There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 36 No doubt, I am the chief judge!

No! We don't agree, we insist on a rematch!

Yes! Replay! Must be replayed!

But what surprised Bruno was that not all the deans of the academies regretted not requesting a rematch. The deans of five academies issued a strong request that was not inferior to him.

Replay? No! Why replay!

Bruno, only a few of your academies are asking for a rematch. How can you let 100,000 students rematch for a little of you. According to the schedule, they have to leave after the game is over today.

Indeed, such a thing as a rematch is not to be mentioned!

But without Chen Bing speaking out, the other deans of the academies objected to the rematch.

Why do they react so differently?

Very simple, Chen Bing used the authority of the judges to do something.

When he adjusted the student list of Blue College, he transferred out most of the students with high scores in the college, but because of the limit of 3 places, it is impossible to treat all colleges equally.

In the end, five unfortunate academies were abandoned by Chen Bing, and their high-scoring students stayed in the more than 30 blasted competition venues.

Students with high scores are retained, which is equivalent to retaining the places in the finals.

The audition stage is over, and the list of finalists will be released.

Those academies who came to ask for a rematch found that their academies were basically not few in the finals, and some even had more.

Except for the top students, the casualties of ordinary students were not much different from each college. Only the Blue College was completely destroyed, and the five unfortunate colleges suffered heavy losses.

There are not many people entering the finals, but there are six less opponents, and it can be concluded that those six will be at the bottom. No matter how unlucky their students are in the competition, they will not be at the bottom this year.

And because there are six less opponents, they are fighting, and the ranking may be improved.

In this case, they would be stupid to choose a rematch.

Of course, Blue College and the five unlucky colleges will vigorously demand a rematch. Without a rematch, they will be 100% bottom.

Okay, everyone is an adult, admit defeat, don't mention the rematch! President Bult, how about this decision?

Chen Bing stood up and stopped the quarrel among the deans.

Master Hai is the chief judge and person in charge. Of course, it is Master Hai who has the final say. Rodeburt smiled slightly.

He has been able to sit in the position of the president of the Gourmet Association for many years, and he has long since become an old fox.

Requesting a rematch for a few colleges meant that he had to stand on the opposite side of hundreds of colleges, and he was stupid to make such a decision.

And the person in charge of this competition is Chen Bing, he is so happy to pretend to be confused, anyway, it can't be blamed on his head.

President Rodburt said this, it is impossible to rematch.

You guys are too deceiving! Bruno was furious and left.

The faces of the other five deans were also very ugly, but compared to Bruno, they were not in a desperate situation.

At least some of their academy students made it to the finals. If they performed well in the finals, the academy would still be able to get a better place.

Master Hai, the next thing will trouble you. President Bult felt that he couldn't stay here any longer, and the clearer he was, the better.

Okay, President Bult, please walk slowly. Chen Bing laughed and said, it would be better if the old man wasn't there.

The morning is just an appetizer, and the final in the afternoon is the highlight!

After deciding not to rematch, the Lijiayuan mission was successfully completed.

After completing this task, Chen Bing's time retrospective energy reached 15 points.

Lijiayuan points 1500.

There is no upper limit to the time retrospective energy, but it will not automatically recover. Although there are as many as 15 points, but considering the amount used by the fusion hero slime before, 15 points are not enough.

Chen Bing prepared to hold it a little more, and then used it to fuse the Brave Slime again.

The next time the fusion is successful, the Brave Slime will have a high chance of mutating. The originally powerful Brave Slime will become even more abnormal!


How many people died in the explosion?

Thirty-four competition venues, thirty-four thousand people, so miserable!

I heard it was made by the misty people?

It must be them, but who else is so maddened!

If people in the fog hear it, they will definitely vomit blood.

As the biggest victim, the plan failed and ended in complete annihilation, but it was such a huge pot on his back!

The most important thing is that they can't wash themselves if they jump into the Yellow River. No one will believe their words. They are afraid that they will carry this pot to death.

As for the more than 30,000 players who died innocently, no one cared at all.

As the saying goes, dead friends don't die, what's more, if more than 30,000 people die, they can improve the ranking of the game if they are alive.

Young Master Lanyue, I checked it out. A lot of powerful guys died in the explosion. Your game ranking can be improved by at least a few hundred. It is not a problem to enter the top 500. If you are lucky, there is a high chance of entering the 100!

Outside a competition venue, Yang Zhong swore to Young Master Lan Yue.

The higher the rank of Young Master Lanyue, the greater the benefit to him.

Even if he can't enter the game temporarily, as long as he can enter again in the future, these will become his capital.

