There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 27 Arrest

If you break free and don't run, still want to come?

Chen Bing unceremoniously controlled the rattan, and entangled Huomeigui again.

Magic Interference!

But Huo Meigui had known for a long time that Chen Bing would do this. When Chen Bing controlled the rattan, Huo Meigui tore up a magic scroll.

This is a scroll that can interfere with the use of magic. After using it, the witch will not be able to cast magic independently. It is the same principle as the magnet handcuffs that Chen Bing obtained from the thieves.

The magic interference scroll is very rare, but its effect is not very great, it only has a radius of 10 meters.

And after use, it won't take long before the interference effect will be lost.

However, if it is used in the room, Chen Bing cannot use magic for a short time.

Is this preparing for hand-to-hand combat?

Chen Bing doesn't care if he can't use magic independently.

He's not the only one who can't use magic, and if it's better than hand-to-hand combat, whoever is afraid of it!

Huo Meigui rushed over, and Chen Bing stepped forward, trying to put Huo Meigui down on the ground.

But when he came into contact with Huomeigui, Chen Bing was dumbfounded.

Huo Meigui's size was surprisingly large, and Chen Bing felt that he had to be at least two or three times stronger than him.

This is not the power that normal people can have, not to mention that Huomeigui has been trained deliberately. The only explanation is that Huomeigui used some kind of strengthening potion.

Feeling incompetent, Chen Bing simply avoided Huo Meigui's attack

Whether it is magic interference or strengthening potions, the effects will not last too long. When their effects disappear, Chen Bing will naturally gain an advantage.

Don't run away!

Huomeigui wanted to catch Chen Bing, but her speed hadn't been strengthened much. She had tremendous strength, but she still couldn't help Chen Bing at all, and could only roar angrily.

I'll let you go tonight first!

Seeing that the effect of the potion was coming to an end, Huo Meigui knew that Chen Bing would catch her if she continued like this. She glared at Chen Bing, turned around and ran away.

Never again,

Next time, don't blame me for being rude to you.

Chen Bing didn't go after him, but just warned him.

Huomeigui didn't answer, but left the hotel without looking back.

Chen Bing shook his head and glanced at Parkins who was lying on the bed.

Huo Meigui said that she had a way to make Parkins wake up, but Chen Bing didn't quite believe it, and even if she really had a way, if she refused to help, Chen Bing would have nothing to do with her.

After all, Chen Bing couldn't fulfill her request no matter what.

tuk tuk tuk...

At about ten o'clock in the evening, someone knocked on the door again.

Mr. Rubik's Cube, we have found the hiding places of those suspects. Mirida asked me to inform you that we are leaving immediately.

The person who came this time was a witch from the Magic Guild. When she saw Chen Bing, she hurriedly said.

Okay, take me to meet you.

Chen Bing nodded.

The members of the Magic Guild had already been dispatched, and Chen Bing joined the team of the Magic Guild on the way.

Mr. Magic, we need living prisoners. I hope you can control the plants and catch them as much as possible.

Miruida said to Chen Bing.

No problem, I also have a lot of things I want to ask them.

Chen Bing narrowed his eyes.

With Witch's Night as the end point of the game, it is not far from the end of the game now.

The plot has also reached the stage of catching prisoners. If things go well, these prisoners can be caught tonight.

At the same time, Ke Jielia also brought a large number of witches to intercept the joint forces at sea, and the possibility of the joint forces being intercepted was extremely high.

In other words, the story of the game is about to end.

But so far, Chen Bing still has a lot of doubts about the game.

In other words, he still knew too little information, and he only knew about Gerrard's three suspects at the moment.

After the team left Verono City, after passing through a dense forest, they could see through the moonlight from a distance that there was a pale phantom of a large wooden house on the large grassland in front of them.

But when the team approached the wooden house, the people in the wooden house noticed the arrival of the witch army.

Several figures flashed out from the wooden house and fled separately.


Mirador hastily ordered.

It was hard to find the hiding place of these people. If they failed to catch them and let them run away, they would be vigilant and it would be extremely difficult to find them again.

Chen Bing narrowed his eyes and glanced at the fleeing figures. With a movement of his eyes, he locked on to a witch and chased after her.


No mistake, the escaped person is Gerrard, the most suspected witch!

There were quite a few witches chasing after Chen Bing, but Gerald was too cunning, like an ape in the dark night, his movements were ridiculously quick.

Soon, the number of witches chasing them gradually decreased, and only Chen Bing and the other three witches were still chasing.

Want to run? Hand of the Earth!

Surrounded by large mountains, Gerald wanted to escape from a canyon. Seeing this, a witch snorted and waved her magic wand. In front of Gerald, a big stone hand appeared from the ground. out, trying to catch Gerald.

Gerald couldn't get through, she wanted to get out and escape from another direction, but Chen Bing and the three witches had already rushed over.

It turned out to be you, I didn't expect you to come to hunt me down too.

Gerald looked at Chen Bing and said with a smile.

Are you the one behind the attack on us?

Chen Bing looked at Gerald.

Gerald seemed to be a middle-aged witch with an ordinary appearance. When she was thrown in the crowd, Chen Bing couldn't recognize her for a while.

Will you believe me if I say I'm not?

Gerald laughed.

No, I will catch you and ask you everything. Chen Bing shook his head.

It's a good idea, but you're still too young to catch me.

Gerrard said lightly.

Stop talking nonsense with her, signal for the pursuers to come over, we want to capture her alive, what's the matter, wait until we catch her!

An old witch shouted in a deep voice.

She was the commander of a group of pursuers. As soon as she finished speaking, the other two surrounded Gerrard from left to right.

Hmph! Do you think you really left me? Wrong! It's just that I stayed on purpose to try your tricks!

In a state of being surrounded, Gerald did not panic at all, but seemed to have other plans.

Come out, undead call!

Seeing the two witches approaching, Gerrard raised his wand at this moment.

A black light emerged from her wand, covering the surrounding land.

In the next moment, Gerald summoned the army of undead all over the mountains and plains.

At first glance, the number is less than a thousand.

Although most of them are low-level undead skeletons, they don't have much effect.

But with such a large number, it would be difficult to deal with Gerald if the undead skeletons were allowed to move around.

It was the witch who surrounded Gerald, but after the undead summoned, a large number of undead monsters surrounded the witch and Chen Bing.

Gerald obviously walked on purpose or something.

Here, it seems that Chen Bing and the others surrounded Gerrard, but in fact, Chen Bing and the others chased into the canyon. Once someone attacked from behind, it would become them being besieged.

Kill them!

Gerald gave the order, and the army of undead moved in unison, rushing towards the four of them.

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