There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 7 Senior is so strong and powerful

"Is there any chance of returning to normal after this blood-sense demonization?"

Ning Ye, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke and asked.

Yanri, who had already moved from the topic of Taoist tools to the cute husky next door to his seventh uncle, finally restrained his desire to continue chatting.

Back to normal?

Yanri raised his head and saw that the senior's face was serious, and he didn't look like he was joking, and couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

Now he is 100% sure that the senior Dao Chu in front of him is indeed closely related to Jiang Jingyi.

"According to records, this phenomenon of blood sense demonization is irreversible. But as the Dao Dian said, 'The great road is fifty, the heaven is forty-nine, and humans can escape one of them.' There is a glimmer of hope in everything. There is indeed a way to reverse it. , but..." Yan Ri hesitated, looking like he was hesitating to speak.

"But what? You say it and I listen."

"However, the price to be paid is too huge. Even a talented peer like you, Senior Daochu, cannot afford it."

Yanri organized his words and continued with a serious face: "I have seen successful cases in a miscellaneous journal of the Dao League. More than ten years ago, a senior in the league who was successful in business and became very rich, at a young age His daughter was plotted by her enemies, and the demon blood in her body was forcibly inspired, and she turned into an evil demon who only knew how to kill. In order to save his daughter, the senior spent all his family wealth, and in addition to the love that he had traveled around for the Taoist Alliance for many years, Therefore, we asked the reclusive Supreme Elder within the alliance to take action. In the end, the Supreme Elder successfully reversed the demon blood at the cost of severely damaging his vitality."

This was already a very euphemistic way of speaking, and there were some words that Yan Ri had not said.

It is extremely difficult to reverse the demon blood.

In this world, there are only a few people who can reach the level of Taoist Alliance Supreme Elder. Looking at the Chinese state, there are only a few of them. They are all beings with magical powers that are close to the divine. They are transcendent and cannot be called upon at will.

After hearing the reply, Ning Ye, who had been so happy just now because she had a way to recover, felt like she had fallen from heaven to hell, and fell into despair again.

He even faked the identity of this senior, so where can he find the so-called Supreme Elder?

"Be careful! There's a monster!"

Suddenly, an exclamation came from my ears.

Yanri heard his companion's reminder and quickly turned around, seeing a monster with red eyes ten meters away, with sharp teeth and a long black tail.

Although this was the first time Ning Ye encountered a demon in his life, he relied on common sense to recognize it as a rat demon at a glance. Because this thing is completely an enlarged and extended version of a mouse, but it is a little too big. A mouse that is normally the size of a palm has expanded more than a hundred times, comparable to an adult golden retriever.

As for the Jiang Jingyi he met yesterday, in his heart he was still his girlfriend, not a demon, so this was naturally the first time he encountered a demon in his life.

"It's just a rat demon, look at me roasting it!"

Although he didn't know why a rat demon appeared here, Yanri still showed strong confidence and walked forward directly. Hot flames emerged from his palms, preparing to show off his fire control skills in front of his seniors.

Ning Ye sat on the ground, her body motionless, looking calm and composed as a senior.

But in fact, he was frightened by this rat demon. After all, anyone who sees such a big rat for the first time would be a little confused.

Seeing Yan Ri taking the initiative, Ning Ye secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He knew how much he weighed. He usually caught mice at home, but if he was asked to deal with a rat demon that reached his waist, it still counted. Come on.

The flames in Yanri's palm seemed to have spirituality. They merged together at this moment, and then turned into a huge red fire snake, flying towards the rat demon.

The aroma of barbecue wafted through the air. At this moment, Ning Ye couldn't help but think of the barbecue he used to eat. The owner of the barbecue restaurant he frequented unscrupulously sold rat meat instead of mutton skewers. This was simply a loss. His conscience and morals were ruined. Although he was reported by the masses in the end, he was fined hastily and the store was not even closed. He continued to engage in such unscrupulous activities.

As an insider, Ning Ye vomited a lot first, and then said goodbye to barbecue for a long time.

Seeing that the rat demon was wrapped in his own fire, Yanri turned around and wanted to hear Senior Daochu's evaluation of his unique skill of controlling fire with his hands.

"Great success..."

Before the last word "cheng" was uttered, his body was sent flying out and hit the hard cement wall. With a "wow" sound, he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

The object that whipped him away was the rat demon's long black tail like a steel whip.

The rat demon, who was originally thought to have been burned to death by the fire, slowly crawled out of the flames. Except for two palm-sized areas on the surface of the body that were burnt black, the rest of the body was not even burned. At this time, its eyes showed a mocking look like a human, as if its plan was successful.

"Be careful! There is something wrong with this rat demon, it is definitely not an ordinary demon!"

Yan Ri, who fell to the ground with his mouth full of blood, used his last strength to remind him.

