but also with human fat, minced meat, skin scraps, possibly feces, brains, and other inexplicable dirty things.

The speed of blood coagulation is also unimaginable. Whether it is your own blood or the enemy's blood, it will become sticky on the knife if you don't care for a few minutes.

You must wipe it clean before putting it into the sheath. Otherwise, if the scabbard is dirty, no matter how brightly you polish the blade, it will be corroded by the dirt as soon as it is put into the sheath.

It is extremely difficult to clean a long and airtight container like a scabbard. If it is dirty, the stench of fermentation will become stronger and stronger after a day or two, as if it will never dissipate. It will definitely make people crazy and uneasy. rather.

Moreover, weapons are always carried close to the body, even when sleeping, they must be within arm's reach. Most swordsmen who suffer from insomnia and nightmares are also smoked.

This is still cleaning, and the weapon must be coated with knife oil at regular intervals to isolate the air.

After using it for a period of time, you need to sharpen the knife to keep the edge sharp.

It's just too much trouble.

These bandits don't have the patience to take care of their knives. At most, they can take good care of them the first few times. After a long time, it doesn't matter.

In addition, their knives were not good knives in the first place. Over time, they have become this virtuous, which is normal!

This also sounded a severe alarm bell to Lu Hu.

His introductory lesson in knife skills was taught to him by Scarface at the cost of his own life.

Knives must be well maintained, otherwise the chain will fall off at critical moments, which can be fatal.

"So, a good knife does not need to be sharp, the most important thing is that it is reliable!"

Lu Hu threw away the scrap metal in his hand and thought, let's use Scarface's long knife!

At this time, he suddenly smelled the aroma of food coming from outside, which suddenly made his stomach growl.

He originally entered the village just to find food, but later he fought with Scarface for a while, and he was already burning with hunger.

He wrapped the sword manual and qigong together, took it close to his body, grabbed the yellow paper, and walked outside to check it.

The words on the yellow paper seemed even more unfamiliar to Lu Hu. He picked up the words he recognized and read them.

"Is this a prescription? It should be valuable if you can put it together with the sword manual. Put it away first and study it later!"

Lu Hu gained a lot of benefits from Scarface, which put him in a great mood. When he went out, he saw several village women in the dungeon cooking with the three people on a stove made of loess.

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