There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 385 The wedding begins

On this side, Chu Ranhu was pretending to be a tiger and pretending to be a big boss, while on the other side, he was in a mansion in Jiangcheng.

Ning Ye was holding an anthology of fairy tales in her hands and was telling her daughter a story to coax her to sleep. The warm golden sunlight poured into the room from the window sill, creating a peaceful and quiet atmosphere.

Not long after, Xiao Lian fell into a deep sleep amidst the melodious sound of the story. While sleeping, there was a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he was having a very sweet and warm dream.

Seeing that her daughter was already asleep, Ning Ye put down the book and stood up. He leaned over and kissed her daughter on the forehead with infinite affection. Then he stood up and took the last wooden sword left by the sword master towards her. Go outside the door.

Not long after, he flew away with his sword through the air, preparing to go to the wedding banquet and ask her, the newlywed protagonist, a word.

From the beginning to the end, Ning Ye never did it, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't dare.

Because he knew very clearly that there was always a woman behind him to whom he owed a thousand-year love debt, watching him alone on the ground.

He is the saint who led the people out of the dark ages in ancient times. He is the biological father of Xiao Lian who lived in Kunwu Holy Mountain a thousand years ago. He is the brother of the sword master with an unparalleled reputation. He is also the missing half of this side of heaven... ...But I am also Ning Ye now.

To this day, he can't figure out many things and can't find the answers to many questions. It seems that no matter what he does or what he chooses, it is wrong.

Therefore, he simply stopped thinking about it and just wanted to go to the Nangong Family like now to convey his true feelings and thoughts to the other party for their convenience.

With the help of the Heaven-Severing Sword in his hand, which is truly the best in the world and can cut off all the shackles in the world, Ning Ye easily broke through the outer restrictions of the Ruins Realm where the Nangong family was located and entered it.

Standing on the top of the mountain, he looked far away, looking at the Nangong family with lights and colorful decorations in the distance below. Seeing that the wedding had not officially started, he did not rush in. He sat down cross-legged, with his long sword across his knees, and waited patiently. .

Regarding what happened in the Dongfang Family two days ago, he had already learned from the spies Chao Shangyue had planted in the Dongfang Family. In order to ensure that the wedding was held normally, the Nangong Patriarch had to cooperate with those who were in charge of the Dongfang Family. With help, the puppet talisman was used on Dongfang Qingyue, causing her to lose her mind.

Therefore, fearing that his rash action would make Patriarch Nangong jump over the wall, Ning Ye decided to wait until the wedding was officially held, when the third brother and Qingyue appeared, before taking action in front of the full hall of guests.

Although his own cultivation had indeed improved by leaps and bounds after the night when the Tree of Origin appeared and the subsequent failure of Hedao, Ning Ye was still unsure about the fierce battle that was about to take place.

He has never fought against a strong person, and he doesn't even know how strong he is now. If he were to divide it by the realm of cultivation in this world, he should have already broken through the realm of inquiry and reached what the monks in the world said. The realm of overcoming calamity.

The previous step is the so-called becoming an immortal.

In fact, Ning Ye also felt that there seemed to be an invisible barrier in practice. As long as you broke through this barrier, you would enter a new world and become a so-called immortal.

However, he has been suppressing his own cultivation for these days, and he does not dare to try to touch this layer of cultivation barrier to overcome the calamity and ascend to immortality. Because he always had a feeling that something terrible would happen when he made a breakthrough.

If he were just an ordinary monk, he might just think that he was over-worrying. But as Ning Ye, who is half Heavenly Dao, could have such a feeling, it was not just over-worrying, but Heavenly Dao was giving a warning.

And this great terror does not come from heaven, but from an unknown place outside the territory.

In fact, it has only taken a few months since he first came into contact with the world of cultivation to become one of the top monks in the world. For ordinary monks, this speed of promotion is really fast. It is a fantasy that is unimaginable.

It is a blessing to be able to achieve rapid advancement in practice, but at the same time, there is a hidden danger. If a normal monk never reaches the threshold for such improvement, it will only lead to self-destruction.

While Ning Ye was sitting quietly on the top of the mountain, waiting for the next fierce battle, Chu Ran, who was sitting in the hall, relied on his status as a senior of the Taoist Alliance to cast his gaze aside after causing trouble to Chao Yueyue. The leader of the Demon Alliance, Huntian Demon Saint.

He walked forward and patted the other person's shoulder very affectionately: "You are the current leader of the Demon Alliance, Xiao Hunhun, right?"

The Huntian Demon Saint who was still laughing secretly in his heart before calling this old man "Xiao Yueyue" to Shang Yue, heard the name of this little Hunhun and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. However, he couldn't say anything yet. Who made this person in front of him... A senior with extremely terrifying strength.

Back then, this man had no respect for the sky. When he was unhappy, he even dared to cut the sky. If he made him unhappy, he would cut himself off with a sword and make a bear paw. Where could he go to reason with him?

"Yeah, I'm Xiao Hunhun!"

Demon Saint Huntian, who knew that the bear had to bow his head under the eaves, nodded heartily with a bright smile on his face.

Now that you have already followed your heart, it is better to follow your heart to the end and leave a good impression on this senior Daotian. After all, this senior is extremely generous. He just gave a rare book to Chao Shangyue. Immortal magic, wouldn't it be wonderful if you could also receive the immortal magic?

If Chao Shangyue could hear this guy's thoughts, he would definitely roll his eyes and say, "Screw your sister's rare magic. Do you want a big car as a gift? You're thinking too much!"

"Since you are from the Demon Alliance, you must know about Xiao Liuxi, right?" Chu Ran continued to say amiably.

"Xiao Liuxi?"

Huntian Demon Saint was stunned for a moment. At first, he didn't remember who this name was. After all, they usually respected Long Aojiao and dared to call her by her first name. After a while, he remembered that it looked like a real dragon. The master's name changed to this: "Senior, the little Liuxi you are talking about is... the real dragon master?"

Chu Ran nodded with great pride: "Thousands of years ago, I always called her this! Xiao Hunhun, you don't know that Xiao Liuxi followed my elder brother like a follower all day long, and then as soon as he was bullied by me, he would I went to my elder brother to cry with tears in my eyes..."

Chu Ran, who was waiting for the wedding to officially start, just pulled Demon Saint Huntian and told him about his glorious history thousands of years ago. The main content was how he bullied the young Long Aojiao.

Of course, with his unscrupulous temperament, there are naturally a lot of exaggerated elements in it.

All in all, it was just to vent the frustration of having her pinned to the ground and blasting the hammer in this life.

And just when he had spoken eloquently for more than ten thousand words, and it seemed that only half of it had passed, the wedding officially began!

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