There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 134 Explosive Devil Pillar!

A distance of 100 meters seems to be within the attack range of the Demon God Pillar spacecraft.

After flying a little closer, the light of the two gun muzzles of the Demon God Pillar spaceship condensed, and it was about to launch an attack.

Seeing this, Chen Bing quickly ran to the side behind a stone, and took out the scroll of feigned death to use without caring so much.

[System: You have entered a state of suspended animation, and in the perception of monsters and enemies, you are already dead. The state of feigned death lasts for 60 seconds, and the state will be released after attacking the enemy or being attacked by the enemy]

This is the state of suspended animation? Why does it look like nothing has changed? And it only lasts for such a small amount of time!

The system prompt sounded, but Chen Bing didn't notice any changes in his body.

If there was no system prompt, Chen Bing would have suspected that what he was using was not a scroll of feigning death, but a fake scroll.

This thing feels a little unreliable!

Feeling that this might not be able to hide from the Demon God Pillar spacecraft, and the duration of the effect was pitifully short, Chen Bing thought for a while, and he took out the color-changing cloak and put it on.

After the color of his body merged with his surroundings, Chen Bing quietly poked his head out to observe the movement of the Demon God Pillar spaceship.

Fuck! It's really unreliable! The Demon God's Pillar spaceship won't leave at all!

As a result, although the Demon God Pillar spaceship did not continue to attack, it was still slowly flying over, trying to see what was going on.

Obviously, although the scroll of feigning death has taken effect, the effect is still not strong enough to fool the Demon God Pillar spaceship, and it still has suspicions.

It is definitely impossible to stay here and pretend to be dead. The Demon God Pillar spaceship flew over, maybe it was going to shoot him a shot or two, and he would turn into fly ash immediately.

Without saying a word, Chen Bing ran into the small woods beside him.

After Chen Bing ran a short distance, the Demon God Pillar spacecraft flew very close and circled behind the big rock where Chen Bing was hiding.

After wandering around for a while, but failing to find Chen Bing, the Demon God Pillar spacecraft immediately fired a beam of energy light cannon, blasting the surrounding stones to pieces.

I'm going! If you don't run, you will die!

Chen Bing felt his scalp go numb.

The power of this light cannon is too powerful, at least half of his blood will be hit by one shot, and he will definitely die after two shots.

And there are more than ten muzzles visible to the naked eye of the Demon God Pillar spaceship.

No, this Demon God Pillar spaceship is going to sweep away the high cliffs, and it can't escape!

Attacking the stone was just the beginning. The Demon God's Pillar spacecraft had determined that Chen Bing was still on the high cliff, and several light cannons flashed in unison, firing wildly around.

Under the violent explosion, there was no room to escape.

The Devil's Pillar spacecraft seems to be very skilled in this kind of thing. Its light cannon sweeps the path up the cliff from bottom to top, and sweeps the top of the cliff on the other side.

It's over!

The area of ​​the high cliff was not large, and the speed of sweeping was very fast. Chen Bing estimated that it would not take 30 seconds for the Demon God Pillar spacecraft to sweep up and down the high cliff.

Can't sit still!

Waiting for death is never an option for Chen Bing. He glanced at the skills and backpack on his body again, and suddenly had an idea.

Running is definitely impossible, and the duration of the feigned death state is not enough for him to run away. In this case, it is better to fight to the death!

Chen Bing quickly turned around the top of the cliff that had not been swept away, and then came to a side cliff.

Using the botanist skill, Chen Bing threw a cactus seed to the ground under the high cliff.

The principle of the botanist skill is very simple. Use the skill, select the seed, the skill will take effect on the seed, and when the seed falls to the ground, the corresponding plant will be summoned to fight for Chen Bing.

The terrain on the edge of the cliff that Chen Bing chose was very low, and there happened to be a pit, and the ground was more than a hundred meters away from the top of the cliff.

The cactus seeds fell quickly, and after falling to the ground, a cactus summoned object grew out instantly.

The detection range of the Demon God Pillar spacecraft is a thousand meters away. The cactus is Chen Bing's summoning object. Once it grows, it will be detected by the Demon God Pillar spacecraft.

The Demon God Pillar spaceship immediately swung its hull, crossed the high cliff, and searched for Chen Bing's trace.

It's now!

Chen Bing and the Demon God Pillar spacecraft lowered their altitude slightly,

He ran up the high cliff and jumped out.

However, the distance that players can jump out is very limited, and the Demon God Pillar spaceship will not fly down the high cliff foolishly. Under normal circumstances, players will not be able to jump from the Demon God Pillar spaceship no matter what.

But halfway through Chen Bing's jump, the zip line claw that he had previously used to explore the foggy forest appeared in his hand.

