There’s A Bug In Me

Chapter 98 Arrogant? And even more arrogant!

(PS: The name of the protagonist's game character was changed to *****. The reason is that there was a bug in the naming process. The previous chapters have not been revised. If you want to write this chapter, you will first write it with the new name.)

Who is that person?

I know, it's the 'Diandian' master who abused the Black Knight Guild in the novice game!

Isn't it a master of 'Xingxingxing'?

Wrong, it's the handsome guy Harmony!

It's 'unspeakable'!

Looking at the person sitting on the giant bird, many players outside the laboratory do not know each other, but like Chen Bing, there are many players who just finished the game Magic World: The Basics. Some people recognized him and shouted excitedly. .

But there are different opinions about Chen Bing's stupid game name.

The players around who didn't know Chen Bing were confused and couldn't understand what was going on.

What the hell is this, it doesn't look like a nameless person, but why doesn't he even have a definite name?

You said he was a player who just finished the novice tutorial game? How is that possible!

Why is it impossible, I watched him achieve 100 consecutive victories in the arena with my own eyes!

But it doesn't matter, this person turned out to be a rookie player who just finished the novice game?

The surrounding players couldn't believe it. When they saw Chen Bing appear, they thought it was some old monster veteran who came here to abuse the rookie.

Daqingshan and Hua Qingying looked at each other, especially Daqingshan, when he saw Chen Bing's extreme appearance, he was stunned.

He knew that Chen Bing was very strong, but coming out with a group of bosses, it was not as simple as being strong.

This is even more BOSS than BOSS!

He and Hua Qingying couldn't help but wondered again if Chen Bing wasn't telling the truth. He was actually a super veteran, but the words of those novice players proved that Chen Bing was indeed a rookie player who could no longer be new.

The sixth game, how did he do it?

Da Qingshan and Hua Qingying couldn't help but wonder.

How could it be this guy?

Cobra naturally recognized Chen Bing. Unlike Daqingshan, he knew very well that Chen Bing had just played this game, and because of this, he was the one who was most shocked.

When Chen Bing came out, Cobra and other senior players were still besieging Daqingshan. At this time, he recognized Chen Bing. He no longer cared about killing Daqingshan, nor reminded the surrounding senior players. He hurriedly stepped back and wanted to escape.

But Chen Bing came here to save Daqingshan, otherwise he would not have come out so early.

Condescendingly, Chen Bing saw Daqingshan and Cobra long ago.

Seeing the cobra trying to run, Chen Bing sneered.

The giant bird he was sitting on was a new type of monster evolved from a black eagle eagle, which was faster than the eagle eagle.

Chen Bing's thoughts moved, and the giant bird's huge wings suddenly landed in front of the cobra.

After the cobra was stunned, she was overjoyed.

Don't worry about Daqingshan, kill this guy together before the other bosses come over. He is a friend of Daqingshan and came to help Daqingshan!

Cobra suddenly shouted at more than a dozen other senior players.

They are not like the Moon Shadow Fox and the others, who do not swallow and absorb monster corpses. Their strength is really strong. When they came to the Evolution Island together, they had the intention to join forces to kill the BOSS.

When several bosses are together, they will choose to retreat, but it is only one boss, and they are not afraid at all.

What's more, as long as Chen Bing is killed, everything will disappear!


There was no concession on the evolution island. Chen Bing made it clear that they came to them. These senior players did not hesitate, and one by one, they left the Daqingshan and rushed towards Chen Bing.

Don't think about it! Da Qingshan was furious and wanted to stop them.

But at such a distance, he can only drag one or two people,

There are still more than ten senior players killing Chen Bing.

Outside the laboratory, everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Bing.

Sister Fenghua, that guy won't be killed just like that, right?

In a remote corner, Cherry Blossom couldn't help but ask the peerless elegance on the side.

Peerless Fenghua saw such an appearance that broke through the sky, but it was also messy in the wind, and he couldn't react for a long time.

It's not that simple. Seeing Chen Bing being surrounded, Peerless Fenghua shook his head and was not worried.

Among all the players in the field, whoever knows Chen Bing the most is undoubtedly the peerless elegance.

She knew very well that Chen Bing would never seek his own death. If he dared to come down, he would be sure to deal with that group of senior players.

We also have to prepare to take action. If those people can't kill him, we will attack and make up for it! If he is alive, we have no chance of living to the end!

On the other side, Lie Wolf talks privately about Bai Ye and Glass Slag.

They didn't want to take action too early to avoid becoming the target of public criticism, but Chen Bing was not dead, and when all the bosses came over, no one would be his opponent.

Even if it is a little risky, they must ensure that Chen Bing is killed.

Lie Wolf and the others are going to take action, Xiao Polang, let's prepare too, and we will take these senior players into the pot depending on the situation!

The mantis caught the oriole behind, and when they saw the lie wolf moving under their feet, the big tail wolf felt that it was time for them to be the oriole.

These seniors are very attractive one by one. If they can get it all together, they can guarantee a very high ranking.

As for accidentally killing Lie Wolf, hehe, he doesn't know who Lie Wolf is.

Break your head! Sha Polang scolded, but he kept up with his body very honestly, ready to start.

If these people are not dead, it is impossible for him to take the first place. In this case, there is nothing to fear.

Not only Lie Wolf and Kill Polang, but many players around felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Chen Bing.

Chen Bing is not dead, they don't want to get a good ranking.

While many players saw Cobra start, a large group of players rushed out of the crowd and killed Chen Bing, forming a siege of Chen Bing.

So many people, Sister Fenghua, isn't this great? Cherry Blossom was surprised.

This time, even Peerless Fenghua couldn't help but change his face. No one thought that the situation would affect the whole body so much that so many players wanted to kill Chen Bing at the same time.

Hahaha, let you be arrogant, this is stupid!

Cobra laughed wildly, so many people besieged, Chen Bing will never survive!


Chen Bing squinted and glanced at the cobra.

Is this arrogant?

Then he is even more arrogant!

A large number of attacks flew towards Chen Bing, and Chen Bing's body changed in mid-air.

Monster form, giant BOSS flame demon!

In the face of many flying attacks, Chen Bing did not dodge or dodge, but the flame demon opened his mouth, and huge black and red fireballs slammed down at the surrounding players.


A loud bang resounded, and the surroundings seemed to have entered a hell on earth.

More than half of the players who besieged Chen Bing were killed in a blink of an eye, and those who survived were elites and veteran players like Cobra.

But they only lived a little longer than other players.

After the fireball, the endless rain of fire fell from the palm of the flame demon. Although the senior players of Cobra wanted to resist desperately, it was of no avail.

The giant bird on the side also neighed, and a large number of black feathers flew out, hitting the remaining players.

In the raging flames like hell, those players who besieged Chen Bing were all wiped out in the blink of an eye!

Outside the laboratory, it was dead silent for a moment!

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