There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 4 Negotiation

Sani is a very young woman, not yet twenty, with a slightly round face that looks a little shy.

And Hamu is like a gentle big sister next door, who is much more mature than Sani.

You're welcome, I need two more help to resist the temptation of the sea monster, otherwise I won't be able to control the ship.

Chen Bing took the opportunity to get closer to the two of them.

We are also protecting ourselves. The chief mate who drove the ship and several sailors were swept into the sea. Next, we need your help to steer the ship. Otherwise, we don't know if the ship can reach Gracia Continent smoothly.

Hamu said sorry to Chen Bing.

Where's the captain? Apart from the chief mate, does this ship have no captain?

Chen Bing asked strangely, he had felt strange for a long time.

If there was a captain, he would never have to take the initiative to steer the ship.

I'm not sure. According to the crew, the captain didn't go out to sea because of something, and the ship was handed over to the first mate.

Hamu shook his head.

There was an accident in the captain's hometown, and he took some people back to help. Because it was a temporary decision, the ship was not easy to stop, so we had to let the first mate take over. The first mate is a veteran. It was not a sudden storm. Demon, there will be no problems with the ship.

The sailor on the side replied at this time.

I see. In this way, the captain took some people away, and some new sailors were hired on board, right?

Chen Bing nodded.

Yes, but even though he is a newly recruited sailor, everyone knows each other at the pier tavern and is no stranger to him. It's just a change of ship.

The sailor looked at Chen Bing strangely, not knowing why he asked these questions.

Sister Hamu, let's go back to the room and change our clothes, the sea breeze is a bit cold.

Sani couldn't help but interjected.

Although they were witches, they couldn't resist the attack of the storm. Their clothes were already wet, and when the sea breeze blew, their clothes were icy cold.

That's okay, let's say goodbye first.

Hamu nodded and said to the sailor and Chen Bing.

Don't worry, just leave it to us.

The sailor said hastily.

The two witches left and were on the same boat. Chen Bing was not in a hurry to get closer and watched the two leave.

What are your plans next?

After the two left, Chen Bing turned to ask the sailor.

This... the rest of the ship are sailors. Although emergency sailing is not a problem, we don't have much experience in this area, so there are no guarantees that there will be no accidents. So I would like to ask you to help sail the ship to Gracia Continent. It will arrive in about two to three days, of course, we will pay you some rewards, I hope you will not refuse.

A sailor thought about it and said to Chen Bing.

Of course there is no problem. I am very happy to help you. But although I can sail, I have no experience in storms. After encountering storms, what do you usually do? Continue sailing or rest first?

Chen Bing nodded, then asked again.

We can't tell. It was the captain who made the decision. There is no conclusion on how to do it. The captain will make adjustments according to the situation.

The sailor smiled wryly.

Well, I think the storm has passed, and there will be no more accidents in a short time. It is very late now, and everyone is tired. Why don't the ship anchor and the crew rest and recover first? Otherwise, if we continue sailing, If there are other unexpected situations, everyone is afraid that they will be powerless.

When Chen Bing heard the words, he took the initiative to suggest.

Okay, that's it, I'll inform the others.

The two sailors looked at each other and agreed.

Suffering from the double attack of the storm and the sea monster, they were physically and mentally exhausted and urgently needed rest and recovery.

After the two left, Chen Bing glanced at the boundless sea, then turned back to the cabin.

tuk tuk tuk...

Chen Bing came to Hamu's room and knocked on the door again.

It's you again, what's the matter this time?

It was Sani who opened the door. Sani put on new clothes, still wearing a black magic robe, but this time she was not wearing a cloak, and the room was lit with lights.

But she was still hostile and resistant to Chen Bing's arrival.

It seems that when she was in Kazan Continent, she had a bad impression of ordinary people. Even if Chen Bing rescued the ship, she couldn't completely change her opinion.

My name is Rubik's Cube. Chen Bing chuckled.

Mr. Rubik's Cube, what's the matter?

Hamu stepped forward, she was undoubtedly much more mature in her dealings with the world, and her attitude was very gentle.

I have something to discuss with you, or I need your help. Chen Bing said directly without talking nonsense.

Help? We witches are not omnipotent, what we can do is actually very limited!

When Sani heard that Chen Bing wanted to ask them for help, she immediately said vigilantly, and Hamu also showed hesitation when he heard the words.

Don't think too much, listen to what I have to say before it's too late, this matter is actually related to you.

Chen Bing waved his hand and said.

Then... come in and talk about it.

Hearing what Chen Bing said, Hamu thought about it, and simply invited Chen Bing in.

What I'm going to say is just my guess. Before that, can you tell me, is it because of something special that you went to Gracia Continent?

Chen Bing entered and asked straight to the point.

Yes, but it's not a secret. Ke Jielia, the great witch of the Gracia Continent, is going to hold a grand witch event. She invites all the witches from the Gracia Continent or other places to participate. Let's go to the Gracia Continent , I just want to see the activities held by Ke Jielia, and I also want to meet this legendary great witch.

After looking at each other, Hamu and Sani briefly explained the reason.

This is not a secret. Anyone who knows a little bit about witches knows the news, because they are far more than the witches who went to Gracia Continent.

That's it, then let me talk about the things I want to ask you for help.

Chen Bing touched his chin and said.


The sea breeze blows, and after the storm, the commotion on the ship gradually calms down, and the passengers begin to fall asleep again.

The pale moonlight at midnight shrouded the Warrior ship. After breaking down, the ship was like a solitary boat on the sea, floating gently with the waves.

Chen Bing also had a room on the boat, but he didn't stay in the room, but sat on the bow alone, resting with his eyes closed.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the moon in the sky gradually descended to the horizon.

At this moment, Chen Bing's eyelids moved and he opened his eyes.

On the sea not far away, the shadow of a ship appeared.

The ship appeared from behind the Brave, and it seemed to be another ship sailing from Kazan Continent to Gracia Continent.

Hey, the storm was very violent before, your boat didn't move, are you okay?

The ship sailed straight towards the Warrior, and the people on the ship shouted immediately when they saw Chen Bing.

Something went wrong and we might need your help!

Chen Bing replied loudly.

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