There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 96 Newborn

Yun Piaopiao blushed and struggled to get up, but she was tripped by something, and without warning, she threw herself on Chen Bing this time with all her heart.

I'm going! What the hell is that? Go out and put the tent away, or it will break again!

But Chen Bing stared at the ground.

Yun Piaopiao did not fall down for no reason, the ground of the tent actually swelled up, and was still rising at an extremely fast speed, the tent was in danger of being punctured at any time.

If the tent was broken again, the two of them would have to spend the night in the rain.

Chen Bing didn't care so much, he quickly picked up Yun Piaopiao, walked out quickly, and put the tent away before it was damaged.

It was still raining outside the tent, but Chen Bing stared wide-eyed at the scorched everything around him.

Ten minutes ago, the ground was still covered with black charcoal, but now it has changed drastically.

Countless green seedlings grew from the ground, growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The tent of the two of them was on the newly grown seedlings. It was because of it that Yun Piaopiao fell down again just now.

The piranha monster has grown back?

Chen Bing looked on in surprise.

In the blink of an eye, these seedlings have begun to take shape. They are seedlings of piranhas, and they have no ability to attack.

The seedlings are growing at an extremely fast speed, but the space a few meters away from the two of them is relatively open, and they will not be attacked by the piranha monster. The two can enjoy this amazing scene to their heart's content.

Under Chen Bing's surprised eyes, the piranha monster soon grew back to a height of two or three meters, possessing the ability to attack.

If you hadn't witnessed the Sea of ​​Man-eating Flowers blooming, bearing fruit, burning and destroying under the night rain, it would be hard to imagine that the Sea of ​​Man-eating Flowers had undergone such a huge change.

His place is not far from where the boss was last night, do you want to go and see the boss?

Chen Bing thought of the piranha boss, and felt ready to move.

But after a little thought, Chen Bing decided not to commit suicide.

The level of the piranha boss is at least level 40, his current level is still too low.

Even if there is a boss there, he can't do anything about it, and there are piranha monsters all around. If the piranha boss has some special ability and can summon the monsters around him, he will die.

If you really want to see it, you have to find a way to go there, at least there is a guarantee of escape.

Chen, Brother Chen... But at this moment, Yun Piaopiao's shy voice came.

Chen Bing looked down and found that he was still holding Yun Piao Piao

I'm sorry, I'm engrossed in watching it. By the way, you are so light, I can hardly feel your weight.

Chen Bing smiled and put down Yun Piaopiao.

He only realized now that Yun Piaopiao was much smaller than he imagined.

It's okay. Yun Piaopiao said with a red face.

But in the dark night, Chen Bing just couldn't see him.

It seems that nothing has changed for the time being, let's rest first, and go to the BOSS tomorrow to see!

Chen Bing didn't think too much, took out Yun Piao Piao's tent, and settled down again.

After tossing and tossing for most of the night, and barely resting, Chen Bing felt drowsy and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Yun Piaopiao hesitated for a while, but quietly came to lie down next to Chen Bing, turned his body sideways, looked at Chen Bing's sleeping face, and finally felt drowsy, and fell asleep.

But she didn't sleep very hard, it felt like after a dream, Yun Piaopiao felt something pressing on her body and woke up immediately.

She opened her eyes, then couldn't help being dumbfounded.

She didn't know when she got into Chen Bing's quilt, and was hugged by Chen Bing. Chen Bing put one foot on her thigh, one arm around her slender waist, and the other hand on her small buttocks. .

What, what's going on, is Big Brother Chen going to attack her at night? Should she refuse? But it seems that in the game, you can't do that kind of thing, right?

Yun Piaopiao suddenly thought in a panic.

She has an indescribable affection for Chen Bing, and she is really happy to meet Chen Bing again in the game this time.

Facing the current situation, while she was flustered, Yun Piaopiao found out shyly that she seemed to have a vague expectation.

Chen, Brother Chen?

But after a long while, there was no other movement from Chen Bing. Yun Piaopiao couldn't help mustering up the courage to look at Chen Bing, and then couldn't help but hesitate.

I saw that Chen Bing was still in a deep sleep, breathing evenly.

