There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 141 Snow Fox Boss

Kork, it's time, lower the price quickly, I'm going to buy something!

Yes, I have been waiting for several days, let's start quickly!

There are more and more people, and those who come here may be their own competitors. Although Kirk said that he has a lot of equipment, he will never worry about running out of stock, but after working hard for several days, players who want to buy equipment are still very worried about themselves. The fancy equipment was robbed, all urging Kirk to start selling it at a discounted price.

It's still a little bit of time, adventurers, don't worry, I'm revising the price.

Kirk laughed.

Although everyone was anxious, Kirk had already said so, and they could only wait patiently for a while.

Amidst the noise of the crowd, the bright moon hung upside down in the sky and became brighter and brighter. The heavy snow was very beautiful under the moonlight.

Some female players who don't like to be noisy, they stretched out their hands, gently catching the falling snow.

Ho Ho!

Chen Bing just watched from a distance, and didn't know much about the situation among the players. He only knew roughly that Kirk's promotion hadn't started yet.

But at this moment, Chen Bing suddenly heard the demonic roar of the brave slime.

Knowing that there was a situation, Chen Bing immediately turned around and followed the gaze of the brave slime.

I go!

Looking at the snowy land in the front left, Chen Bing couldn't help being stunned.

I saw a huge snow fox with a height of several meters and a length of nearly 20 to 30 meters including the big snow-white tail, slowly walking towards Kirk and the crowd of players.

Snow fox boss!

As if hearing the roar of the brave slime, the snow fox boss's light blue eyes glanced at Chen Bing, and then continued to run towards the crowd of players.

But at this time, the large group of players still didn't know about the arrival of the Xuehu boss, and they were still discussing it.

what is that?

Snow Fox boss?

My God, it's huge!

Not good, maybe we killed the snow fox and provoked the boss!

The snow fox approached, and finally a player spotted it.

The player who was the first to spot the snow fox was stunned, and then screamed.

Players around heard the screams and looked over.

Seeing such a huge snow fox boss, many people were taken aback, and then had a very bad premonition in their hearts.

The reason why the Snow Fox boss appeared, the players present had a good idea.


Some players saw the snow fox boss and wanted to run away without saying a word.

Someone took the lead, and the players around suddenly scattered and fled separately, hoping that they would be lucky enough to escape.


But Snow Fox Boss's eyes were cold, his mouth was wide open, and a breath like a blizzard blew out from his mouth.

This is a powerful large-scale attack.

Wherever the breath of the blizzard passed, thousands of damages floated on the players' heads. Almost no one could withstand the snow fox boss's attack, and most of them were killed instantly.

It's useless for some players to resist the first attack with their skills. The snow fox boss's attack is a multi-stage attack. They can resist the first and second attacks, and they can't resist the third attack.

More than 90% of the players were killed by the snow fox boss's large-scale attack.

Among the players who were hit, there were still a few who really had two brushes, and they resisted the snow fox boss's big move without dying.

But this didn't keep them alive, the snow fox boss flew up, grabbed them with huge claws, and wiped them out in two or three hits.

And in the surrounding area, dozens of people escaped quickly and were not hit by the attack.

Snow Fox Boss didn't intend to let them go. As soon as he raised his head, blue fireballs pierced the night sky and fell into the fleeing players.

Boom boom boom...

There was a loud bang, and those players who were lucky enough not to be hit by the first round of attacks also died under the explosion of the blue fireball.

Unlucky, why did you invite this boss!

It's just us,

I'm afraid we are also on a dead end!

After the second round of Snow Fox boss's attack, there was still one player team left alive.

Look, there's someone there. Lure Snow Fox Boss over there and use him as a shield. We might still have a little hope of escaping.

The player team saw Chen Bing, and without saying a word, turned around and ran towards Chen Bing.

Tsk tsk, misfortune?

That being the case, there is no need for the boss to do anything, I will send you on the road instead of the boss!

Chen Bing has seen this kind of method frequently. With one stroke of the Pixel Energy Bow, he prepared a skill to bring these blind guys back to life.

