There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 62 Main Quest

Don't, if I know, I will definitely say that I don't get along with those guys, and they must be the ones who want to kill me this time. But I don't know much about Born's diary, and I also heard from others. Come, I haven't really seen the Born Diary in their hands.

Popa waved his hands again and again and hurriedly said.

Chen Bing looked at the old man Popa and felt that he was not lying.

If he wants to lie, he can make up another story, needless to say he doesn't know.

Then tell me what happened to the mutant monsters on the island, when did they appear, and what does it have to do with Born's diary.

Chen Bing thought about it and asked another question.

The basic task of the Evolution Island game is to survive to reach the final island Evolution Island.

Because after death, it will be resurrected on the next-level island. As long as the luck is not too bad, anyone can complete the basic task.

But this is only a basic task. The evolution island game also has a main task, which is to find out the reason for the mutation of the game monsters.

Many people know that there is such a main quest, but how to do it, Chen Bing has checked all the game forums in reality, but there is no strategy hint.

It was only vaguely mentioned that how to do the main quest, only a very small number of core players of the big guild know.

And even if you know it, it doesn't mean you can complete the task.

It is rumored that so far, only a handful of players have successfully completed the main quest of the Evolution Island.

The person didn't say the reason, but the players in the forum analyzed that the clues of the mission will change starting in the mid-term, and the previous strategy materials are useless. The major guilds regard these materials as guild secrets, and only some core members are qualified to master them.

There are too few people doing the main quest. Starting in the middle of the game, the fighting between players will be extremely fierce. It is naturally very difficult to complete the difficult main quest.

Chen Bing was able to catch Popa here and ask about the mutation of the game monster, but after twists and turns, the player who was replaced by a weaker player had already died several times. It can be seen how difficult it is to do the main quest.

I can't tell you the answer that is too specific. I can only tell you what I know.

Black Crow Island, and the mutant monsters in the surrounding large seas, actually appeared decades ago, but the mutant monsters were only a few at that time, far from being everywhere now. Once a mutant monster appeared at that time. , will be killed by the people of the place united.

But about five years ago, the number of monsters that began to mutate gradually increased. People couldn't kill them if they wanted to. Some villages with few people were even attacked and wiped out by mutated monsters. Many alchemists on the islands, For various reasons, research on mutant monsters began, and some people achieved amazing results. I, as well as the other alchemists in Black Raven City, also joined the team to study mutant monsters.”

A year later, the guys in Toust haven't made much progress in their research, because I'm a genius, Popa couldn't help blowing himself at this time, After more than a year of research, I found that I found some very interesting things, so I spent a lot of money to buy the island, and it took me nearly two years to build that laboratory on the island.”

But an accident happened before the laboratory was officially put into use. It was invaded by a large number of monsters, so I had to give up temporarily and leave.

Popa said slowly, but Chen Bing frowned when he heard it.

This guy talks a lot, but not much useful information.

What happened to the mutant human corpse found in your laboratory? Did you use human corpses for experiments?

Chen Bing pondered for a while and asked.

This is the common denominator found in the village of Ogar and on this island.

Mutant human corpse? Impossible! Since the establishment of this island, I have only used it to conduct research on the mutation of monsters.

Human alchemy is taboo, I will never touch it!

Hearing this, Popa was taken aback and shook his head again and again.

By the way, show me that Born's diary!

Popa then remembered something, and snatched the remnants of Born's diary from Chen Bing's hand.

Sure enough! This Boen's diary is not a good thing. The alchemy formula above is double deceptive. It seems to outsiders to be just a general alchemy formula, but in fact it is an experimental formula about human mutation! It's not wrong, It must be those guys in Toust, who took measures to drive me away, then occupied my laboratory, and hid inside to conduct research on human mutation according to the formula recorded in this diary!

Popa carefully looked at the remnants of Born's diary for a while, and said with certainty.

Tuste? Chen Bing asked suspiciously, Popa has mentioned this person twice.

It's the leader of those guys. Tost has always regarded me as his opponent. Unfortunately, he is still a few blocks behind me. He can only engage in such an unpopular circle and exclude me, but they add up. It's not my opponent, so I don't care.

Popa replied with contempt.

Let me ask you one more question, have you heard of 'Therou' and the news of the treasure chest clan's patriarch 'Oshina' on Black Raven Island? know that I don't care about anything other than experimental research, and I have never heard of these two people, but if you want to know their news, you can take me back to the black Crow City, as long as they have ever entered Black Crow City, I will help you find out!

Popa quickly took the opportunity to recommend himself.


Of course, Chen Bing didn't bring Popa back to Black Crow City. He then asked some detailed questions. After locking Popa in the laboratory, he went back to Black Crow City independently.

The key person is Toust.

There were people coming and going in Black Crow City, and Chen Bing thoughtfully walked over to Tust's residence.

Stop, it is forbidden to enter the place where Lord Tust lives!

Toust also lived in a manor with two guards guarding the door.

I'm a comrade of the adventurer who accepted the mission from Lord Tost. Regarding Popa, I have something important to report to Lord Tost!

Chen Bing approached the guard and whispered.

You wait here, I will inform Lord Tust.

When normal players come here, no matter what they say, they will be told that Toste is not here and will not be allowed to enter.

But as soon as Chen Bing's words came out, the guard replied in a low voice, then turned around and walked into the manor.

After a while, the guard came out again.

Come with me, Lord Toust wants to see you.

The guard took Chen Bing to a basement.

In the basement again, Chen Bing could only murmur that these alchemists were all psychologically gloomy.

Tell me, what happened to Popa, is he in danger and asked you to come to me for help?

Toust was a kind-looking old man. He didn't know something about Toust from Poppa first. It was hard for Chen Bing to imagine that this guy had done a lot of cruel experiments in secret.

The old fox did not believe in Chen Bing, and there was no flaw in his words.

Behind Chen Bing, the guard was also staring intently.

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