There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 76 Revenge

The ancient elf king... It's not easy to hear the name!

When he actually looked at the attributes, Chen Bing was even more shocked.

Super superb!

Orsina didn't lie to him, there was nothing more to his liking than this scroll!

This is an item passed down by the ancient elf king. If it wasn't you, if it was someone else, I would not open this treasure chest. Even if this scroll is useless to me, the ancient elf king's item itself has a different meaning to the elves. .

Orsina said softly, feeling a little sluggish.

To open these inheritance treasure chests, you need to use the power of the elves according to the inheritance. Orsina has just received the inheritance and has not had time to cultivate and absorb, and the power of the elves is still very weak.

Chen Bing immediately understood that other players, like him, had completed the task of rescuing Orsina, but they could not get the ancient elf king's prayer scroll.

In short, he made a lot of money!

Thank you, Orshina, this scroll is very useful to me. Also, are you all right?

Chen Bing thanked him, put away the scroll, and at the same time asked Oshina a little worried.

It's alright, as long as you like it.

Orsina nodded, her fingers flashed again, and she opened the other two treasure chests.

There was an ancient staff in the second treasure chest, Osina took it in her hand, and her eyes shone slightly.

The third treasure chest is not equipped, instead it is filled with a lot of gold coins and some book props and other items.

After the three treasure chests were opened, Orsina sat down on the ground with a pale face.

What's wrong. Chen Bing walked over quickly.

It's not a big deal. It's just too much power consumption in a short period of time. You can recover after an hour or two of rest. Let's leave as soon as possible. I'm worried that Merlin will send someone over again soon.

Orsina shook her head, she tried to stand up, but her body was limp and could not use any strength.

I can't walk, you carry me.

Osina looked at Chen Bing and said with a wink.


You do not want it?

Of course not, I'll carry you!

This is a great opportunity to gain goodwill, Osina is a beautiful woman, of course Chen Bing will not be reluctant.

He bent over, Orsina lay down on his back, Chen Bing held Orsina's thigh with his palm, carried her on his back and left.

But after a few steps, Chen Bing felt inappropriate.

With every step he took, Orsina's proud twin peaks rubbed against his back.

Although the clothes are separated, this feeling is too tempting and criminal.

And his hands were also placed under Orsina's thighs, which felt quite subtle.

If it goes on like this, he might really do something inappropriate to Orsina.

But after taking another two steps, Chen Bing found that Orsina was actually sleeping on his back.

Damn, why is this feeling of being a father getting stronger and stronger!

Chen Bing smiled wryly, his mood was complicated, and the little evil thoughts he had towards Orsina instantly dissipated.


After killing so many level 25 guards, the evolutionary energy almost reached level 19. Find a high-level elite to kill, and raise to level 19. You will have more control over that old guy Merlin.

Under a big tree, Orsina lay quietly in the shade and fell asleep, Chen Bing, the brave slime and the shadow of slime killed monsters not far away.

While killing monsters, Chen Bing pondered.

His goal is not only to rise to level 19, Chen Bing intends to rise to level 20 in one day, and then absorb and evolve a new monster form.

The giant slime has a strong form and is too inconvenient to use.

Under the shade of the tree, Orsina woke up leisurely, and after opening her jewel-like eyes, Orsina gradually became conscious.

A lot of things happened in a short period of time, but after all, she is not an ordinary weak woman who has experienced storms.

When she stood up, she was back to her usual appearance.

Oshina, are there any particularly powerful monsters on this island.

When Chen Bing saw that Osina was awake, he immediately asked.

Yes, the powerful monsters on Treasure Box Island are all underground, especially those giant earth dragons, which are the great enemies of the Treasure Box family and are powerful.

Osina thought for a while.

Can you take me to find them! Chen Bing's eyes lit up.

Of course, come with me. Osina nodded and turned to lead the way.

Oshina, have you ever gone to seek revenge on Merlin?

Chen Bing followed.

Oshina is emotionally unstable, sometimes acting like a little girl, acting like a spoiled child, and sometimes back to normal, turning into a big blond sister.

Now is not a good time to take revenge, but if Orsina wants to take revenge, she has to do it before Coria escapes from prison, otherwise Merlin's identity will never be revealed again.

Yes, but my strength is too far from his, and now is not the time. Oshina shook her head.

I can help you!

Chen Bing took the initiative to recommend himself.