However, looking at the snow fox boss flying towards him like a gust of wind in the distance, Chen Bing lowered his bow and arrow again.

Attacking with pixel explosion arrows will even hit the snow fox boss.

The snow fox boss is about level 50, and Chen Bing doesn't want to provoke it.


When Chen Bing put down the pixel energy bow, the snow fox boss had already chased those players, and his huge body hit them, making a loud noise.

Although those players tried their best to resist, but the difference in level and attributes was too great, no matter how good their combat awareness and skills were, they were still killed by the snow fox boss two or three times.

After killing the last few players, the Snow Fox boss slowly walked towards Chen Bing.

Ho Ho!

The brave slime yelled at the snow fox boss in protest, and Chen Bing looked at the snow fox boss vigilantly.

He knew that the snow fox boss would appear, it must be because players killed a large number of snow fox monsters, but Chen Bing had never killed a single snow fox, so the snow fox boss might not take the initiative to attack him.

However, the Snow Fox boss is a boss after all, even if it makes a move, Chen Bing will not be surprised.

But if he really got into a fight with Xuehu boss, Chen Bing estimated that he would have to call Elena to help.

Xuehu boss stared at Chen Bing, looking up and down.


After a while, a thoughtful look flashed in its eyes, and it whined twice at Chen Bing in a deep voice, then turned around abruptly, and quickly disappeared into the vast snowfield.

By the way, where is Kirk? Wouldn't he hang up too?

Chen Bing heaved a sigh of relief when Xuehu boss left, and then he remembered Kirk.

He hurriedly looked over, and then saw in the distance, Kirk was picking up the fallen snow fox tails on the ground.

After the player was killed by the snow fox boss, all the snow fox tails they had fell to the ground.

Do you know that the snow fox lord will come?

When Chen Bing came over, Kirk had almost picked up the snow fox's tail.

Squinting at Kirk, Chen Bing suddenly asked.

Of course I don't know! If you go to the nearby towns to inquire, you will know that the snow fox lord has already gone to the 4th floor of the paradise. It is not the first time I have come to buy the snow fox tail, but it is the first time to meet the snow fox lord .If I hadn’t known Lord Snow Fox’s attack method and hid first, I would probably be dead now.”

Kirk smiled wryly.

What time do we leave tomorrow?

Chen Bing didn't bother with this question anymore, he asked instead.

At ten o'clock in the morning, we met in front of the gate of Syracuse City. The journey is very long, so we have to start as soon as possible.

Okay, I'll be there on time.

Chen Bing and Kirk made an appointment at any time.

After that, he walked in the direction of Xuecheng.

Originally, Chen Bing still believed in Kirk, but the matter of Xuehu boss made him have to pay more attention.

Kirk was about to hold a promotional event, but the snow fox boss suddenly appeared and wiped out all the players.

The snow fox tail dropped by the player died, and it turned out to be all cheap for Kirk.

Kirk got an unknown amount of snow fox tails without paying a penny.

Chen Bing has always been cautious. He planned to go to Syracuse to investigate the Xuehu boss and Ke Kerke.

Two hours later.


Snow City is a city built in the snow field.

It snows all year round in the snow field, and the snow city is all built with snow, which is a real snow city.

After Chen Bing walked around the city, he started drinking in a tavern in the city.

While drinking, Chen Bing asked the tavern owner and other NPCs for information.

What Chen Bing asked was not a secret, and he quickly got the information he wanted.

It seems that Kirk didn't lie to him. The snow fox lord has indeed been to the 4th floor of the paradise for a long time. Everyone in the snow city thought that he was no longer in the snow field.

As for Kirk, a wandering businessman, they are no strangers to the tavern.

Kirk, a wandering businessman, is very hardworking and often travels back and forth to Syracuse.

As a businessman, the tavern owner has traded with Kirk many times. In the eyes of the tavern owner and other NPCs in the tavern, Kirk is a very real wandering businessman, and everyone in Syracuse is willing to do business with him. Business.

(Tomorrow, the update will start, and the first update will be at noon)

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