The zipline claw was thrown violently by Chen Bing and caught on the Demon God Pillar spaceship. With a swing, Chen Bing jumped onto the back of the Demon God Pillar spaceship!

Hey, this guy really has weaknesses!

On the back of the spaceship, Chen Bing glanced around and immediately lifted his spirits.

The Demon God Pillar spaceship has behaved abnormally since the very beginning. If there is no problem at all, its speed should be astonishingly fast from the beginning, but it is not the case.

On the other hand, the combat power of the Devil's Pillar spaceship is too abnormal. Without special weaknesses, it is impossible for players to defeat it.

Let’s not talk about not being able to kill the Demon God. If you can’t even kill the Demon God Pillar, there is no need to trigger this event.

The Demon God Pillar spaceship is a form of the Demon God Pillar, and it is still the most powerful form. Chen Bing wondered whether the Demon God Pillar spaceship had a weak point at the very beginning, and he could kill it after finding it.

The spaceship was so high up that it was impossible to find it, and apart from the slow startup speed, the performance of the Demon God's Pillar spaceship was impeccable.

There were many defensive weapons on the back of the Demon God Pillar spaceship, but these defensive weapons have all been destroyed.

Not only that, the middle of the back was also attacked by a huge cold weapon, and a long crack was cut out, which could not be repaired.

The Devil's Pillar spaceship has sensed that there is an enemy invasion on its back, and as soon as it turns its direction, it wants to turn over and throw the enemy away.

Chen Bing didn't give it a chance, and jumped into the Demon God's Pillar spaceship in two or three steps.

The Demon God Pillar spaceship rolled over and over again, but Chen Bing had already entered the interior of the spaceship, and if the Demon God Pillar spaceship messed around again, it wouldn't even think about abandoning him.

He calmly stabilized his body in the spaceship and moved forward slowly.

The interior of the spacecraft was dim, with only sporadic dim red lights flickering.

As Chen Bing advanced, he attacked and sabotaged everywhere, and the lines of the spaceship were constantly destroyed by him.

Seeing that Chen Bing was about to advance to the central control hub, the Devil's Pillar spacecraft rose sharply, reaching a height of more than 200 meters.

Then the entire spaceship began to fall apart, turning into metal cubes again and falling downwards.

When falling, these metal cubes began to quickly recombine the Demon God Pillar.

Hey, do you want to throw me to death? It's a beautiful idea!

At an altitude of more than two hundred meters, his body began to fall rapidly.

Landing like this is an absolute dead end.

But Chen Bing didn't panic. He took out the magic weapon flying cable claw again, hooked a metal cube not far away, and then used his strength to swing to another metal cube.

The metal cubes gathered quickly, and they wanted to regroup, squeeze Chen Bing out, and smash Chen Bing to death.

But Chen Bing moved his hand, and he planted the last cactus seed on a metal cube beside him.

A cactus grew out, and the metal cube was supposed to be combined with others, but because there were more cactus plants, the combination suddenly got stuck.

That cactus plant is not Chen Bing, it can be squeezed if squeezed.

The metal cube can only hit the cactus plant continuously, trying to rely on the weak damage to kill it.

After Chen Bing planted the cactus food, he took out the magic scrolls such as Blizzard and Fire Rain, and kept greeting those metal cubes around him.

At the same time, he also uses the pixel energy bow to shoot the metal cubes he wants to combine.

The combined speed of the Demon God Pillar dropped sharply. While attacking, Chen Bing jumped onto other metal cubes and moved down the ground.

In the end, until the metal cube fell to the ground, the Demon God Pillar could not be successfully combined, and Chen Bing landed safely.

During the fall, the Demon God Pillar was hit by half of its HP by Chen Bing.

After falling to the ground, Chen Bing was even more rude, and greeted Demon God Pillar with all his skills.

The Demon God Pillar was finally reassembled, but facing Chen Bing, it only released a series of lightning rays from its pillar to attack.

Chen Bing was able to dodge most of this attack, and those who couldn't dodge would only be knocked out for less than half of the damage. Drinking medicine had enough time to recover.

Compared to Chen Bing, the original Demon God Pillar was no longer a problem.

The only thing to worry about is whether the Demon God will return to help when the Demon God Pillar is about to die.

But until the Demon God Pillar was hit by life until it ran out of life, and the tall metal pillar fell apart, the Demon God did not return.

When the Demon God Pillar was killed, there was no grand explosion, but a skill book and two props dropped.

[System: Amethyst called his teammates to go, do you agree? 】

But at the moment when Demon God Pillar was killed, a system prompt suddenly appeared in front of Chen Bing.

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