There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 22 5 Stars?

( ) How is this done?

Although the five judges noticed Chen Bing very early and stared at him almost the whole time, they still couldn't understand the reason.

It's like magic, how could it be possible to draw a landscape painting on the egg whites through the eggshell?

Moreover, in the fragrance of this egg, the fishy smell unique to snake tortoise eggs has completely disappeared.

This landscape painting is formed by the egg yolk inside!

Finally a judge saw something and exclaimed.

It really is!


Several judges are still guessing whether Chen Bing painted the landscape painting on the eggshell with vinegar before. For some reason, the protein inside was formed by uneven heating.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the egg yolk inside broke through the package of egg white and flowed to the outer surface to form.

But this is undoubtedly even more amazing. It is not easy to let the yolk flow out of the egg white without destroying the eggshell, let alone forming a beautiful landscape painting.

Several judges were shocked beyond words, and finally felt that the cooking skills of the young people in front of them were unfathomable.

Even at this time, they couldn't figure out the reason.

I understand, because the egg yolk flows outside, it won't be undercooked because the egg white is isolated and heated, but how to remove the fishy smell of egg yolk? Logically, the egg yolk disperses, and the fishy smell will spread to the surrounding area. in the egg white.

One of the judges said excitedly but doubtfully.

They want to understand some things, but there are still many things that they still don't understand.

Especially the fishy smell of egg yolk, this is a fatal shortcoming, which is also an insurmountable gap that the Food Association cannot make snake tortoise eggs into delicious ingredients despite a lot of attempts.

The five judges all looked at Chen Bing expectantly and wanted his explanation.

It's actually very simple. You haven't figured out why snake and turtle eggs have a fishy smell. There is a special substance in the egg white and yolk of snake and turtle eggs. This substance is very little in the egg white and a lot in the yolk. In the air, this substance will quickly ferment and form a strong fishy smell. As long as the snake and turtle eggs are thoroughly cooked, the fishy smell will not appear. But under normal circumstances, if the protein is formed first, because of the heat insulation effect of the protein, Even if you bake snake tortoise eggs with high temperature,

The innermost egg yolk cannot be completely cooked, so as soon as the shell is peeled off, there will be a more or less fishy smell.

On the contrary, if the egg yolk of the snake tortoise egg can be thoroughly cooked, that unique substance will turn into a natural unique fragrance, making the snake and turtle egg a rare delicacy!

Chen Bing explained with a smile.

It turned out to be so, it turned out to be so!

Several judges were suddenly enlightened and at the same time ashamed.

They haven't even figured out the most basic characteristics of snake and turtle eggs. It is naturally impossible to turn snake and turtle eggs into delicacies.

I'll try the taste!

Facing the first real edible snake and turtle egg, the five judges couldn't bear the faint fragrance. Someone took out a table knife and cut open the snake and turtle egg.

So smooth!

When the knife fell, the snake and turtle eggs were easily cut open like tofu, and the five judges were surprised when they saw it.

They couldn't wait for each person to fork a small piece, and then they were amazed to see that the egg white on the fork was actually shaking gently like a very elastic milk skin.

Is this a boiled egg?

Never seen before!

Several of the judges felt like an unseen countryman.

“Try the taste!”

As judges, they have tasted countless delicacies, but at this time, they couldn't help feeling the strong secretion of saliva.

soft! slip! fragrant! tender! tasty!

As a boiled egg without any seasoning, there are not many words that can be used to describe it, but several judges felt that any word that can describe the deliciousness of boiled eggs can be used for the boiled snake and turtle in front of you. on the egg.

And taste it carefully, the various tastes are not comparable to the boiled eggs they have eaten, especially the fragrance, after swallowing, they feel that their breath has a faint fragrance.

It's amazing, and with a few more seasonings, it's bound to be an amazing meal!

One of the judges couldn't help exclaiming.

This is definitely the best poached egg they've ever had!

This assessment is undoubtedly passed. I wonder how you will grade it?

I'll come first, if nothing else, I have to give 100 points for the achievement of turning snake and turtle eggs into delicious food!

And that superb and unpredictable handling method, I also give 100 points!

100 points for such a delicious boiled egg! No objection!

Five people began to rate Chen Bing, and three people gave a perfect score of 100 in the blink of an eye.

When Chen Bing brought up his boiled snake and turtle eggs, it attracted the attention of many players. After all, the actions of the five judges were unusual.

Seeing that Chen Bing made a landscape painting on the boiled egg, they lost their glasses, and then Chen Bing successfully made the boiled egg delicious. They were not too surprised, after all, they were not very familiar with boiled eggs.