Now he fully understood that he was being played by the rat demon in front of him, and the fire snake he controlled couldn't even break through its defense. However, this rat demon removed the defenses in two places on its body, letting its flesh be burned and emitting a smell, deliberately creating an appearance of invincibility, and then taking advantage of its relaxation, it launched a lightning strike from its tail.

This kind of wisdom and methods are no different from human beings, and they have obviously opened up part of their spiritual intelligence.

Yanri's other two teammates on the field were frightened when they saw him seriously injured and vomiting blood and falling to the ground. Although Yanri is usually a talkative person, there is a reason why he can become the leader of the team, and that is that he has power far beyond the two of them.

Even the blazing sun couldn't stand up to this rat demon, let alone the two of them.

At this time, all the hopes and eyes of everyone were focused on Ning Ye, who was a senior master.

The rat demon also focused its attention on Ning Ye, who was directly in front of him, and approached him, its sharp saw teeth spread out.

Ning Ye, who was the hope of everyone in the field and the food target of the rat demon, still sat cross-legged, seemingly not afraid of confronting the rat demon. Such a calm demeanor made the girl beside her look at her with admiration in her beautiful eyes. Star.

However, the fact is that Ning Ye's legs are weak now and she really can't stand up, otherwise she would have run away immediately.

It's okay to let him kill fish, but as for killing monsters, the difficulty level is too high.

The rat demon was approaching step by step, and Ning Ye could even smell the fishy smell in its mouth.

Could it be... am I going to die like this?

Looking at the rat demon approaching step by step, Ning Ye felt sad, especially when she thought that in the past eighteen years of her life, she had just got a beautiful and gentle girlfriend. A beautiful life was beckoning to her, but everything was ruthlessly taken away. As if to let him appreciate the cruelty and impermanence of fate.

In this last moment of life, the memories of the past life are like rewinding the film reels, and the scenes are quickly reappeared in the mind.

He saw the empty classroom after school, envied those classmates who were picked up by their parents, and looked at his young self lying in front of the window under the dusk light;

He saw himself under the clear moonlight, emboldened by his drunkenness, with the absolute determination that he would be decisively rejected, squatting on Jiang Jingyi's way home, his face flushed and ready to confess;

He saw Jiang Jingyi walking together on the bustling street with bright lights. After cheering him up ten thousand times in his heart, he finally made up his mind and stretched out his hand to take her hand...

Recalling all the thousands of words in my inner ears, they finally turned into the words "Ning Ye, actually... I like you too" under the moonlight that day, and the vows they made to each other, "We must be good to each other for the rest of our lives." together".

"If I die here today, it means that the last traces of Jiang Jingyi's existence in this world have completely disappeared. No one will remember her anymore, and the only one who remembers her will only regard her as For monsters that must be eliminated.”

Ning Ye looked calmly at the rat demon that was about to approach him.

For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly remembered a funny joke he had seen before——

If you encounter a man-eating tiger, be sure not to bend down and expose your vitals, otherwise it will treat you as a herbivore that eats whatever it wants. Don't turn around and run away, because no matter how hard you run, you won't be able to outrun it. Instead, it will give it the confidence to pounce on you. At this time, the most correct thing you can do is to stand up straight with your chest raised, your eyes must be filled with anger and murderous intent, and at the same time, open your hands to make provocative movements, and shout some powerful and majestic words with the loudest voice, such as "Cao Ni Ma, you have the ability to eat me" and the like.

After will die with dignity this way.

I never expected that the content of the joke that made me laugh out loud would now become a reality.

Ning Ye was thinking hard about whether she should practice the joke method at this last moment, use her life to entertain the world, and make her last contribution in life.

Before he could finish thinking about it, the rat demon was already approaching, opening its mouth full of sharp teeth and about to bite Ning Ye's head.

Then, with a muffled "pop" sound, the rat demon's huge body fell to the ground, losing all its life breath.

Looking at its blood-red eyes, it looked like it had seen an extremely terrifying scene before it died.

Well... in short, I was scared to death.

Looking at the corpse of the rat demon in front of him, Ning Ye was completely confused and didn't understand what happened.

He had been waiting for death just now, but he obviously didn't do anything. Why did this rat demon die inexplicably? Could it be that he had a sudden myocardial infarction, or that he suddenly realized that cannibalism was bad, so he cut off his heart to prove that he was a kind rat?

All in all, it is safe now and the death crisis is over.

Ning Ye turned around and saw the other three people in the room, all staring at her with a look of admiration as if meeting an idol.

"Senior Dao Chu is really a god. He didn't even move his fingers and killed this rat demon with just one look! Dao senior is so powerful, so terrifying!"

Hua Lao Yanri, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground before, didn't even have time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth before he jumped out and boasted.

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