There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 108 Success!

Fuck! Who are those guys!

Are you sick, leave the boss and don't fight, and attack that player and slime?

With the brave slime, Chen Bing was almost single-handedly fighting the boss.

They were also fighting the piranha boss, and the players who watched showed completely different attitudes.

The big guild will fight the BOSS, but fortunately, the guild will be wiped out by the BOSS group.

And when they saw someone singled out the boss, they couldn't help but side with those who dared to single out the boss.

Especially since one of the pets was a slime that was considered garbage by most people, they wanted to know whether Chen Bing could successfully kill the boss in the end.

The BOSS health dropped to half, and the brave slime was killed by the BOSS almost instantly, but was fortunately saved by Chen Bing.

But I didn't expect that before the brave slime had time to recover, two groups of people rushed out around him.

It's fine if it's about robbing the boss, it's human nature, the players watching the live broadcast have done it more or less.

But some of these people went straight to the bloody slime, and the other part went to Chen Bing, which made the players watching the live broadcast instantly filled with righteous indignation.

Many people wished they could rush forward and fight those who launched a sneak attack.

People from the Jihad Guild? No, besides them, there is another group!

After Chen Bing knocked away the piranha boss, he put a poisonous rattan on her to prevent her from chasing the brave slime.

And when the piranha boss was temporarily unable to pursue him, he immediately saw people from the Jihad Guild and the kingdom of mythology.

There were more than 150 people in the two groups. Seeing that most of them went straight to the brave slime, and a small part came to kill him, Chen Bing immediately knew that there was a group of people who were targeting the brave slime.

Run first, don't be besieged by them!

Chen Bing ordered the brave slime immediately.

The brave slime knew that he was right to listen to Chen Bing's order, so he quickly flapped his wings and wanted to fly away.

With its speed, as long as it flies far away, no player can catch up with it.

But the brave slime felt his body sink as soon as he waved his wings.

Not far from it, the figure of a player appeared.

Okay, I got it!

The members of Mythical Kingdom cheered up.

Knowing that the brave slime is powerful, of course they made preparations in advance, and they had already been groped for secretly, waiting for an opportunity to make a move in a stealth state.

If there is no such guarantee, the success rate will undoubtedly be very low if you rush out directly.

As far as the terrible damage of the slime is concerned, even if there is a pet killer, it is not easy to succeed.

Hey, someone else shot with us.

Are they also here for the slime crown?

It's not like, not many people came here, and more people went to deal with that player.

Members of Mythical Kingdom noticed the Jihad guild who shot at almost the same time.

Leave them alone, we just need to kill this slime with all our strength! If they don't attack us, don't attack them. There's no time to PK now!

Unexpected appearance, Yimeng Hundred Years was not flustered, commanding in a deep voice.

This guy has provoked a lot of enemies, there are people besides us who have to deal with him!

I'm going, it seems to be a person from the kingdom of myth!

Members of the Jihad Guild, someone exclaimed.

Mythical kingdom? This is interesting. Most of them have different goals from ours. Judging from their appearance, the goal seems to be to kill this slime? Hehe, don't conflict with them, keep an eye on that slime!

The members of the Jihad Guild are undoubtedly human beings, and they can tell at a glance that the kingdom of mythology is not pure revenge.

The two guilds have their own ghosts, but they both want to kill the brave slime.


After being hit with a slow, the brave slime was subsequently lost by the two guilds' abilities such as imprisonment, deceleration, and freezing.

The hero slime level is much higher than their level, and the duration of these negative states is very short,

All shortened to about 3 seconds.

But the negative states came one after another, and the brave slime couldn't return to normal state at all.

Seeing the people from the two major guilds rushing over, the brave slime became angry. When they approached, he directly blasted them with a pixel particle bombing skill.

boom! ...


Grass, it's still slow!

Everyone in the two guilds knew that the brave slime had this skill, and they were also on guard.

But at such a distance, it was too late for some people to hide.

More than 20 people were bombarded by the pixel particle skills, and were instantly killed without a doubt.


