There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 152 Berserk Form

A huge flaming meteorite fell from the sky and was about to fall from their heads!

Defend! Quickly defend!

Kuna yelled hastily.

Kuna was no longer in the mood to admire the ice crystal banshee in front of her. If they were not careful, they would be directly smashed to death by this flaming meteorite!

A large number of skills and scrolls flashed wildly, and everyone in the Bergamot Guild used all available defensive methods at this moment.


The flaming meteorite fell down, causing nearly 5,000 damage on the heads of Kuna and the others.

They defended in advance, they were not instantly killed, but they were also knocked out of most of their health.

Attack them all, subdue her! Kuna was overjoyed that she was not killed, and hurriedly shouted.

None of these attacks could kill them. They attacked with all their strength, and they were able to subdue the Ice Crystal Banshee before she showed her power again!

The light of skills and magic scrolls flashed one by one, and the health of Kuna and others recovered rapidly.

The most powerful thing about the Bergamot Guild is its recovery ability. As long as they can't kill them immediately, they can consume each other life and death.

The bergamot guild became famous in India because of their strong vitality like Xiaoqiang.

A big move of the Ice Crystal Banshee failed to kill them, so Kuna gained confidence and wanted to catch the Ice Crystal Banshee.

He is determined to win this ice crystal banshee!

It's a pity not to get the Saintess of Glazed Glass, but he is not short of money for such things as Saintess, and he will be able to get them sooner or later, and such an ice crystal banshee is rare.

While Kuna and the others were defending, the Glazed Maiden ran back behind the Ice Crystal Banshee. When the Bergamot Guild resumed, the Ice Crystal Banshee pointed her finger, and a burst of ice rain, ice balls and other attacks enveloped Kuna and the others one after another.

Although Kuna and the others had strong resilience, their HP still dropped rapidly under the attack of the Ice Crystal Banshee. If they continued to resist head-on, they would be killed soon.

Use the rain of life!

Kuna gritted his teeth and shouted.

Beside him, a mage player immediately took out a green magic scroll with a holy light,

This is the legendary recovery scroll, Rain of Life!

The rain of life has a strong recovery ability. There is a legend in the game that as long as it is not killed in seconds, the rain of life can make people immortal.

This is indeed the case, the rain of life is a scroll that allows the player to be almost immortal for 30 seconds, not only that, but the rain of life can also cause a lot of damage to the enemy.

In the homeland game, the scrolls of Rain of Life are extremely rare and expensive. The only drawback is that the range of Rain of Life is not too huge, only a radius of 25 meters.

But enough for Kuna et al.


The scroll was crushed, and a stream of green raindrops fell from the sky with the wind, moistening the ground below.

The health of Kuna and others recovered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The Ice Crystal Banshee's health dropped rapidly under the rain of life and the attacks of the members of the Buddha's Hand Guild.

Even using the Rain of Life scroll, Kuna is determined to subdue the Ice Crystal Banshee, and as for the general attack scroll, it goes without saying.

Kuna has such a small goal, he is not afraid of waste at all, just spend money to buy it after using it!

As long as you can catch this ice crystal banshee, everything is worth it.

Under the shroud of the rain of life, the Ice Crystal Banshee's attack was useless and failed to cause a fatal attack on Kuna and others.

Seeing this, the Ice Crystal Banshee simply floated quietly in mid-air, allowing Kuna to lead the bergamot guild to attack.

Behind the Ice Crystal Banshee, the Glazed Maiden looked at the Ice Crystal Banshee worriedly.

This ice crystal banshee should be very powerful, but the group of adventurers in front of her seems to be stronger.

If the Ice Banshee loses to these adventurers, she will be dangerous too.

Hit, hit me hard!

Seeing this, Kuna was overjoyed and shouted loudly.

He has come into contact with many bosses and monsters. When some monsters cannot cause effective damage to the player, they will judge that the attack is invalid and suspend the attack.

The Ice Crystal Banshee may have made such a judgment, so he must subdue the Ice Crystal Banshee before the rain of life stops!

The health of the Ice Crystal Banshee dropped rapidly, 70%...50%...40%...30%...

Kuna squeezed the contract scroll in his backpack, and if he lost 20% of his health, he could use the scroll to force a contract!


Master Kuna, be careful!

When Kuna was full of expectations, Summitt exclaimed fiercely.

Kuna raised his head hurriedly, and then saw that the form of the ice crystal banshee suddenly changed drastically at this time!

After the health value dropped to 30%, the Ice Crystal Banshee's face was icy cold, and her long hair of ice crystals fluttered like a wild wind. Around her body, a wind and snow spun around her rapidly, and the wings behind her turned into six. A piece of ice wing slowly rotated around her.


The Ice Crystal Banshee opened her mouth, and a low and crisp singing sounded, and Kuna and others suddenly felt their bodies sink.

chi chi chi...

At the same time as the singing sounded, the six ice wings turned into daggers that continued to rotate, and blasted towards Kuna and the others.

Bing Wing's attack speed was very fast, while Kuna's and others' movements became much slower, making it impossible to dodge at all.

bang bang bang...

After the ice wing hits a person, it will explode, causing great damage to the target and people around.

Under the shroud of Rain of Life, a single attack of Ice Wing cannot instantly kill Kuna and the others, but if the Ice Wing attacks one after another, the first attack can survive, and the second attack can kill even the Rain of Life. It can't be saved.

Kuna was undoubtedly being targeted. Before he could figure out what was going on, he fell to the ground with the surrounding members, and things exploded on the ground.

After the ice wing attack explodes, it will condense again around the ice crystal banshee and launch another attack.

Attack! Attack quickly! Kill her!

Kuna was killed, but the remaining health of the Ice Crystal Banshee was only 30%, and the members of the Bergamot Guild naturally wouldn't run away in fright.

Kuna had a lot of important equipment and props on him, and a lot of them must have fallen out after his death. They had to take them back, so that they could explain to Kuna and get rewards.

They thought so, but they soon discovered that the ice wing attack that even Kuna could almost instantly kill was too powerful, and only Kuna's equipment could not be instantly killed. The Rain of Life didn't help either.

Withdraw! We can't continue to die!

After three or four hundred people wanted to rush forward and were all killed by the ice wings, the remaining Indian players knew that they were afraid, so they stopped attacking, stopped abruptly, and fled in all directions.

The Ice Crystal Banshee chased them out and killed some people. Seeing that those people fled in all directions, they stopped chasing and killing them.

I lost, I will follow you as promised, and help you deal with those adventurers.

The Ice Crystal Banshee returned to the temple, and the Glazed Maiden came up and said with a slight sigh.

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