The feeling was not that Chen Bing was going to attack her at night, it was just that the two of them rolled together for some reason, and then Chen Bing hugged her and used her as a pillow.

This discovery made Yun Piaopiao dumbfounded, but she was also relieved.

After all, if something really happened between the two of them, and the relationship could not go any further, they might become strangers in the future.

Yun Piaopiao has no confidence in herself, and feels that maintaining the current relationship makes her feel more at ease.

In Chen Bing's arms, Yun Piaopiao felt a very comfortable feeling. After she was at ease, she soon fell into a deep sleep.


I'm going! What's going on!

Early the next morning, Chen Bing woke up.

Opening his eyes, Chen Bing was shocked when he saw a little beauty in his arms.

Realizing that his thigh was pressing on Yun Piaopiao's body, and a salty pig's hand was still grabbing his small buttocks, if it was real, Chen Bing couldn't help but wonder if he put him to sleep last night.

Of course, this was a game, and Chen Bing knew that the two of them just ran together somehow, and nothing else would happen.

Having said that, Yun Piaopiao's body is really quite petite.

Hugging and hugging, Chen Bing felt more and more that Yun Piaopiao's body was smaller than it looked.

But the buttocks are full of expectations.

Chen Bing grasped Yun Piao Piao's small buttocks palm, and there was a sensuality in his hand, which made him pinch slightly harder.

Following his pinch, Yun Piaopiao's face suddenly turned red.

I go! This is embarrassing!

Are you awake? Sorry, maybe I had a messy dream last night.

Realizing that Yun Piaopiao was awake, Chen Bing could only make excuses for himself with the cheek.

It's not your fault, Brother Chen, I move around when I sleep in places I'm not used to.

Yun Piaopiao didn't pretend to be asleep anymore, she had indeed woken up a long time ago.

But Chen Bing hadn't woken up yet, so she didn't rush to get up so as not to wake Chen Bing up.

Unexpectedly, when Chen Bing woke up, he would squeeze her small buttocks, which caught her off guard.

That's it, then get up, continue to kill monsters and level up, and find the BOSS by the way.

Chen Bing guessed that Yun Piaopiao was looking for a step down for him, so he didn't get entangled in this topic.

The two got up, put away the tent, and continued to kill the piranha monster.


The brave slime rested all night and was full of energy. After being summoned, he let out an angry roar, then jumped up and followed Chen Bing.

After jumping a few times, this guy realized that it could fly now, so he stopped jumping and flew up with flapping wings.

Chen Bing took Yun Piaopiao and the brave slime to kill the boss last night.

By noon, the brave slime had reached level 34.

Yun Piaopiao's level was originally only 22, but after Chen Bing killed monsters for almost a day, her level soared to 26.

There was a lot of equipment in Chen Bing's backpack, and he was worried that he had no place to dispose of it, so he took out a set and gave it to Yun Piaopiao.

These are around level 27 equipment. If they are not sold, they will be eliminated in a day or two. Even if they are not eliminated, he will continue to collect other equipment items in the game, and sooner or later he will have to throw them away. .

Thank you, Brother Chen.

Yun Piaopiao was not polite to Chen Bing, and happily took it over to thank him and replace him.

With the new equipment, her auxiliary skills will also be more effective, which can improve the upgrade efficiency of the two.

Strange, where did the BOSS go? Did it respawn to a different location after burning last night?

Chen Bing frowned and looked around.

He had already killed the piranha monster near the boss position last night for a whole circle, but there was no sign of the boss at all.

How about we go back and ask Grandpa Bach?

Yun Piaopiao suggested.


Chen Bing nodded, he planned to go back to find Bach last night.

But he was not in a hurry, but moved to Bach's cabin while killing monsters and leveling up.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Bing returned to the open space where Bach was.

Compared with yesterday, the place where Bach lives has not changed at all, and no piranha monsters have grown.

But one day passed, and a large number of players appeared at Bach's place.

Chen Bing was a little surprised, but it's not difficult to understand after thinking about it.

When Yun Piao Piao broadcast live last night, there were so many people watching the live broadcast. After a day and a day, I don't know how many people in the game knew about the cannibal flower sea.

Once there are too many people, it is not too easy to find Bach here.

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