There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 178 Origin

A real person? Dr. Lallman, do you know that you are in a virtual network?

The Valkyrie asked in surprise. Chen Bing had guessed something, but her understanding of the incident was still a little vague.

I didn't know it at first, but after I created the Civic Network, all kinds of strange things began to appear in the city of Cher'an. Abnormal life forms suddenly appeared, the character of the originally kind people changed drastically, the climate changed drastically, etc. Wait... a lot of things are very similar to what I did in the civic network. Then I finally confirmed that I worked hard to create the virtual network of the civic network, but in the end, I was also in someone else's virtual network, it was someone else A piece of data. Others can control my life and death as long as they move their fingers. Dr. Lahrman replied quietly.

Of course I won't sit still. Before those people find out, I wrote a protection program for myself and obtained some control rights to prevent myself from being deleted and modified by those people at any time. Those people didn't expect this. They will have nothing to do with me, and even send someone to negotiate with me, and because of this, I know that the world they live in is the real world.

The negotiation ended without any results. I just hope that they will stop interfering in our lives. I will hide in the deepest part of their network and will not conduct any external activities. But even such a small request, they did not agree. And it hasn't happened since then.

Dr. Lallman said angrily.

After experiencing these things, it's no wonder that he became extremely wary of Chen Bing and others. I'm afraid that in his eyes, any stranger is untrustworthy.

Chen Bing and others were silent after hearing this, and Dr. Lahrman's request did not sound too much.

But for those who invented the virtual network of their home in reality, Dr. Lallman, who has self-awareness and is in the virtual network, can add protection programs to himself and obtain part of the virtual network permissions. Behaviors that make real people unable to manage and control him...

In the eyes of the programmers, this is a 100% virus behavior, so it is absolutely impossible for them to agree to Dr. Lallman's request.

Any normal programmer, in order to protect the security of the network, will try his best to eliminate Dr. Lahrman.

Dr. Lallman said that real people have nothing to do for a while, but in Chen Bing’s view, it’s not that real programmers have no choice, but they may use violent means to clear them, which will cost a bit more, or may cause problems. A barrage of negative reactions.

After all, Dr. Lallman was originally just an ordinary npc, and he eventually evolved into a virus in their eyes, which means that similar situations may happen to other npcs, and in the end it is not simply to delete Lallman People are so simple.

Chen Bing couldn't help thinking of the Lijiayuan system he knew, or the disappearance of the Lijiayuan system was also a chain reaction of the Lallman Civic incident?

Valkyrie and Jue Dai Fenghua finally understood the cause of the incident at this time, and the two couldn't help but look at each other after hearing Dr. Lahrman's words.

They thought that Dr. Lallman was just the producer of Civic Network in name, but Civic Network was actually a small network made by real programmers, making it a part of the game plot.

I didn't expect that the civic network would be created by an npc in a virtual network.

This is really unbelievable. If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, the two of them couldn't believe it.

The people of the virtual network can create a virtual network that is almost as powerful, can this really be done? Valkyrie still didn't believe it and asked Jue Dai Fenghua.

No problem in theory. Do you still remember a game called My World, in which players can use the simple resources in the game to create a primitive computer. The home network is unprecedentedly powerful, creating a small one. It's not impossible. Peerless Fenghua replied.

Having said that, Jue Dai Fenghua is also very clear that Lallman can create a Civic Net, which can be described as a miracle.

The programmers who wanted to come to reality did not destroy Lallman completely in the first place, so that he had time to react, and they also had the idea of ​​​​testing to obtain more data.

After all, such samples are too precious.

It was not until Dr. Lallman showed the virus attributes in the eyes of programmers that they had to take coercive measures.

While the few people were talking, the sky over Cheer'an City, which was originally a clear sky, gradually began to gather dark clouds. The thick clouds made the city almost suffocate.

In the distance, several huge hurricanes piercing the sky began to form, sweeping across the land below.

It's coming! So that's it, they finally decided to eliminate me physically!

Looking at the dark clouds and hurricanes covering the city, Dr. Larman sighed.

These are all things that have happened in front of him. What he sees now has happened in the past.

Those people in reality cannot eliminate him programmatically, but they can use the physical laws of this world to attack and kill Dr. Lallman directly.

Dr. Lallman is just an ordinary person in this world, without the ability to resurrect.

Once dead, it will become the original data.

Dr. Lallman, we have come to the Zero Area of the Civic Network. To enter the Zero Area, we need a key called Origin. If it were you, where would you hide the key?

Knowing that time was running out, Chen Bing hurriedly asked Lahrman.

Area zero? In my memory, I didn't set up such an area, but if I know I'm going to die, it's not surprising that I will find a way to get something out. Come with me, if it's me, I will The so-called key will be left in the server of the laboratory.

Cher'an was about to be destroyed, and Alalman had accepted his own death, and he was not in a panic.

Hearing Chen Bing's words, he thought for a while, and then led the three of them back to the research room.

Shuttle among the two rows of blade servers, Lahrman came to a corner.

Hey, why is there a server missing here?

Lallman wanted to tell Chen Bing that the thing might be in a server in front of him, but when he got here, he was surprised to find that the server that should have been placed here was gone.

I probably know where the key is, Dr. Lallman, we are leaving.

When Chen Bing saw this situation, he said immediately.

After bidding farewell to Dr. Lahrman, Chen Bing rushed towards the city gate near the institute with the Valkyrie and Peerless Beauty.

The Valkyrie and Peerless Fenghua looked back at the city that was being swept by the hurricane, and their eyes couldn't help being a little complicated.

Larman is considered a famous person among us world predators, but he ended up in such an end, which is really embarrassing.

In the void, Mephis looked at the city of Qier'an, which was swept by the disaster below, and was filled with emotion.

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