There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 189: Mandatory Realization!

Two minutes? I'm going to make final preparations, but two minutes is enough.

Watching Pusilla disappear, Chen Bing took out his paintbrush and album again.

Time theft!

Chen Bing used time to steal skills and canceled the cooldown of the Ultimate Will skill.

When drawing Priscia, the Ultimate Will skill has been triggered once. Although Priscia is only a little girl, it took Chen Bing nearly five minutes to complete the painting even at the speed of Limit Will. It can be seen that he wanted to draw Puli. How difficult it is for West Asia.

With 2 minutes left, Chen Bing had to use the Time Stealing skill to cool down the Ultimate Will skill, so that he could complete the next painting in such a short time.

What Chen Bing wants to paint next is himself.

[System: Extreme Will skill triggers! 】

The Ultimate Will skill was triggered again, and the paintbrush was flying in Chen Bing's hands.

Compared with Priscia, it is much easier for Chen Bing to paint himself.

About a minute later, the paper on the album flashed, and another Chen Bing appeared.

Fortunately, I can still draw myself.

Chen Bing heaved a sigh of relief after successfully drawing another self.

If you draw other players, you will probably fail for various reasons, but if you draw yourself, it will not be a problem.

Sure enough, the skills I have, I also have when I draw it, it is a data copy.

Chen Bing tried to look at the other self standing in front of him, and unexpectedly discovered that he could not check the attributes of other characters when he drew them, but he could see all the attributes clearly when he drew himself.

It seems that the soul painter's ability can not only draw the painter himself, but also has a special setting for it.

Drawing you is to use you as a guinea pig.

Forcibly manifest!

Chen Bing glanced at his clone, and then gave him an order.

Chen Bing's clone closed its eyes, and in the next moment, in the void in front of Chen Bing's eyes, a huge mechanical figure covering the void quietly emerged.

This is a destructive battleship from the machine clan, a super giant war weapon with a length of 500 meters and a width of 150 meters!

Chen Bing originally wanted to find a skill from Priscia that could directly crush and kill the Queen of Darkness, but after searching, he found that such a skill did not exist.

The Civic claims to be everything, but of course that's impossible.

After all, it is a small virtual network within the home network. Compared with the huge home network, its scale is much, much smaller.

The skills and props that can be found in the civic network are actually distributed in various worlds of the civic network.

Most of these skills and props were created by Dr. Lallman and his assistants. There are many powerful equipment skills, but in order to balance the attributes, there is actually no such invincible thing in the Civic Network.

The destruction attack released by Shadow of Slime also exists, but it cannot be played by a single person, and Chen Bing doesn't have that much time.

Chen Bing actually found a skill set that could compete with the Dark Queen, but it was difficult to kill the Dark Queen, let alone crush her.

After all, the attributes of the Queen of Darkness are so powerful that it is outrageous.

But when painting Priscia, two bold ideas appeared in Chen Bing's mind.

One is to directly draw a dark queen and let the dark queen fight with herself.

But this idea just flashed through Chen Bing's mind, and he gave up.

The reason is simple, the dark queen he drew is just a duplicate, which in the end only lasts 10 minutes.

Not to mention that there is a real dark queen here, the one he copied may not be able to obtain the recovery ability of the dark queen, and even if it can, it is unlikely to kill the dark queen itself within 10 minutes.

As for another idea, to paint himself.

Let the other him he draws use the skill of compulsive thinking to manifest a super powerful weapon that is not available in the civic network!

This weapon is the destruction battleship he controlled in the portal world!

There's Destroyer,

It's much easier to kill the Dark Queen.

No matter how powerful the Dark Queen is, it will be difficult to fight against the Destroyer Battleship!

At the same time, Chen Bing also wanted to try to force the negative effect of the ability to manifest the other self he drew.


A huge destruction warship had appeared in the void, and Chen Bing immediately looked at his other self on the opposite side.

I go!

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, Chen Bing was shocked when he saw it.

I saw him in this painting start to bleed crazily all over his body, cracks appeared on his head, his body curled up and collapsed, and then gradually disappeared.

Using forced manifestation ability to manifest objects far beyond what the spirit can bear, is there such a price to be paid?

Looking at it, Chen Bing felt his scalp tingle. It seems that before he cleared the Creator game, he must not use the forced manifestation skill easily. Even if he is not careful, he may leave mental trauma of.

The clone disappeared, but the manifested destruction warship remained, and did not disappear with the disappearance of the manifested one.

It seems that before the duration is reached, the manifested object will continue to exist even if the manifester dies.

How long can the Destroyer ship last?

Chen Bing moved and flew into the destroyer.

The duration of destroying the battleship is only a short 5 minutes.

The 5 minutes was shorter than Chen Bing expected, but after seeing the tragic negative reaction of the clone, Chen Bing knew that the Destroyer Battleship could last for 5 minutes, which might be the limit.

Chen Bing didn't know whether he could kill the Queen of Darkness in five minutes, but he had no choice right now.

Start camouflage.

Chen Bing let the destruction warship enter the camouflage stealth state first, then he flew down and returned to the position in the void where he was originally attacked by the dark queen.

He had to make it look like nothing had changed when the Civic was back up and running, or things would get messy.

It’s nothing more than peerless elegance, but there are several big guilds around, such as Immortal, Qin Shiyue, etc. If such a weird thing happens, they might ask the game official for verification and ask him to manually check his character data.


After Chen Bing was ready, the civic network resumed operation, and the Dark Queen shouted with the intention of killing.

Void Walk!

Seeing that Chen Bing and others were about to be swallowed up by the darkness, several members of the guild and Mephis not far away thought that Chen Bing and the others were going to die, but Chen Bing's body was blurred for a while, as if his body had merged with the surrounding void. For oneness.

His speed soared suddenly, like a phantom, shuttled through the void, and suddenly came to the Valkyrie and Juedai Fenghua, one in each hand, hugging the two of them like a black lightning, leaving many phantoms in the void, The three of them left the dark vortex in an instant and landed on an isolated island.

What kind of skill is that, the speed is so fast!

I thought they were going to be wiped out, so they can still survive?

A group of people looked at Chen Bing in surprise. They never expected that at the last moment, Chen Bing had such skills. Not only did he survive, but he also saved two companions.

As for the brave slime, its attributes are also powerful, and it will not be killed if it is hard to hit the dark vortex.

Landing on the isolated island, Chen Bing moved his hand and pressed it on the isolated island pattern under his feet.

The light on his palm was shining, as if it had triggered some kind of ability on the isolated island.

In the next moment, in the void, a huge light flickered, and the destroyer battleship lifted its camouflage, exuding a dazzling light, and a huge black and ferocious body appeared in front of everyone!

(Accidentally set the Queen of Darkness too strong. I have been thinking about how to kill the Queen of Darkness all night. After thinking about it, I found that with the protagonist’s current level attributes, conventional means can no longer kill the Queen of Darkness. Although it can give the protagonist Changed to an artifact and perverted skills, but it would be too much to open and hang like that, and it would be difficult to continue writing the game after that. Fortunately, I finally had a brain hole and thought of a way. This is the update tonight, and the fourth update will be tomorrow. Make up, I have to finish this volume if I say anything!)

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