But now after seeing the judges scoring 100 points one by one, they couldn't help but drop their jaws one by one.

Isn't each judge scoring a maximum of 20 points, and the total score is considered a pass? What does this person mean by scoring 100 points?

That's what it means to give him full marks.

It should be. After all, this guy looks very strong, so it's not surprising that he has a full score.

Several players spoke out one after another, and everyone felt the same when they heard it.

Although I want to be picky, it's really impeccable, and I also give it 100 points!

A fourth judge also gave a score.

I said you guys, is it a bit high? Everyone gives 100 points, that's 500 points, which means that he not only passed the assessment, but also became a 5-star chef of the association in one fell swoop!

Beside the abbot, the examiner who was not in charge of scoring saw that four consecutive people had given a perfect score of 100, and he couldn't help but reminded him aloud.

A 5-star chef, it is rare for the Gourmet Association to award one a year, and it is only obtained through a grand assessment every time.

Like this, it has never been possible to directly obtain a 5-star certification in the entry-level chef assessment.

Why not, just this boiled snake and turtle egg can become a 5-star chef! Think about how many 5-star chefs can compare with him!

I also give 100 points!

The fifth judge glanced at the examiner and also gave 100 points.

Scoring results, 500 points!

The examiner looked at the five judges speechlessly. As an examiner, when the judges' scores were too unfair, he had the right to intervene and even ask for a re-assessment.

However, the examiner is also a master chef. He knows that as several judges said, just being able to make boiled eggs into gourmet food and overcoming the problems that the gourmet protocol has been unable to overcome is enough to become a 5-star chef.

A rookie chef, in the assessment of becoming a chef, he has overcome the problems that the Food Association has not been able to solve for many years, thus becoming a 5-star chef of the Food Association in one fell swoop...

This may become a beautiful talk for a long time in the future, and he, the examiner, will definitely follow suit.

Thinking of this, the examiner did not question the judge's score any more, and acquiesced.

Five, five-star chef?

My God, even if you pass the assessment, you will directly become a 5-star chef?

It turns out that the full score of the assessment is not 100 points, but 500 points!

Who is this person, he's too good for his sister!

The players around were stunned, and the wind was messy.

Many of them have entered the Gastronomy Academy many times and come to participate in the assessment in advance.

If they can get a full score of 100 points, they can directly become a one-star chef, get the qualification to skip the school assessment and directly participate in the final competition.

But only now did they know that the full score was not 100 points, but 500 points!

Masters, giving me a 5-star chef directly like this is unfair to those who have worked hard to become 5-star masters. In order to avoid someone saying that the Food Association is unfair, I hope the Food Association will give me a chance to have a real And a comprehensive review.”

But in the next instant, everyone was stunned by Chen Bing's words.

Looking at his appearance, is he too satisfied to make him a 5-star chef?

You really decided to do this? The five judges and examiners couldn't help but confirm.

Yes, but I have a request. I want to do it now. I don't know if the association is inconvenient. Chen Bing nodded.

It's no problem. The association has been assessing every day. I will notify the president and let him approve it. It can be carried out immediately. The examiner and Jiwei judges looked at each other and nodded.

Then I will trouble you, Master. Chen Bing smiled.

Okay, this assessment ends here. The rest of the people who participated in the assessment, please leave first. Because this assessment is different, although you did not do well in the test, you may pass in the end. Please go back and wait for the news.

The examiner began to ask the surrounding candidates to leave.

The players in the hall looked at Chen Bing with the eyes of a lunatic and left the assessment hall.

This guy is crazy, 5-star chef! If I get the title of 5-star chef, I'm afraid I will be the first in this game!

That's right, you don't need the title of 5-star chef! How can you get the title of 5-star chef if you participate in the official assessment?

I think he's going to pretend to be stupid! Even if he officially tests for a 5-star chef title, there will be no additional benefits!

It's a pity that I don't know what this guy's name is, otherwise, we can check what his background is.

As they walked out of the Gourmet Association, these players were having a heated discussion.

Soon, a message spread quickly among the players.

A player participated in the chef assessment of the Gourmet Association, and the result was a 500 out of 500 points, and won the title of 5-star chef!

But in the end, he gave up the title of 5-star chef and asked for a formal assessment!

As soon as the news came out, all the players in the game were stunned, and they all wanted to know which guy was so defiant.

But unfortunately, no matter how they asked, they didn't know the identity of that person.

Fake it, it's impossible!

It must be fake! The 5-star chef in the game is not a joke. I remember that a famous 5-star chef in reality entered the game and finally became a 4-star chef through continuous assessment. , and finally failed to participate in the 5-star assessment.

Without even the names and identities, many people began to question the authenticity of the news.

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