There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 37 Shirley's Attack

This was an extremely long-distance attack. Under the darkening sky, Tut was shot before he could react.


Tut suddenly entered a frozen state and turned into an ice sculpture.


Tut's teammates who were still alive were shocked, but they couldn't do anything except panic and anger.

Before Tut's frozen state was lifted, a group of people from Cody surrounded him.

Haha, Tut, you too will fall into my hands one day!

Hope naturally followed Cody, he walked over grinningly, looked at Tut and laughed.

Tut was surrounded by Cody and the warring people, and had nowhere to go.

I'm here to kill him!

One of Hope's teammates licked their lips and smiled grimly.

Don't rush to do it, this guy is still useful.

But Cody's voice came over.

Cody, do you want me to be the bait? It's useless, he's not stupid, this isn't reality, this kind of threat won't work!

Tut's face sank, guessing Cody's plan.

Chen Bing let Tut go first a while ago, and Cody and the others undoubtedly heard about it and wanted to use him to deal with Chen Bing.

Who knows, I heard that Easterners are very affectionate.

Cody smiled kindly.

Spread out, don't crowd together, watch out for his sniper rifle attack!

Except for a group of people around Tut, the people in the war quickly dispersed under Raphael's order.

Knowing that Chen Bing has a magnetic storm sniper rifle, which can kill a large number of people, they can't stand together and become a target.

It's not good. I didn't expect that the people in the war would have such a trick to trap the Easterner. This is not the same as the plan.

On the wall in the distance, Shirley frowned and watched what happened in front of her.

According to her plan, before Chen Bing and Tut retreated in time, they collided with Cody and Raphael. The two sides had a big fight, and then she could take advantage of the chaos and make a move.

But she didn't expect that the people in the war had props that could stimulate the sacred tree, so Chen Bing was trapped by the sacred tree, and her plan fell through.

It's completely trapped, and it's not surprising to be killed in that cage. Cody is usually too cautious, and I can't find a chance to make a move. I don't have much time left. Now I can only It's a gamble.

Xue Li looked at Chen Bing who was trapped in the tree root cage again, frowned, and made a decision.

With a movement of her figure, she moved at an astonishingly fast speed like a cheetah, rushing towards Cody and the others.

Cody, the intruder is dead, he can't escape, don't keep Tut.

Near the sacred tree, Hope felt that there was no need to keep Tut.

In the tree root cage, the attack of the sacred tree was like a violent storm, and it was only a matter of time before the intruder was killed.

As long as they make up for Chen Bing when he is about to die, they can easily kill Chen Bing and get the reward of the wanted mission.

Hope, you are still too young. You can't be careless before the enemy's body is cold, especially for this kind of super player. You can't look at it with the eyes of ordinary people.

Cody shook his head with a smile, and said earnestly.

Really, how powerful can a mere Oriental be. Hope disagreed.

I'll go! You can dodge such an attack!

It's too strong, I feel like the Divine Tree can't kill him!

But after a while, Hope felt that he was wrong.

The sacred tree was attacking frantically, but Chen Bing, who was trapped in the cage, was not killed as he expected.

No matter how fierce the divine tree's attack was, when they thought they were dead, Chen Bing could barely dodge the attack, or was attacked, but there was still a little blood left, but he was not killed.

You know the difference between a real master player and an ordinary player.

Cody sighed, even he couldn't help feeling that the intruder was not so strong.

Ke, President Cody.

At this moment, a weak voice came from not far away.

Shirley, why are you here?

Cody turned his head, glanced at Shirley who was walking over weakly, and couldn't help frowning.

A player was killed. I picked a good thing. I was afraid that it would explode if I was killed. I want to give it to you, President Cody. I remember that you promised, President Cody, if you can get rare items in the game Items, you can get a lot of bonuses according to the rarity of the items, right?

Shirley asked Cody in a low voice.

Yes, I did say that. Show me what it is. Cody cheered up.

The so-called bonus is at most 20% of the items. If the items Shirley picks are really rare, he can easily make a fortune.

It's a contract-like magic scroll. After the contract is established, it can produce some kind of coercive effect.

Shirley took out an ancient magic scroll, and Cody's eyes lit up when he saw it.

His vision is not comparable to that of ordinary people, he can tell at a glance, this magic scroll is very rare!

And this is a compulsory contract scroll, which is very rare in the game.

Shirley handed over the magic scroll, and Cody reached out to take it, but he frowned, and Shirley didn't let go.

President Cody, you don't know what to say, don't you?

Shirley's blue eyes looked weakly at Cody.

How could it be? My credit is well known to everyone. Shirley, you don't have to worry. As long as the value of the scroll is confirmed, I will announce the reward to you in front of everyone. After the game is over, I will give you the reward as soon as possible. You settle the bill. So many people know, I will never count my words.

Cody smiled kindly.

Xue Li, that's enough, don't let go soon. Who is President Cody, how could he be greedy for a scroll from you!

Hope stood aside, scolding impatiently.

That's right, President Cody has so many good things on him, so he won't be greedy for a scroll from me.

Shirley smiled sweetly.


Then, this ancient magic scroll buzzed, burned, and turned into a black light.


The black light turned into a black noose, wrapping around Cody all of a sudden.


Cody was shocked, knowing that he had fallen into a trap.

He has rich experience and knows that this ancient scroll is probably not a magic scroll that can be activated casually, but has many conditions. He was careless just now, and when he talked with Xue Li, he might have gathered the conditions for the scroll to activate.

Such magic scrolls often have extremely powerful effects!


A cold light flashed, and a silver dagger appeared in Shirley's hand, stabbing Cody fiercely.

A light appeared on the silver dagger, covering Cody, and huge injuries appeared on Cody's head.


Cody fell to the ground.

No, nothing was dropped! This is...a substitute!

Shirley was not happy about it, Cody was killed, but she noticed something was wrong right away.

With a movement of her eyes, Shirley saw Cody's figure appearing a few meters away.

Do it all, kill her!

Cody yelled in panic.

Go! Kill the bitch!

Hope and the henchmen brought by Cody rushed towards Shirley.

Not good, the sacred tree seems to be killed by that person!

But at this moment, a horrified voice suddenly came over. ()

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