In fact, it has been difficult for Lu Hu to understand the role of palm skills in actual combat.

Although he had already fought against someone who practiced the Powerful Palm before, the palm struck by a giant ax with the shoulder and elbow was indeed quite powerful.

But he felt that he could do the same with a fist. Wouldn't the power of a punch be greater than that of a palm?

When Lu Hu started practicing the powerful palm, he finally gave himself a satisfactory explanation.

As the moves of Dali Palm became smoother on him, he discovered that with the same force, the force exerted by the palm was 20% greater than that of the fist.

The reason is also very simple. The end of the force exerted by the powerful palm is at the heel of the palm. The heel joint is one less than that of the fist, so the damage caused by the force transmission will be less. It is a bit like stabbing directly with the wrist joint.

And even though the contact surface of the palm is much larger than that of the fist, the area of ​​the heel of the palm where the force is actually used to hit people is much smaller than that of the fist, and the striking effect is also more prominent.

When the two are added together, the palm power is naturally much greater than the fist power.

"So this is how the powerful palm came about!"

Lu Hu was thinking about it in his mind while using his palm skills.

"In the palm chart, there are a total of five moves, split, tease, horizontal, bump, and flip. Just like the Black Tiger Fist, the first four moves are simple. The last flip is the real essence of Dali Palm."

Lu Hu reached the last position, took a big step forward, twisted his waist, raised his shoulders, and extended his elbows.

When his arm stretched out, he straightened his wrist and slapped it hard.


All that could be heard in the air was the faint sound of breaking wind. He had not yet mastered his kung fu skills, and the last move of the powerful palm failed to be successfully executed.

"The last move is the powerful palm, which is flipped first and then struck. It should be a technique that involves cutting and striking at the same time!"

After Lu Hu stood still, he began to make slow motion gestures in the air with his hands.

"Suppose the opponent punched me, I should have made contact with the top of his fist with the back of my hand, then instantly turned my palm, pushed the fist away, and then smashed my head with a palm!"

He imagined the actual battle in his mind.

"Defense and counterattack, strike after strike, final decision, strong palm, the name is casual and simple, but this palm technique is not overbearing!"

After Lu Hu's practice, he discovered that this powerful palm requires extremely high physical fitness of the user, such as this last move.

First of all, the technique is required, and the timing of turning the palms must be extremely precise. Half a second earlier or half a second slower will not achieve the effect, but you will be injured.

Then the explosive power must be strong, and you must be able to exert force instantly to push away the opponent's punch.

In the end, the palm force must be strong, ensuring that one hit can kill the opponent.

The prerequisite requirements are far higher than the Black Tiger's Heart Removal. Only when the three conditions are combined can this powerful palm be truly unleashed.

But correspondingly, the power is greater than that of a black tiger pulling out the heart.

Lu Hu compared it in his mind, if two people with the same conditions used Dacheng level Black Tiger Fist and Powerful Palm respectively.

Then the result must be a big victory!

However, when the martial arts level drops to proficiency or even minor success, the one who survives is Black Tiger Fist.

In the words of the previous life, Dali Palm is in the later stage, while Black Tiger Fist is in the early to middle stage.

The former is domineering, the latter is fierce.

Black Tiger Fist is good at group fights, and Dali Palm is good at single combat.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

After Lu Hu figured out Dali Palm, he was very happy. With Dali Palm's supplement to his martial arts, he could greatly improve his combat power and enrich his fighting methods in the same realm.

Black Tiger Fist has reached its peak, and it will be difficult to achieve perfection in a short period of time. Lu Hu simply devoted all his time in practicing boxing to the practice of Dali Palm.

The next day, Li Shan came to take away the exercises.

Lu Hu took the opportunity to chat for a few words and asked questions that he had not yet figured out while practicing the powerful palm.

"Brother Li Shan, I always feel a sense of stagnation when I use the last move of my powerful palm. Can brother Li Shan teach me?"

"The skill is not enough, the heat is not enough, practice slowly!" Li Shan took the skill, said it and left.

Lu Hu was a little speechless. In Li Shan's eyes, he had just reached the edge of the muscle training period, and he would naturally be somewhat incapable of practicing the powerful palm, so his answer was not considered casual and perfunctory.

"This is a small price to pay for hiding your strength."

Lu Hu thought in his mind, "It seems that I can only find the cause and solve it myself!"

time flies!

In the following days, as Lu Hu invested a lot of time, Dali Palm steadily progressed from beginner to proficient.

The last powerful palm move can also be executed successfully, but the feeling of difficulty in exerting force cannot be eliminated.

"What went wrong?"

Lu Hu began to use the method of practicing Black Tiger Fist, also slowing down the speed and carefully feeling the trajectory of his own force.

After beating it more than thirty times in a row, he learned more about Dali Palm and finally discovered the crux of the problem!

"After turning your palms, don't use the heel of your palm to exert force, but the whole palm!"

After he made some slight adjustments to the way he exerted force, he slapped it again, and the effect immediately became much better.

But it's still not enough.

Lu Hu simply stopped, looked at his palms, and fell into deep thought.

"It's still the same problem. There is no need to exert force with the heel of the palm. The entire palm area is too large, the force is dispersed, and the effect cannot be produced! There must be one detail that has not been done!"

I once said when I was practicing martial arts in my previous life, if you truly teach one sentence, you will falsely teach thousands of books.

If Lu Hu had been taught by someone, he would not have been blocked from Xiao Cheng's door now with just one word.

Now he can only try slowly and find the sentence with great pains.

I thought about it for a long time, but I had no clue. Instead, I felt sulky.

Lu Hu simply didn't want to think about it, and instead started playing Black Tiger Fist to let go of his sullen anger.

Once the Black Tiger Fist is used, it is extremely smooth and smooth, and the force can be moved faster and slower according to Lu Hu's wishes.

Now he is enjoying Black Tiger Boxing.

At this time, Lu Hu suddenly changed from slow to fast. He wanted to see how far he could reach the fastest.

As he exerted all his strength, fist winds roared in the courtyard, and his body became red and hot visibly to the naked eye.

White air spurted out between the mouth and nose, and the suffocating air generated by the vigorous palm slowly dissipated in the hearty punches.

Black Tiger takes out his heart!

Lu Hu's belly bulged, he took in half a breath, and let out the last suffocation in his chest with a low roar!


Amidst the roar of the tiger, a tiger claw entangled with black evil energy stabbed out fiercely.

Beads of sweat as big as soybeans slid down his cheeks and hit the ground beneath his feet.

Lu Hu, however, did not retract his claws, but stared intently at the back of his hand.

As his muscle training increased day by day, the five tendons on the back of his hands bulged high and looked extremely ferocious.

"By the way, it's Tetsuji!"

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