There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 78 The Great Change in Black Crow City

Black Raven City is brightly lit.

Merlin is also a wizard?

That's right, didn't you see that he was being besieged by guards?

Is this a special plot trigger? How do I accept the quest?

A large number of players gathered around and talked a lot.

Seeing that more and more people were coming around, Merlin knew that if this continued, he would only have a dead end.

Several smoke bombs were thrown by him.

The smoke filled the air, just like in the prison, and the guards who were surrounded by smoke collapsed to the ground one by one.

Hire adventurers, as long as you kill Merlin, you can get Merlin's property according to the credit!

Popa secretly thought that it was not good, but looking at the large group of adventurers, he was impatient.

Merlin's property?

He's the city lord!

Whether you can kill it or not, take the task first and then talk about it!

When the surrounding players heard it, their eyes brightened, and they rushed to Popa to take the quest.

If the mission is not completed, there will be no loss. If it is completed, it will be able to share Merlin's property.

Don't let Merlin run away!

The surroundings fainted, no one intercepted Merlin, and the players who took the quest were not all just thinking about waiting for the day to drop the pie.

When someone saw that Merlin was about to run away, they hurriedly hit him with a skill.

There are still many players who do this. After all, they use long-range attacks, so there is no need to worry about security issues.

Kill those players, don't let them make trouble!

On the clock tower of Black Crow City, Kaguya said coldly to Cobra beside him.

Rainbow of arrows!

Cobra didn't speak, he pulled his bow, and a large-scale skill enveloped the large group of players below.

Countless arrows rained down from the sky, and the damage of the cobra's attack was not something that ordinary players could handle. None of the players who were shrouded in the wind and arrows could get through.

Whose attack is too powerful!

Don't go there, that guy is helping Merlin!

Faced with such an astonishing attack, players have been discouraged.

Merlin thought that the opportunity had come, and dashed towards a dark alley to the side.


But a slime had been waiting there for a long time. As soon as Merlin approached, the slime roared and rushed towards Merlin.

Go away!

Merlin was furious, and a sleeping witchcraft was thrown at the slime.

In the face of this invisible attack, the brave slime was really hit, hit by sorcery, and fell into a deep sleep.

But at the moment when it fell asleep, a faint fireball flew over from a distance and hit it.

The brave slime woke up, it shouted angrily, and rushed towards Merlin again.

Merlin was immediately entangled.

found it!

When Chen Bing woke up the brave slime with the fireball scroll, he also found the hiding place of the cobra.

Although it is night, it is not difficult to find its hiding place.

This is Black Raven City, and the cobras need to be high enough to attack him.

As long as you pay a little attention to the direction of the arrow, and then look for a building high enough, you can lock on the target.

Clock tower!

With the release of the wind and arrows, Chen Bing determined that the cobra was on the bell tower, and he could vaguely see the figure of the cobra pulling a bow and shooting arrows.

Mutant Earth Dragon!

There must be someone guarding the clock tower. It would take too much time to kill them one by one. Chen Bing directly turned into his new level 20 monster form - a mutant earth dragon.

Mutated Earth Dragon is a monster like a giant snake, but compared to snakes, Mutated Earth Dragon is much stronger.

The body of the mutant earth dragon is made of hard scales, similar to those mechanical snakes in the movie, so the mutant earth dragon has a powerful ability to dig the ground.

Chen Bing used this ability. When the players of the Yellow Crane Tower attacked the prison, he dug a hole in the ground to Kelia's cell, swept away Kelia, and turned into Kelia himself again.

Wait for Merlin to come to the prison.

Except for the Cobra attack, everything was going according to Chen Bing's plan.

In the form of the mutant earth dragon, Chen Bing's body sang, and the huge body of the mutant earth dragon suddenly popped out dozens of meters away and came to the bottom of the bell tower.

Without going inside the bell tower, Chen Bing quickly wound up from the outer wall of the bell tower.

What it is?

What a huge fire snake!

The mutant earth dragon is a fire monster. Chen Bing circled the bell tower and went up. The mutant earth dragon's scales and joints burst into flames, which were very conspicuous in the night.

Grass! What is this!

The sudden appearance of such a behemoth, Cobra and Kaguya on the clock tower were not blind, so they naturally noticed it immediately.


But Chen Bing's speed was too fast. When they noticed, Chen Bing had already arrived at the clock tower.

The mutant earth dragon opened its mouth wide, and a huge flame sprayed into the clock tower.


However, before the two of them were caught in the flames, Kaguya turned into a bird man with wings. He grabbed the cobra and flew out from the other side of the clock tower, flying into the air, dodging Chen Bing's flame attack.

It's that guy's monster form!

Cobra recognized Chen Bing when he heard the sound.


But Chen Bing was not in the habit of talking nonsense. While Hui Ye flew into the air with the cobra, the mutant earth dragon opened his mouth wide, and then spewed out a huge fireball.

Kaguya took a person and the speed dropped dramatically.

The fireball came suddenly and hit him directly.


Although they tried their best, Kaguya and Cobra fell to the ground with a bang.

It is also a good thing that Kaguya is there, otherwise the cobra would fall to its death at that height.

At the same time as the two of them landed, the mutant earth dragon fell from the sky again and attacked.


Cobra's complexion changed greatly, and Chen Bing's power in the form of a mutant earth dragon was far beyond his imagination.

The cobra's thoughts moved, and without hesitation, it turned into a small snake. Before Chen Bing could kill him, he had his head drilled into the sewer below.

It's not time yet, let you be prestige for a while!

Hui Ye also decided to avoid his edge, and while Chen Bing was chasing the cobra first, he moved his wings and hid.

In the distance, after being dragged by the brave slime, Merlin was surrounded again.

He repeated his old tricks, but the surrounding guards were no longer fooled. As soon as the smoke bombs appeared, they held their breaths and walked away.

Popa is also constantly sending out tasks, and more and more players come to participate in the attack.

The player's level is low and the damage is not high, but the victory lies in the large number of people. If Merlin does not break through quickly, it is only a matter of time before he is killed.

Merlin knew better than anyone, but he knew better that normal means could not escape.

You forced me!

Merlin roared at the surrounding guards!

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

Everyone didn't know what he was doing, but a huge black crow that had long been hovering over Black Crow City threw a black glass bottle down from the air.


Before the black bottle fell to the ground, it shattered in mid-air, and a black liquid flowed out of it, scattering down in the air, exuding a strange smell.

The smell was accompanied by a light wind, and instantly spread throughout most of the Black Crow City.


I, what's wrong with me!

My hand! My head! Aaaah!

With the spread of the smell, the living residents of Black Crow City began to scream, their bodies began to mutate, their eyes turned red, and they lost their human consciousness.

They let out a roar like a wild beast and ran towards Merlin.

And it's not just ordinary residents who mutate. Most of the guards surrounding Merlin have also started to mutate, attacking the surrounding unmutated guards frantically.


Merlin, he actually performed witchcraft on so many residents of Black Raven City!

Popa felt that the world was crazy.

This is the wizard! Evil who are not allowed to exist!

Hahaha! What a surprise. I didn't expect this guy to be so mad. If I knew this, I wouldn't have to waste so much time doing all kinds of unnecessary preparations!

In the dark, Hui Ye saw the drastic changes in Black Crow City.

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