Large-range attack skills, killed more than 20 people in seconds!

Not bad! Another one, kill this group of bastards!

In the live broadcast room, there are quite a few players who are worried about the brave slime. Seeing the brave slime suddenly use a range skill that they have never seen before, there are more than 20 players in an instant. , At the same time, the rewards in the live broadcast room also rose sharply.

But when Chen Bing saw the hero slime using the pixel particle bombing skill, his heart sank.

The pixel particle bombing skill is undoubtedly the strongest attack skill of the brave slime. After seeing the damage of him and the brave slime, this group of people dare to do it, so there must be something to rely on.

The brave slime lost this large-scale killing ability, and the next step may be dangerous.

And he also used up his violent collision skills just now, without his displacement skills, and now facing the boss and two groups of players at the same time, he couldn't escape to help the brave slime for a while.

Yun Piaopiao could help the brave slime gain blood, but it would only delay for a few seconds at most, and she was afraid that someone would deal with her soon, and she would be in danger.


Chen Bing didn't care too much, and decided to meet up with the brave slime first.

He ignored the piranha boss, and directly shot a pixel explosion arrow, blasting at the two groups of people surrounding him.


The energy arrow exploded, and dozens of people were instantly killed by him.

At the same time, Chen Bing moved and rushed towards the gap in the crowd.

Hmph! The damage is indeed abnormal, but no matter how powerful you are, there is only one person. We are not those rookies!

Chen Bing's approach was correct, but no matter the Jihad Guild or the Mythical Kingdom, the PK combat experience far exceeds that of ordinary players.

They can't do anything about the damage-changing and abnormal range skills like Pixel Explosive Arrow, but Chen Bing wants to break free from their encirclement just because he thinks them too simply.

In just a split second, Chen Bing was hit by several semi-controlling skills such as deceleration and slowing at the same time, and his speed dropped drastically.

If he wanted to move forward, he would only fall into the encirclement net of the two major guilds.

And it wasn't that Chen Bing reacted fast enough, the hard-control skills such as skeleton claws and bone cages that appeared under the ground would immediately control him in place.

During these attacks, because the people from the kingdom of myth didn't want to kill Chen Bing, they deliberately didn't use skills to attack, and didn't use hard control skills to control him, otherwise his situation would be even more dangerous.

But no matter what, Chen Bing didn't want to rush to the brave slime to help in a short time.

You all will die!

The cold voice of the piranha boss came from behind Chen Bing.

Her level of evolution is very high, not only evolved into a human form, but also gradually became familiar with the language in a short period of time.

As her voice fell, the rattan whip swept towards Chen Bing from behind.

Chen Bing fought with the piranha boss for a long time, and just by listening to the sound, he knew that he had to dodge, otherwise even his equipment and defense would lose more than half of his health in an instant.

Grass! A lot of people is a big deal, isn't it?

Being flanked back and forth, Chen Bing couldn't help but get a little angry.

With a movement of his hand, he quickly took out the magic scroll kept in the backpack.

As soon as he moved his hand, the first one used up the extremely rare Wind Wings scroll.

A pair of huge blue wind wings suddenly appeared behind Chen Bing!

He was already severely decelerated, but when he lifted up again, his body also began to float in the air!

He only had one scroll of Wings of Wind, and he wanted to use it as much as possible, but now facing the senior players from the two major guilds, Chen Bing had no choice but to use it!

Except for the Wings of Wind, Chen Bing's various status magic scrolls that increase attack, defense, speed, and health were all thrown at him, and rays of light flashed one after another!


The seal was successful!

At the same time, on the other side, a player with the title of pet killer in the kingdom of myth shouted with great energy.

After the brave slime used up the pixel particle bombing skill, he managed to kill several people.

But the two pet killers from the kingdom of mythology also took the opportunity to get close to the brave slime, and successfully attacked and contacted the brave slime!

The pet sealing effect is activated, all the skills and effects of the brave slime are sealed, even the flying ability of the pixel wings is lost, and it falls from the sky to the ground.

(To make up for yesterday, today will continue four more)

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