"On September 25th, the dead warrior Gaoshan burned his potential, broke through the limit in the battle, and used his black tiger boxing skills to win the game. The loser Lu Hu was still alive, but subsequent treatment was ineffective and died three days later. ! D-level death arena supervisor: Jin Bo. Supervisor: Song Huai. Instructor: "

Coach Li looked at the paperwork on the table and remained silent for a long time.

Outside the window, the setting sun was like blood, and the blood-red sunlight shone on the documents in his hand.

He sighed, and then signed his name on it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a knock on the door outside the house.

"Who?" Coach Li pressed the documents under a stack of books.

"Teacher, it's me, Li Shan!"


"What's the matter?"

"Zhao Feng and Zhou Wei, who are in charge of tonight's patrol, are taking leave at the same time. Tonight"

"Well, there was an emergency at home, and I was the one who got it right. Is there any problem?"

"But there is a vacancy in tonight's patrol shift. Didn't the supervisor arrange it?"

"The supervisor is not here right now, and Mr. Song also knows about it. Is there anything else?"

"there is none left!"

Night falls.

Lu Hu stood in the courtyard with his eyes closed. After two days of continuous visualization, the black tiger in his mind began to become clearer.

At the very least, without knowing it, you can tell at a glance that it is a tiger, instead of at first, it was completely blurred together and nothing could be seen.

Lu Hu seemed to be standing steady, but if you look closely, you would find that his body would rise and fall slightly with his breathing.

When you inhale, your center of gravity rises, and when you exhale, your center of gravity drops.

This change is a spontaneous change in Lu Hu's body after he entered into a long period of meditation, his mind gradually became clearer and his body became clearer.

At first, he didn't even notice it.

But after the standing time was extended, I looked back to find the reason, and I discovered it.

In his understanding, this kind of spontaneous change of the body is a reflection of the progress he has made in visualization, which is fed back to the body.

This up and down rhythm has a light and airy charm. Only when you visualize, the body's spontaneous ups and downs will appear.

If you do it deliberately, it will affect the progress of your visualization.

"This change should be the black tiger I visualized, helping me adjust the black tiger stake!"

After Lu Hu came to this conclusion, he was shocked.

In his eyes, a thing that was completely imagined by him could actually affect reality.

This kind of power, although it seems insignificant now.

But in nature, it already belongs to the level of spiritual interference with matter.

"In past lives, there seems to be a placebo effect, and there is also a person's mood that can affect a person's health. In serious cases, it can even cause sudden death!

This situation seems to be amplified in this world, and with it, visualization really has a mysterious and magical effect! "

Lu Hu tried to give an explanation.

In fact, he also felt that it was a bit boring to have to give an explanation.

In this world, there are ghosts, magical powers, and martial arts, things that were unimaginable in previous lives.

Whatever happens now is not surprising. Even if there are gods, flying swords, and killing people from thousands of miles away, it is normal. Just accept it directly. Why do you have to give a seemingly reasonable explanation?

This idea was rejected by him as soon as it came up.

This kind of attitude of accepting everything is too lazy. If I had a teacher to teach me step by step, it would be okay.

But his own martial arts is all based on his own exploration. No matter what he understands now is right or wrong, it is a kind of in-depth thinking. If it is wrong in the future, he can just correct it. Only by slowly accumulating and deepening his understanding of martial arts can he The road behind becomes easier and easier.

You can even directly deduce something that does not exist now, but should exist, just like the theory of the previous life.

This is a way to develop your own problem-solving abilities.

In the future, if you encounter a really insurmountable problem in martial arts, you should create a tool to solve it. Otherwise, see if you can get around it. If you still can't, then you should see if there is anything wrong with your martial arts skills. .

As long as you have such ability, nothing can stop you in the martial arts.

This ability requires Lu Hu to continuously deepen his understanding and thinking about these most basic powers.

After the visualization method was fed back to the body, Lu Hu's black tiger pile was further strengthened. He could stand for a longer time, and his energy was accumulated to move faster, and the speed of the visualization outline also accelerated.

A positive feedback system has been established.

"The body nutrients needed to increase strength have not decreased. The reason why I can accelerate overtime is because breathing improves the efficiency of pile work. I used to stand on the most basic dead pile, but now it has become a living pile!

The reason why this concept is not mentioned in the boxing charts is because everyone's specific situation is different, and they have their own rhythm and rhythm, which can only be obtained by visualizing it first.

For those who know it, there is no need to teach it, and the practice will come naturally. For those who don't know it, even if it is taught, there is no way to teach it. "

As the saying goes, if you are afraid of the infinite truth, you will be happy every inch you advance.

After Lu Hu realized this truth, he immediately felt that his understanding of martial arts had deepened to another level!

Today’s harvest has been huge.

Lu Hu was already satisfied and felt that time was almost up.

Then he went back to the house to rest.

After he started to practice the visualization method, he felt extremely exhausted mentally. As soon as his head hit the bed, he immediately fell asleep.


Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck from the sky, followed immediately by heavy rain.

The weather has entered autumn, and it is rare to have such heavy rain.

The sound of rain made Lu Hu sleep even more soundly.

It also covers up the subtle footsteps in the dark night!


Another bolt of lightning streaked across the night sky, instantly lighting up Lu Hu's room.

It also reflected the reflection of a human figure in the room, reflected on Lu Hu's face!

The dark shadow that suddenly appeared in the room moved its footsteps and silently came to Lu Hu's bedside like a ghost.

Staring at Lu Hu's face quietly, seeing his breathing evenly and his body naturally relaxing, he knew that the smoke had worked.

But he still took out a black elixir from his pocket, pinched Lu Hu's mouth, and stuffed it directly into it.

With the double dose of medicine, even if Lu Hu is really a big tiger, he will never wake up before noon tomorrow.

After doing all this, the black shadow carried Lu Hu on his shoulders and came to the courtyard. With a little step, he carried a 1.8-meter-long man directly over the high wall.

Then the figure flashed, smashed through the rain curtain, and disappeared into the darkness.

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