There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 141 The Boss Comes Again!

Using external conditions and the environment, the most direct way is to use some large-scale magic circles or traps to deal with players, but such things generally do not exist in low-level areas. Even if they exist, Chen Bing cannot find them easily. Or, even if it can be found, unless people can continuously step in and die, the number of players that can be killed is still extremely limited.

In addition to these, in the water city, creating floods is also a way.

After Chen Bing thought of this possibility, he immediately conducted a lot of surveys on the land of Shuicheng, and found that these lands had indeed been flooded. After he sneaked to Shuicheng to have a look, Chen Bing confirmed that the flood was indeed the cause of the flood. exist.

After spending two nights, Chen Bing found an abandoned large dam in the upper reaches of the Shuicheng River.

The dam also has signs of being flooded. It seems that the dam was submerged by floods when it was still working. Finally, the water from the dam was released all at once, causing the downstream water city to be flooded.

After being flooded that time, it seems that Shuicheng was also afraid of being flooded, so the dam was simply abandoned and no longer stored water, so that although a large number of lakes and rivers appeared around Shuicheng, there was no need to worry about being flooded. .

After Chen Bing got this information, he wanted to make the dam work again, keep the water stored, and artificially create floods.

The dam is a good leveling place for players in Water City, but the inside of the dam is like a maze, especially the bottom of the dam, there are a lot of undercurrent traps.

These undercurrent traps are difficult to identify and will change at any time. Once the player is triggered and trapped, they will be pulled into the machinery at the bottom of the dam and stuck and unable to get out. No matter how high the level is, there is only one dead end.

When Chen Bing went to investigate the dam, he could see many players on the top of the dam, but there were almost no players at the bottom of the dam.

The reason is not difficult to speculate, although many players want to explore the bottom of the dam, but because of those undercurrent vortices, it is easy to cause heavy losses to the team.

When most of the area has been explored and there is no high harvest, no one wants to waste too much effort on the bottom of the dam.

Chen Bing turned into a water demon boss, standing in the same camp as the monsters, which was a fatal undercurrent vortex to players, but Chen Bing could tell it with the naked eye, and could easily pass through the undercurrent vortex.

And witnessing the undercurrent vortexes everywhere, Chen Bing knew that it would be bad or bad for players to explore the bottom of the dam.

In such a place, it is reasonable to hide top-quality treasures. When Chen Bing shuttled through the undercurrent vortex, he wondered if any player took the treasure.

Chen Bing is the agency who came to the bottom of the dam to find the dam.

Not looking for treasure.

But inadvertently, Chen Bing discovered not only the mechanism controlling the dam, but also an ancient treasure chest sunken at the bottom of the water in a remote place at the bottom of the dam.

Of course Chen Bing wanted to open it, but there was a level 30 boss guarding it.

The boss is just a few levels higher than Chen Bing's water demon, so it's not impossible to fight, but Chen Bing found out in pain that the boss is a giant thunder snake, which mainly uses magic attacks, and the attack is still thunder attribute. Not to mention the attribute restraint, every time he hits him, he will also fall into a short-term paralysis state.

After Chen Bing fought the Razer Boss for a while, he knew that he wanted to kill the Razer Boss at the bottom of the dam, which was absolutely impossible.

The only way, Chen Bing can only wait until he reaches level 30, his water monster boss form evolves again, and at the same time he acquires stronger skills.

It takes a little longer to upgrade from level 20 to level 30, but there is no way to do it. After reaching level 30, we will use dams to cause floods, and then we will do a lot of killing and upgrade a few more levels. It's the same.

Or, you can use the power of the Valkyrie and the others...

Chen Bing was swimming at the bottom of the water when he suddenly thought of it.

At his level, he couldn't kill the Razer Boss, but if the Valkyrie and the others did it, it would be much easier.

The only thing he has to do is to bring the Valkyries and the others to the Razer BOSS of the dam.

Thinking of this, Chen Bing turned around and swam back to the oasis where the Valkyries and the others were.

On the oasis, Chen Bing was lost, and Valkyrie and others were about to leave.

Although they want to kill the water monster boss, but the boss is too alert, it is not easy to kill.

Continuing to stay here is not an option, the Valkyries and the others plan to go back and continue leveling, and are not going to get entangled with Chen Bing.

However, when Valkyrie was about to leave, she unexpectedly discovered that Peerless Fenghua also came to this oasis.

It's over. The Water Demon Boss is too vigilant and ran away just now. I advise you not to waste your time.

After the Valkyrie learned that Jue Dai Fenghua was also coming for the water demon boss, she shook her head to persuade.

As expected of the unique world BOSS, it seems that wanting to kill is still thinking too much.

Peerless Fenghua smiled, she was here to try her luck, and after seeing the situation, she couldn't help but feel a little pity after hearing what the Valkyrie said.

After all, she is the same as the Valkyrie, and it is impossible for her to spend too much time here watching the water monster boss appear, and she will give up if she can't kill it once.

With the lessons learned from the Valkyrie, she didn't even have to try.

The water monster boss is here again!

But at this moment, someone suddenly shouted excitedly.

Go and have a look.

The Valkyrie was a little surprised, she said to Jue Dai Fenghua.

The two of them led their teammates and rushed towards the place where the boss appeared.

Boss ran away again!

What does this boss mean?

By the oasis lake, a group of people on the water side frowned at the water monster boss on the water.

After the water demon boss appeared, he only attacked one person, and then fled away again before the crowd surrounded him.

But this time she didn't run away, she just watched from outside the attack range of the crowd.

The Valkyrie and Juedai Fenghua squeezed out from the crowd, and everyone was surprised to see that the water demon boss stretched out his slender arms and pointed at them.

The boss is pointing at us?

Peerless Fenghua asked the Valkyrie in surprise.

You all disperse.

The Valkyrie thought for a while, and said to the people around her.

Let's stand separately.

The surrounding members on the water side quickly dispersed, leaving only Valkyrie and Peerless Fenghua standing separately by the lake.

Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, the water monster boss on the lake pointed to Valkyrie and Peerless Fenghua respectively, and then pointed to the distance.

This water demon boss, is he going to take us somewhere?

Both Valkyrie and Peerless Fenghua roughly understood the meaning of the water demon boss's gesture.

Why did the BOSS find the two of them?

The eyes of both of them were full of doubts, especially Valkyrie, she had repeatedly thought of the eyes of the water monster boss who ran away when he saw her a while ago.

Follow me to see, or trigger some special event.

Peerless elegance has brought interest.

Judging from the news she received, the water demon boss had never done anything like this before.

No matter what the purpose of this water demon boss is, she will follow the past to take a look.

At least she had to figure out why the Water Demon Boss fell in love with her and the Valkyrie. ()

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