Brother, this time I saw it, there is no real chef, brother, can you take the first place again!

It's not that easy. It's not a chef who can take the first place. It's always a game.

On the other hand, the Ye brothers and sisters are eyeing the first place in the game.

Ye Xuan shook his head and replied, on the surface he didn't seem to be very interested, but of course he didn't think so in his heart.

First, no one is too much!

The finals are coming soon. That guy doesn't have to participate in the competition, what is he doing?

Unlike other players, the somewhat boring Peerless Fenghua thought of Chen Bing and wondered what Chen Bing was doing at this time.


One hundred competition venues, and finally 10,000 players were selected to participate in the final.

The final venue is a large open lawn in front of the building, and the game will officially start at 2 pm.

The NPCs have already prepared all the tableware for the competition. By 1:00 pm, the players who have won the finals will enter the arena one after another.

When the time came to two o'clock, after all the players entered the field, the judges were also seated one by one.

Now we have Master Hai, the chief judge of this competition. Master Hai and a group of judges will select the best chef from all the contestants! Everyone applauds and welcomes!

The coolie, Ike, came to be the master of ceremonies again. After the rest of the judges were seated, he stood on the podium and announced loudly.

clap clap clap! ! !

Warm applause suddenly sounded in the open grass.

Master Hai?

Why does this name sound familiar?

I remember, the guy who saved the princess, when the princess introduced him, she called him Master Hai!

I also remembered, but that guy was taken away by the princess, this Master Hai should be someone else.

Among the players below, many people felt that Master Hai was a little familiar.

In the warm applause, a figure stepped onto the podium with a smile.

That guy is Master Hai?

Isn't he a player?

He is the chief judge? How is it possible? How can players be judges, or chief judges!

Seeing Chen Bing on the stage, the players below were stunned, thinking they were wrong.

Wrong place, that guy must have gone to the wrong place!

Yes! Impossible! How can a player be a judge!

Seeing Chen Bing standing above, the player below felt that he was going crazy and refused to admit it.

How is this possible, players are judges? Or the chief judge?

Absolutely impossible!

Hello everyone, I'm Master Hai. No doubt, I'm the chief judge!

Standing on the podium, Chen Bing said with a smile.

Spitting blood, this guy is really the chief judge!

Not just an ordinary judge, he is responsible for scoring and ranking!

With nearly 10,000 participating players, I feel like I'm really going crazy.

Players who are judges of the Gourmet Academy game can still have such an operation?

Unheard of, they've never heard of it being like this!

This, this guy really ran to be a judge?

Peerless Fenghua was stunned. Chen Bing told her several times that she wanted to give her a good ranking, but she never believed it.

This guy was kicked out of the La Academy, and he couldn't protect himself, how could he give her a good ranking?

This game is not an evolution island, he can use force to oppress people.

But in the end... this guy stopped being a student, he really became a game judge!

Chief judge, as long as her cooking skills are not outrageously bad, if you want to give her a better ranking, don't be too simple!

Sister Fenghua, tell that guy quickly and give me a better ranking!

After Sakura reacted brilliantly, she grabbed Peerless Fenghua's hand and screamed.

Old, boss, he, he didn't lie to us, he is really a game judge!

Yun Shuang looked at Chen Bing on the podium with a dull expression, and said to Sha Jianxue next to him in disbelief.

Sha Jianxue looked at Chen Bing in a trance, no wonder she and Yunshuang passed the audition with ease, and what Chen Bing told her before was true.

It's over, this guy was kicked out of the academy by us, wasn't he taken away by the princess, how, how can he become a judge, or the chief judge, with this guy here, we will definitely be revenge, it is impossible to get a high ranking already.

Yang Zhong stared blankly at Chen Bing on the stage, flustered.

Impossible! What the hell did this guy do! How could he become a judge? To become a judge, at least he has to have extraordinary cooking skills, right? Why is this guy! furious.

The game hasn't started yet, and the results haven't come out yet, but his outcome has been decided, and it's impossible to get a high ranking.

Brother, how did he do it? He actually became a judge as a player, or the chief judge!

Ye Xiaoman looked at Chen Bing on the podium in surprise.

This guy who was expelled from the academy became a game judge? How could it be that he couldn't do it!

However, it's just a judge of the game, what's so amazing!

Chen Bing became a judge, and Ye Xuan was surprised, but after only a few seconds, he thought about it lightly.

In his opinion, Chen Bing was just lucky, and if he was replaced by him, he would not be worse than Chen Bing, he would only be better.

Princess Shelley is here!

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

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