There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 164 World Predator

A large group of players was running wildly, and from time to time someone looked behind in horror.

They are players participating in the hunting level, but this is not an ordinary hunt. Players who enter this level need to manually obtain materials and create hunting weapons by themselves.

Manually manufacturing weapons is obviously not a level that ordinary people would choose to participate in.

Although you can also use your own skills and equipment, the power will be greatly reduced and cannot be compared with the special equipment made in the level.

Players who dare to come to this level are people with some skills, experts in survival and hunting.

But when these players managed to create hunting weapons and were about to start killing, there were surprising changes in the level.

The world of this level is like a piece of white paper in the real world. After being burned by fire, it turns into black charcoal and flutters in the wind.

The level world in front of them is not a blank sheet of paper, but the large forest behind them has turned into a black substance, disappearing silently.

Some players couldn't escape, and like the surrounding trees, they changed color to black matter, and then died.

These players are desperately trying to escape, but they cannot leave the level on their own initiative.

The spreading speed of the black matter in the rear is getting faster and faster, and finally they are swallowed by the black matter one by one.

After the players were all wiped out, the spread of black matter did not stop there, and they continued to erode the level world.

It didn't take long for the entire level game world to disappear, leaving a silvery bright spot in the air.

All the black matter around rushed over, squeezing into the silver bright spot.

The silvery bright spot gradually darkens and finally becomes a pitch black one.

And a similar scene appeared in multiple game levels of Civic Network.

The game world is collapsing?

In a level called Sky Arena, dozens of players were engaged in a big melee, but a while ago, everyone stopped fighting and squeezed into a corner of the arena in horror.

On the other side of the arena, the ancient arena was discoloring black matter, crumbling and scattering the void below.


No, before you pass the level, the only option is to give up and leave the Civic Network!

Feeling wrong, the players in the corner hurriedly wanted to leave this level.

But they found that they could not leave the checkpoint independently.

what is that?

Black slime? Where did it come from?

When everyone was anxious, someone suddenly noticed that a black slime suddenly appeared in the middle of the arena ahead.

After the black slime appeared suddenly, he ignored the surrounding players, but raised a black staff, and a circle of light spread gently like ripples from the ground where the black slime was.

Magic circle?

Careful players discovered that there are many mysterious runes on the black ripples, like a magic circle.

Crash stopped!

The black ripples spread out, and the player found that the collapsed ground stopped, and those black substances would disappear after touching the black ripples.

And the black slime disappeared without a trace after releasing the black light circle.

Quickly decide the winner!

Seeing this, everyone dared not stay, and hurriedly started fighting.

Although many people were curious about the mysterious slime, they didn't have time to think too much.


It's really not that simple to control the Civic Network. Infection and intrusion have been resisted by a large area. Relying on infection and intrusion alone will not work.

In a pitch-black level world of the Civic Network, a group of black figures formed a circle.

Among them, there is a spot of light like a starry sky.

However, the large light spots on the outermost periphery are already pitch black.

Some of the light spots that are still on are also gradually dimming.

But the dimming process of these light spots was not smooth, quite a few of them had stopped, and some of them were in the state of entanglement.

Some key points that cannot be invaded by infection have also failed. I just got the information that Baneka and the others are all dead.

And it consumes a lot of our strength before death.

One person speaks out.

They were all from the kingdom of darkness, and the weakest of them was several times stronger than Baneka.

How did you get killed?

A black shadow asked.

A human, he got a book in the civic network, he can summon multiple powerful followers, each of which is about the same strength as us.

the man answered.

so smart?

Many black shadows looked over in surprise.

Being able to summon multiple minions with the same strength as them at the same time will be troublesome to deal with.

And they are still unable to take action in person, otherwise they will be targeted and prevented by Civic Network in advance.

Hey hey, everyone in the kingdom of darkness, why don't we cooperate?

While these black shadows were thinking about how to deal with Chen Bing, a figure suddenly appeared in this space.


The light spot went out, and the most powerful black figure in the lead suddenly stood up and looked at a black figure floating in the distance.

You are, the world predator Mephis?

The leader looked at the black shadow, and after thinking for a while, he said in surprise.

The black shadow that suddenly appeared was Mephis.

He didn't know how to find it here.

World Raider?

He's also eyeing this civic network?

Hearing that it was the World Predator, many of the other shadows frowned.

World plunderers, as the title suggests, are people who specialize in plundering different worlds.

People who can travel between different worlds and plunder are not ordinary.

Different worlds have different rules. After entering a new world, many things or abilities will become unusable.

Therefore, people who can become world predators will have amazing resources in their hands. It is difficult for you to know what strange things he will come up with when you are against him.

Since you've heard my name, it's easy to handle. I've always been a man of integrity, and I've never had any bad rumors.

Memphis laughed.

Really, but as far as I know, everyone who cooperates with you will die in the end.

The leader, Soi Ying, said softly.

Ahem, that's my nemesis intentionally wronging me. If you believe it, you'll fall into that guy's trap. Let me get straight to the point. It's impossible for you to control this civic network, but if you cooperate with me , If you want to control the Civic Network, it’s not a problem at all. Of course, I won’t help in vain, as long as I share the information on the Civic Network with the part I need.”

Memphis didn't want to be entangled in the rumors, he quickly suggested.

Not interested, we don't need to cooperate with anyone. But the leader, Sombra, rejected Memphis without even thinking about it.

Really, that's really a pity. Since you don't want to cooperate, I can only find your enemies to cooperate.

Mephis said regretfully, after he finished speaking, he let out a weird laugh, and then disappeared quietly.

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