There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 329 I have a sword that can kill the world (Part 1)

Not far away, on a roof covered with silver frost and moonlight, a snow-white little fox with nine tails was riding on the back of a big black dog with jet-black fur and bright eyes, plus an abandoned dog. Bai Ze, who has the dignity of a mythical beast, chooses to live by pretending to be a cat and being cute.

The fox, dog and meow formed a very strange scene.

"Did you see those three old guys wearing black robes, hiding their heads and tails and not daring to see people?"

Bai Xuan pointed at the three ancestors of the aristocratic families who had just appeared, and asked the two newly recruited younger brothers beside him.

Bai Xuan, who had just joined this big family, had successfully conquered the two younger brothers and became the boss not long ago. The reason why he was able to subdue them so easily was not because of the legendary tiger body that shook his body to exude a kingly aura, but because Bai Xuan's fists were big and hard enough, and he dared to hit the opponent directly with force if he refused.

However, having followed the ancient saint, it naturally understood that to accept younger brothers, it was not enough to rely solely on force. It also required a combination of kindness and power to make the younger brothers truly surrender. Therefore, after showing force, it also gave this The two new little brothers taught them some methods of spiritual beast cultivation created by the previous ancient saint master.

As for why he wanted to take in his younger brother, it wasn't because Bai Xuan wanted to live the life of being the boss, but because he was thinking about the future.

If the master really wakes up and returns in the future, it will definitely be difficult to take revenge on this world by relying on personal strength alone. Naturally, he must have his own power.

Well, so what Bai Xuan is doing now is to work hard to build forces for his master, so that he can come in handy during critical periods in the future.

After hearing Bai Xuan's words, the big black dog and Bai Ze nodded together, indicating that they had seen the three old guys in black robes that the boss said. Now the two of them are willing to obey the advice of their new boss.

"Don't look at these three old guys who seem to be very prosperous, but they are actually the most shameless lackeys. Everything they have is given by their master, but they betrayed their master when he was at his weakest. If there is a fight later, Now, don’t worry about other people, just follow me and kill these three old guys to death!”

Big Black Dog and Bai Ze nodded repeatedly, looking very motivated.

"Don't worry, these three old guys seem to be powerful, but in fact they are just strong on the outside and weak on the inside. They shamelessly devoured the remains of their master back then. Although they did get great benefits, they gained powerful strength and the so-called immortality, but This kind of immortality also comes with a price. Huh, the master's power is so easy to swallow. These old guys betrayed the master in the past and tried to get the master's world-defying cultivation. Their wishful thinking was loud and clear, but in the end they just lifted a stone. Smash your own feet

In the millions of years since ancient times, these old guys have suffered backlash for the evil they have done. They all live like humans and ghosts. They can only hide in the dark underground all day long, and their bodies gradually decay. They don't dare to go out to meet people, let alone fight with them. Once these old guys use their full cultivation, they will accelerate the decay of their bodies. Over the years, when I was trapped underground by that old guy from the Dongfang Family, I had seen how they went crazy in order to delay the decay of the body. They even used the flesh and blood of their descendants as food to nourish their decaying bodies and eat each other. How is this kind of thing different from those beasts? "

Bai Xuan muttered, he hated the ancestors of these aristocratic families who betrayed their master back then.

There are all lackeys under the throne!

If Bai Xuan's words are known to the monks from the four major families, then they will definitely be able to figure out that many strange things have happened in the clan, such as some clan members who have mysteriously disappeared, and the inexplicable deaths of successive family heads...

Of course, even if Bai Xuan told him, not many people would believe it. Instead, they would think that he was deliberately slandering their ancestor.

"Why is the master's aura... gradually disappearing?"

Feeling that Ning Ye's aura was getting weaker and weaker, Bai Xuan looked at his location with great concern.

It is a pity that the Chu Ran family's mansion has been blocked by the sword array set up by the sword master. It is impossible to enter to check on the master's condition and can only work outside in a hurry.

However, at this moment, for some reason, Bai Xuan remembered the last parting conversation he had with the sword master today.

Bai Xuan could clearly sense that the master's younger brother, the sword master, who had done the same thing as his master's sister, was holding an astonishingly powerful sword in his body. This sword was the one he had devoted all his energy to. All are refined and refined with a lifetime of cultivation and a lifetime of understanding the meaning of the sword.

What shocked Bai Xuan even more was that this sword actually started to warm up as early as the beginning of the sword master's training.

Has it ever thought about such a scene, enduring the pain of the sword qi corroding the bones and piercing the heart every moment, and keeping it warm and nourishing in the body day and night? Such actions are really cruel to the extreme, not against the enemy but against the enemy. Own.

If this sword were to strike out, the wind and clouds would change color and everything would become silent.

Bai Xuan originally thought that the reason why the sword master Wen Yang used this sword must be to kill an extremely powerful enemy at the right time. After all, this sword has long been connected to the sword master's life...

When the sword comes out, everyone dies!

However, when Bai Xuan asked about this matter, what kind of powerful enemy could make him like this, he got a completely different and vague answer.

The sword master said that the sword that was warm in his body was not to kill powerful enemies, but to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

This was also his original intention to embark on the path of spiritual practice.

There were so many sudden changes tonight. Bai Xuan, who suddenly remembered this matter, looked at the sword master Guan Lingfeng standing not far away under the moonlight, and suddenly had a very real premonition.

Maybe tonight, I will see that sword.

the other side.

With the arrival of the ancestors of the three great families, Nangong, Ximen and Beiming, the originally stalemate situation was like a stone thrown into the mirror lake, with waves and variables.

Many monks are waiting to see whether the three ancestors will compromise with the sword master, or whether a world-shattering battle is about to begin.

Although in the world of cultivation, there has never been any specific information about the cultivation of these three ancestors, because these three ancestors who control the super family usually retreat in the forbidden areas of the clan and never participate in the outside world at all, let alone Fighting with people.

But everyone knows that these three ancestors who never take action are not ordinary people, and their real cultivation is definitely not weak, otherwise how can they control a super family.

And tonight, the answer may be revealed.

After the three ancestors came to the field, they stood in the void and faced off from a distance with the sword master holding a wooden sword.

The battle is about to break out.

I just came back from driving out of town, there should be another update before twelve o'clock... stick to the double update

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