There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 20 Intermediary Slime

It felt very subtle, but after hearing Chen Bing's words, many people were moved.

The reason is very simple, they are here to mix up rewards, it would be better if they can fish in troubled waters and get a big prize.

But judging from the current situation, Chen Bing was not the intruder they imagined, who could be killed casually.

If you are not careful, even if the guards attack, they may not be able to kill Chen Bing. This intruder may not be able to beat the guards, but he can run. He is equipped with top-quality equipment. If he wants to run, the guards may really not be able to catch up.

If they couldn't kill Chen Bing, they would have wasted a lot of time.

Chen Bing sells equipment and props at a low price, and they buy them back, and they can make a lot of money by reselling them.

In the game Tree World, the drop rate of equipment and props is not high. The number of equipment and props that players can bring into the game is limited. The attributes will not be bad, and what you buy is what you earn.

If the price is really low, they can buy more and sell them back. Even if they don't get the mission rewards, they still make money.

Is there a more concealed way to trade?

In the crowd, someone quietly asked.

Many people were moved by their thoughts when they heard the words, knowing that the person who asked the question was moved, but they still had scruples.

Chen Bing was an intruder after all, and buying the equipment of his slain companion from Chen Bing's hands was to fuel the arrogance of the intruder, but anyone with a face would not want others to know that he was doing this.

Of course, you can change into ordinary clothes or night clothes, and cover your face to trade. I will not contact you personally, but let me, a pet, bring things to you. If you like what I sell For things, pay with one hand and deliver with one hand, this will also guarantee your safety.

Chen Bing smiled, pointed to the brave slime under his feet, and said.


When the brave slime saw everyone looking at it, he immediately roared mightily.

Seems to work!

After hearing Chen Bing's words, some players became even more excited.

Chen Bing's method seems very good to them, using pets to transfer,

Then even Chen Bing wouldn't know who bought his things, let alone worry about revealing their identities.

Next, I will sell the first piece of equipment. After I show the attributes of the equipment, I will attach the price. The time is limited. Those who are willing to buy it will come in and pay for the equipment. We will not bargain or talk about falsehood!

Okay, the first piece of equipment, Halle's great flaming sword, a level 40 dark gold equipment, because it is the first piece of equipment, I will give you a big discount, 5 gold coins, come in and take it if you like it!

Chen Bing didn't talk nonsense, he immediately took out a flaming giant sword, displayed his attributes in front of everyone, and gave his own price.

SHIT! Dark gold weapon! This weapon is worth at least 100 gold coins!

Crazy! Do we have 5 gold coins, buy that giant sword immediately!

Not to mention those players who were already tempted, even those players who originally despised Chen Bing and secretly scolded Chen Bing for being a despicable invader couldn't calm down after seeing the price of Haller's flaming sword.

For this giant sword, 100 gold coins are conservative. When the player reaches level 40, it is not uncommon for a few dozen gold coins to be added.

I want it!

None of the players changed their costumes, and directly held up a few gold coins, rushing into a path vacated by Elena.

What a pity, it was preempted!

Oh, if only our money were pooled together, or we'd be able to buy it!

There was a sound of regret.

5 gold coins to buy a top-quality weapon worth more than 100 gold coins, which is not much different from picking for nothing.


The brave slime threw his slime greatsword into its backpack, held Haller's flaming greatsword, and jumped to the players who came in for the transaction. After receiving five gold coins, his little hand clicked , and handed Haller's flaming greatsword to the player.

The player held the huge flaming sword and walked out safely with a happy expression on his face.

The transaction went smoothly!

The first person to buy something wins the big bucks.

Many people cast envious eyes.

It's foolish not to earn money, they didn't do anything harmful, they just bought some equipment at a low price with a so-called invader.

In reality, the hostile two countries will not maintain normal economic exchanges even when they are in a life-or-death situation. What they do is only the most basic transaction behavior.

Thinking about it this way, many people simply plan to not even cover their faces, prepare something suitable, and make a move as soon as possible.

However, there were still quite a few players with scruples, and soon there was a group of masked players in black in front of everyone, and it was hard to tell who was who.

This guy is really talented!

Kai Luo, Spike and others watched speechlessly.

Naturally, they could see that Chen Bing was deliberately selling a handful of dark gold equipment with the best attributes at a low price to open up the situation.

Otherwise, no matter how much equipment Chen Bing got, he wouldn't want to sell such top-quality weapons cheaply.

As long as he doesn't die, this giant sword will be able to sell for a good price sooner or later.

The first piece of equipment was successfully sold, and the subsequent transactions were much simpler.

The prices of the things Chen Bing hawked were 30 to 40% lower than the normal price, or even more. The attraction was extremely huge, and each transaction was completed quickly.

Brave Slime acts as an intermediary, collecting money and delivering goods, it is the busiest one.

Hey, this guy is so bold, he just used a slime to take care of the delivery!

Don't worry, you snatched the slime's things, and then we can leave without any danger!

The brave slime is very diligent, but some players looked at it and thought a little bit.

5 gold coins, I want these three pieces of equipment!

Chen Bing traded pieces of equipment at the beginning, but after a while, he felt that this was too slow and the items might not be sold out, so he simply displayed several pieces of equipment and their prices at the same time, so that players could buy them together at a more favorable price.

After Chen Bing announced the three pieces of equipment again, a masked player immediately shouted.

make a deal.

Come in and pay.

The transaction was as smooth as ever. Chen Bing didn't think too much, and asked the brave slime to take the three pieces of equipment tied together, and let him take it to the masked player.

The brave slime jumped in front of the masked man. It stretched out its small hand, ready to take the money first according to the rules.

Hahaha! Only fools will give you money!

But the masked man had no intention of giving money at all. He moved his hand violently, and before the brave slime could do anything else, he snatched the three pieces of equipment bundled together from the brave slime.

These three pieces of equipment are foreign objects to the brave slime, and the brave slime was easily taken away without any precaution.

Stealing things?

Hey, there's a good show to watch!

The surrounding North American players didn't expect anyone to use such a method, and they were all interested in it all at once.

If this person succeeds, this transaction will not be able to continue, and there will definitely be many people who will follow suit.


The brave slime was stunned at first, then furious.

It's really unreasonable to dare to snatch its things, I really don't want to live!

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