But I have nothing to pay you. The treasure chest clan has not been wiped out. Some of them just left the village and went to other islands. The contents of the two treasure chests must be kept in one of the treasure chests. Give them to them, the contents of the other treasure chest are useful to me, can't be given to you.

That Merlin is too hateful, I don't need compensation, and not only kill him, but expose his wizard status and ruin his reputation!

Chen Bing said righteously, so much that he almost believed it himself.

This is a great opportunity to gain goodwill. If you don't get paid, the goodwill is not a swish increase!




Brother Bra, what's the matter with me?

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Bing contacted Daqingshan.

I have a mission, and I want you to find someone in the Yellow Crane Tower to attack the prison in Black Crow City. There are about 10 people, you don't need to do much, just try to delay the time when attacking the prison, is the cost of 50,000 enough? ?

Chen Bing was rude and explained his intention directly.

There are more, just attack the prison, don't kill the guards, and lock it up for two or three days at most, there won't be much loss.

Daqingshan replied.

Then I'll trouble you. Find someone first, and then let them attack at my command.

no problem!


After finding Daqingshan for help, Chen Bing went to find Popa.

You go! I don't want to see you, I'll be fine if you come early!

How can Popa see Chen Bing, like seeing a ghost, just want to drive him away.

Master Popa, is this really good? I came to you for your own good! I won't go around in circles with you anymore. To tell you the truth, Merlin is also a wizard.

What? Impossible, you must have made a mistake! Coria wanted to kill him last night!

Chen Bing revealed Merlin's identity as a wizard, Popa was shocked and shook his head violently.

That's just a show. Coria knows Merlin best. If she really wants to kill Merlin, the first one to kill is him, not you, who are not at all threatening. After Merlin came, she immediately became suspicious. Coria, if he wants to stop Coria, he can actually do it in the first place.

But it turned out that Coria was killing Morman and the others, killing all those who could doubt Merlin's identity. Merlin shot, leaving you as the only witness. Although you are unreliable, you are in the dark In the city, your words still carry a lot of weight, and people will believe your words, which is why you survived.

Chen Bing said leisurely, Popa didn't listen to it. As soon as he heard Chen Bing's words, he felt that what happened last night was as Chen Bing said, and there were many doubts.

It's actually very simple to prove whether it's true or not. You should gather the reputable people in the city now, go to Merlin with them, and say that you have received news that Coria's wizard companions are preparing for prison. Just in case, you ask for advance notice. Kill Coria.

Merlin will definitely postpone it on the excuse that it is too late to wait today, and the execution time will most likely be at noon tomorrow.


I understand your concerns, but it's too urgent to execute today. In order to avoid future troubles, I need to ask Coria if she has other wizard companions in Black Rook City, and the wizard books she hides are also We must destroy them all. And the guards of Black Raven City are not weak, if there are wizards who dare to come to rob the prison, then let them go back and forth!

Merlin shook his head and did not agree with Popa and others' proposal.

Report! Lord City Lord, just now a group of adventurers attacked the prison crazily!

At this moment, a guard hurried in to report.

Adventurer? Merlin was stunned.

Yes, but they have all been subdued, and the wizard Coria is fine. The guard nodded.

City Lord Merlin, you see, even adventurers have taken action, and now there are only a few. If Kolia's companions invite more adventurers to take action, the situation will be difficult to say!

Yes, those adventurers are not afraid of death!

City Lord, don't delay any longer! If the wizard escapes, how will the residents of Black Crow City live in peace in the future?

When Popa brought several people listening to it, they couldn't bear it any longer, and they all hurriedly said.

I understand, but the execution of the wizard is not a trivial matter. According to the custom, the execution should be carried out at twelve o'clock at noon. Well, you go and inform the residents of Black Raven City that the wizard Coria will be executed in the square at noon tomorrow!

Merlin frowned and was forced to speak.


How could an adventurer attack a prison?

And Bardock and the others, they went to hunt down that woman, why haven't they come back, is there an accident?

Popa and the others left, Merlin stood up and looked out the window with his hands behind his back, vaguely feeling that things seemed to be developing in a direction that he couldn't control.


Black Raven City Prison.

Humph! These adventurers are really courting death, and only a few people dare to attack the prison!

Don't talk about them, did you feel the ground seems to be shaking a little just now?

Shock? Are you drinking too much!

No? That's my misunderstanding.

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