The little girl who sold the bomb died too quickly, and Chen Bing had no power to fight back. Peerless Fenghua couldn't help but wonder if Chen Bing had killed a fake.

As far as her performance is concerned, even the experienced players are not as good as the famous bomb maniac.

But it wasn't that Chen Bing helped her in the end, and she was almost killed by the bomb. Peerless Fenghua knew that what Chen Bing killed was the little girl who sold bombs.

The little girl selling bombs is real, so the problem lies with Chen Bing.

I just have a piece of equipment on me to restrain her.

Chen Bing smiled and showed Peerless Fenghua an attribute on Lowell's long sword.

[Lowell's Majesty: Within the range of Lowell City, when attacking a criminal with this sword, the criminal's all attributes are reduced by 30%, and the user's defense ability is increased by 20%]

As a dark-gold weapon, the attributes of Lowell's long sword can only be said to be average. This attribute, which looks like a fork, is actually tasteless in Chen Bing's opinion.

The law and order in Lowell City is very good, players do not have holes in their heads and will not commit crimes in the city.

Moreover, in the evolution island game, it is legal for players to kill people, and there is no PK value. Even if you kill people in the city, as long as you are not caught by the guards, you will be fine.

The criminal mentioned in the skill attribute, Chen Bing understood as someone wanted by Lowell City.

The little girl who sold the bombs was fine before exploding and killing people in the port. Chen Bingben believed that even if she made a killing in the music hall, at most she would be wanted later. Will not find peerless elegance to join forces.

But after the actual explosion, Chen Bing saw that the little girl selling the bomb radiated a faint red light that no one else had. Chen Bing knew that the definition of criminal was different from his understanding.

Under the influence of Lowell's majesty, one decrease and one increase, the attributes of the little girl selling bombs and Chen Bing were 50% worse, how could they be Chen Bing's opponent again.


The bomber was killed.

At the same time that the little girl who sold the bomb was killed by Chen Bing, in a building of the City Lord's Palace, several players noticed it for the first time.

Lie Wolf, White Night, Glass Slag, Face Pickup, each of them is well-known among senior players, and no matter who it is, they never imagined that these people would gather and appear in such a novice game.

That guy is careless. I told her earlier that being too arrogant and self-confident will suffer. But what that guy has to do is almost the same. It's not much more than her, and it's not a lot to lose her. Lie Wolf said lightly , he feels like a quiet scholar.

What's wrong with the fox, there can be no problem with her. She said carelessly.

It's okay, I have brought Rudolph to see the city lord Losien, and it is estimated that we will be able to negotiate soon. Glass Slag glanced at the news just received.

While they were talking, two uninvited guests came to the room of the city lord Lothien.

Rudolph, what do you mean?

The city lord Lothien was still very young, only in his early forties, while Rudolph was an old man in his sixties or seventies.

Beside Rudolph, stood a tall and beautiful player with black long hair. She was the fox in those people's mouths, and the character name was Moon Shadow Fox.

Lothian City Lord, I came to borrow the Dawning from you on purpose! Rudolph said solemnly.

Rudolph, do you know what you're talking about? The Dawn is related to the prosperity of Lowell City. How could it be used by you privately!

Lothien looked at Rudolph coldly.

The Dawn is a giant ship built with materials from Lowell City. All kinds of daily necessities and commodities needed in the city are all brought back from land and ocean by the Dawn. The specialties of Lowell City also need the Dawn. shipped out.

Since the Dawn was built, except for daily maintenance, there has been no idle day, and it was lent to Rudolf for use.

That is absolutely impossible.

Lord Rudolph, don't waste your time. If you don't point it directly, the Lord of Losien will not understand. Moon Shadow Fox urged behind Rudolph.

Who are you? City Lord Losien looked at the moon shadow fox with electric eyes.

Me, just an ordinary adventurer, you can pretend that I don't exist, Lord Lothien. Moon Shadow Fox smiled.

When the two were talking, Rudolph also made up his mind.

Lothian City Lord, please take a look at this.

Rudolph swiped his hand, and a scene appeared in the room.

The background of the image is a sewer, and in the dark sewer, a large group of creatures like monsters are wandering back and forth.

Mutant monster, Rudolph, are you a wizard?

Lord Losien's eyes turned cold, full of murderous intent.

Cough, I borrowed a boat from you, the city lord, just to transport these monsters and puppets kept underground. If you don't agree with the city lord, they will probably run wild and rush to the ground. Rudolph said in a low voice.

Lord Rudolph, please, don't you guys have also developed an easily spreadable potion that can make people die and mutate? Lothien City mainly refuses to accept it. You will still use that potion to make most of the residents of Lowell City. , all mutated and died.

Moon Shadow Fox added impatiently, this NPC is too ink.

You... if you give you the boat, you won't take action against Lowell City.

Lord Losien was furious, but he took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and asked.

Of course, taking action against Lowell City is not good for us.

Before Rudolph could say anything, the Moon Shadow Fox rushed to answer.


A lot of equipment, don't you want it?

More than 1,000 people have died in the Music Hall, and most of them are rich players. After Chen Bing answered the peerless elegance, he started busy cleaning the battlefield.

This is another big rhythm.

However, the peerless elegance did not move.

If you didn't help me block so much damage, I've been bombed to death, so I won't rob you. Peerless Fenghua shook his head.

Tsk, you're so polite. With so much equipment, I can't pick it up all by myself. If you're embarrassed, if you find something suitable for me, just give it to me.

Alright. When Peerless Fenghua heard Chen Bing's words, he was no longer hypocritical, and began to quickly pack up the equipment in the hall.

Hurry up, it is estimated that someone will come soon, and run away before someone comes.

Chen Bing urged that although it might not be big, he didn't want to be a scapegoat.

Okay... Hey, my subordinate sent a message that the NPCs in Lowell City started to make strange movements. At this time, would it be a bit too coincidental?

Peerless Fenghua nodded, and then she cried out in surprise.

Is there any change in the npc?

Chen Bing thought about it, he remembered the big action of the Wizarding Union mentioned by Coria.

Could this have something to do with the Wizarding League?

Without picking up equipment, Chen Bing summoned a little gray mouse.

This is the mutant mouse he borrowed from Popa to track Coria.

The mutant mouse moved its nose, squeaked a few times in the direction of the port, and then quickly ran out of the music hall.

Coria is in the direction of the port? If there is a situation, I will go first.

Chen Bing didn't care about picking out equipment, he greeted Peerless Fenghua and hurriedly chased the mutant mouse.

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