There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 185 Masochistic Physique

Be careful, the boss may be about to make a big move!

Chen Bing and others were shocked.

Masochistic physique!

The Dark Queen let out a soft drink, the black light on her body radiated, and her body began to swell violently!

Masochistic physique? It's difficult now!

Mephis frowned when he heard the Dark Queen's words.

What kind of ability is that, is it powerful? Deep Blue looked at the Queen of Darkness and asked.

She sensed what the Dark Queen had been waiting for, but didn't know much about the masochistic physique.

This masochistic physique is acquired and obtained through repeated self-mutilation. Simply put, the greater the damage and pain suffered, the stronger the body can erupt. The attack of these adventurers on the Queen of Darkness just now has already It can make the Queen of Darkness burst into a very powerful force.

If it's just like this, it's fine. If the attack of the black slime before is included, the power of the Dark Queen's eruption under the abused physique is too terrifying. Even if you and I try our best, Nor will it be the opponent of the Dark Queen.

Memphis explained.

No wonder the kingdom of darkness has invaded many worlds and attracted countless vendettas, but it still stands firm so far.

With the double fused life form, coupled with the abused physique, the strength of the Dark Queen is already unimaginable.

And in the Kingdom of Darkness, maybe the Queen of Darkness is not the only person with such abilities.

While Mephis was speaking, the Dark Queen's body had soared to a height of seven or eight meters, her whole body was surrounded by black light, and her power was surging.


The Queen of Darkness stretched out her huge palm and patted Chen Bing and the others.

Chen Bing and the others hurriedly avoided, but the Seraphim stepped forward to resist.

A loud noise fell, and a huge damage of more than 80,000 appeared on Seraphim's head, and the life value of Seraphim dropped a lot in an instant.

I'm stupid! The damage is so high!

The masters of the next few guilds wanted to attack, but after seeing the terrifying damage from the Queen of Darkness, they froze their hands and hurriedly stopped.

With such terrifying damage from the Dark Queen, no matter how powerful they are, Chen Bing and the others will never be opponents, and they will only seek their own death if they make a move.

It seems that the black slime's attack is also included in the abused physique, and we may have no chance.

Memphis sighed.

The Queen of Darkness in this state has no opponents, unless the black slime can carry out another terrorist attack from a while ago.

But Memphis glanced at the slime's shadow and shook his head.

After sending out that terrifying attack, the slime shadow has entered a weak state and is no longer able to fight.


In the void, the Queen of Darkness punched down with a fist as heavy as a meteor, hitting Battle Angel again.

A large number of pure white feathers scattered from the battle angel, causing huge damage, and the battle angel was killed by the dark queen.

Frozen Eyes!

The Moon Witch let out a soft drink, and the ice-blue optical fibers of the Moon Demon Eyes scattered on the dark queen's tall body.

The body of the Dark Queen was immediately covered with a layer of blue ice crystals.


But the Dark Queen was only frozen for a second before the azure blue ice crystal shattered. With the huge difference in attributes, the control ability of the Moon Demon Eye was basically unable to take effect on her.

The Moon Witch also released golden chains all over the sky, but they couldn't lock the Queen of Darkness at all.

Annoying thing! The light that destroys the world!

Facing the Moon Demon Eye in the void, a thick black light spewed out from the Dark Queen's mouth.

A black light soared into the sky and slammed into the eyes of the Moon Demon.

A big hole was blasted out of the Moon Demon's Eye immediately, and then slowly disappeared.

Darkness devours!

After killing the Moon Demon Eye, the Queen of Darkness stretched out her big hand again, and a black vortex of light burst out from her palm, swallowing all around like a black hole.

They're done!

This skill is irresistible!

In the distance, Immortal and the others saw the Dark Queen's attack, their faces sank,

They all moved further away, fearing that they would also be involved in the attack of the Dark Queen.


Chen Bing and the others knew it was powerful, but the darkness devoured by the Dark Queen's current form was much stronger than the normal darkness devour. The black vortex swept towards them at an astonishing speed, much faster than their retreating speed.

Shen Lan looked at Chen Bing, her eyes moved, but in the end she watched quietly.

Seeing that Chen Bing and others were about to be swallowed by the darkness, but at this moment, the entire void suddenly froze, and everything stopped.

A little girl in a black dress quietly appeared, she lightly touched Chen Bing with her finger, Chen Bing immediately recovered from the freeze, and retreated sharply.

But after taking a few steps back, he noticed the abnormality around him.

Who are you?

Then, he noticed the little girl beside him, and knew that everything abnormal in front of him must be related to this little girl.

But this was the first time Chen Bing saw this little girl, so he didn't have any impression in his mind.

Me, I am the consciousness that was born in this civic network, you can call me Priscia. The little girl smiled.

Is this the ability to freeze time?

Hearing Priscia's identity, Chen Bing immediately remembered the ability to freeze time that Dr. Lahrman had used in the laboratory.

Chen Bing was eager to move, and the people around him couldn't move under the stillness of time, and the same was true for the Dark Queen. He could kill the Dark Queen now.

The Dark Queen is too powerful, otherwise, Chen Bing doesn't think anyone can kill the Dark Queen.

It's not that time is static, I don't have that ability, I just let the calculation of the Civic Network stop at this moment, that is, lock all the data. In the state of data lock, only members with special permissions can keep active. But even I can't do anything with the locked data at this time.

Priscia shook her head.

Chen Bing immediately understood Priscia's meaning. Simply put, although the Queen of Darkness can't move in the current state, she is in a data-locked state, and Chen Bing can't do anything to her, let alone take the opportunity to attack and kill her.

Then how can I keep moving?

Then Chen Bing thought of a question.

It's very simple. I have given you the privilege of being a VIP member. As the manager of Civic Network, as a member, you can exchange up to 8 items from Civic Network, and you can get a 30% discount on the exploration value required for redemption.

Priscilla laughed.

Sounds great, so what do you need me to do for you?

Priscia gave him a lot of benefits when she came up, but Chen Bing didn't think that she just wanted to save him and gave him VIP membership privileges, so she must have something to ask him to help.

It's very simple. I know you have the ability of soul painter. I want you to help draw a picture. If it goes well, I can give you anything you can find in Civic, and let you get a lot of money in a short time. exploration value.

Priscia didn't talk nonsense, she said slowly.

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