There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 89 Seeds

Black water bubbles float gently on the ground, and the shiny black translucent spherical surface reflects the sun's rays.

Through the translucent blisters, one can see that there are things like seeds soaked in the blisters.

Are there plant seeds in the blister?

Chen Bing observed again and again to confirm that he was not mistaken.

Seeds are soaked in the blisters, which is a strange scene, but the seeds inside must be rare things.

Chen Bing has the skill of a botanist. When he sees a rare seed, he will naturally not let it go.

After looking around, Chen Bing approached the black blister.

There are only some piranha monsters around the blister, and Chen Bing wants to kill them, so getting close to the blister is not a problem.

Soon, several piranha monsters were shot and killed by Chen Bing.

And when Chen Bing was about to kill the last piranha monster, a team of players rushed over in the distance.

Sure enough, someone has been following.

Chen Bing noticed the person coming at the first time, and he stopped to kill the cannibal flowers.

He had already noticed that someone was following him from afar, and wanted to see what plans these people had been following him.

When the six-person team was tens of meters away from Chen Bing, five of them stopped and stopped moving forward, and only one person walked towards Chen Bing.

Master, give some dark gold equipment to use, or I will die with you!

The man came to Chen Bing and said to Chen Bing in a hoarse voice.

He obviously knew Chen Bing's identity, so he blackmailed him for some dark gold equipment.

Just because you want to die with me?

Chen Bing said in a low voice, he didn't expect that putting members of the Dynasty Guild in prison would not be able to stop the greed of some players.

It's definitely not your opponent to hit me, but unless you can kill me in seconds, I can perish with you if I burst that poisonous bubble! The poisonous gas of the poisonous bubble is different from the poisonous gas of the swamp. The poisonous gas, the damage is several times higher than the poisonous gas in the poisonous gas swamp, if the poisonous gas is released, you and I will only die, if you don't want to die, just hand over your equipment obediently!

The player threatened fiercely, while speaking, he had already drawn the bow and arrow in his hand.

As long as Chen Bing changes, he will attack the poisonous bubbles.

Toxic bubbles, these guys bought the potion and followed the Killing God. Sure enough, they have other plans, wanting to explode the Killing God's equipment.

The three of 36d also appeared not far away, 36d looked at the player confronting Chen Bing, and said tut-tsk.

This person is the team that just bought the poison gas immunity potion from the programmer. They thought it was too expensive and didn't want to buy it. Seeing that Chen Bing bought it in the poison gas swamp, they not only bought it, but also bought it for 30 minutes in one go. down the drain.

36d felt that there was something strange about this team at that time, followed up to have a look, and found that it was indeed the case.

Killing God is in danger. Once the poisonous bubble bursts, no one can survive. The ruler said.

What that person said was not a lie. The poisonous gas in the poisonous gas bubble is different from the poisonous gas in the poisonous gas swamp. The poisonous gas in the bubble is more domineering. After it is released, the poisonous gas will last for about three minutes. Drinking medicine desperately will only lead to death.

As for trying to escape with speed, it would only make him die faster.

The poison released by the highly poisonous bubbles will cause the player to be poisoned every time they take a step, and the toxin damage will accumulate rapidly. Unless there is an invincible skill, the gods will not be able to save them. The faster the speed, the faster the death.

Under normal circumstances, when the player is close to the highly toxic bubble, the system will prompt the player to ask if the player is sure to puncture the bubble and inform him of the danger.

Ordinary people, after being reminded, will not act rashly again. Even if they want to pierce to see what they can get, they will first run to a distance and use remote to break the bubble.

This player came out directly to blackmail Chen Bing for this reason.

Really, that really deserves your reminder.

Chen Bing nodded, then moved his bow and arrow, and shot it out. don't want to die!

Seeing Chen Bing's actions, the player uttered angrily, turned around and wanted to run away.

Chen Bing didn't attack him,

But highly toxic bubbles.

This player never dreamed that Chen Bing would commit suicide like this.

Once the poisonous bubble bursts, there must be a dead end, this guy is really looking for death!

The blackmailing player slandered endlessly. He stopped after taking two steps, knowing that he would definitely not be able to escape.

He couldn't run away, but there was a famous person buried with him. After his resurrection, he might get a large amount of gold coins. He simply turned around and wanted to see how Chen Bing died.

The highly poisonous balloon had burst, and a stream of red poisonous mist quickly flew out of it, spreading in all directions at a very fast speed.


The blackmailing players want to see how Chen Bing dies, and it would be good to see what he unleashed.

But when the red poisonous gas rushed, the player was shocked to find that Chen Bing's body changed rapidly, turning into a statue!

Red poisonous gas enveloped the statue, and dozens of injuries were only floating on the head of the statue.

The poisonous bubble burst. If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be the bubble that Killing God himself punctured?

In the distance, 36d watched this scene and couldn't help but make a sound.

It's not wrong, it was the killing god himself. That guy didn't even look at who he was blackmailing, how could he be blackmailed so easily.

The programmer snorted coldly.

Surrounded by these poisonous gases, he must be dead, but I feel that the killing god may not drop equipment. He has killed so many people, and it is not surprising that he has some special items that can prevent equipment from being dropped after death.

Ruler guessed.

Go, go over and have a look, what if something good is dropped, those guys can't be cheap! All the best things dropped are mine!

36d Clenched fist declaration.

Don't startle the snake, wait until the time is almost over.

Of course, Program Yuan and Ji Ji would not object. No one would think that he had too much top quality equipment. If Chen Bing was killed and dropped equipment, they would take it away without hesitation.

The highly toxic bubbles were broken, and the surrounding area was enveloped in thick blood-colored poisonous mist.

Chen Bing was in the center of the poisonous mist, and when he punctured the poisonous bubble, Chen Bing immediately used the petrification skill.

This is……

Chen Bing was just a few steps away from the poisonous bubble, and everything around him fell into his eyes.

A few seconds after the poisonous bubble burst, Chen Bing was surprised to see that the seeds in the poisonous bubble began to crazily absorb the surrounding poisonous gas, and entered a state of germination and growth.

These seeds have absorbed the poisonous swamp gas and the bloody poisonous gas at the same time! That's right, the statue is no longer harmed by the poison!

The surrounding bloody poisonous gas has become very thin, and most of it was absorbed by those seeds.

Undo petrification!

Chen Bing immediately released the petrification skill.

He wants to take these strange seeds, otherwise when they successfully germinate, the seeds will be useless.

In the blink of an eye in 5 seconds, Chen Bing regained his freedom. He drank a bottle of medicine to maintain his blood volume, and then stepped to the side of those seeds.

The number of seeds was 10, and Chen Bing picked all of them into his backpack. ...

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