There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 305: Hope (extra chapter, must read)

Since I was born, I have lost my eyesight, and the whole world I live in has fallen into a gloomy darkness as thick as an iron curtain.

The elders in the village said that I was a child who should not have been born.

Precisely because of my birth, my mother, who was already in frail health, fell seriously ill and passed away soon after.

Many times, I also feel that I am a disaster star that brings disaster. Not only did I kill my mother, but I also caused my brother to live such a hard life. With such a sister who can't see anything, in such a situation A world without enough food is really a big burden.

I have thought countless times that as long as I die, I will not let my brother live so hard.

But...I'm really afraid of death, not of death itself, but of never being able to hear my brother's voice again or feel the warmth in his arms. What I'm most afraid of is that my brother will die because of my departure. Went away sad and weeping.

I hate myself for being useless. If my eyes could see the light, I could do my best to help my brother find food, wash and cook, instead of like now, I can only stay in the darkness and wait for my brother to come home. .

This is the only thing I can do, wait for my brother to come home.

Every time my brother went out to look for food, I would stay quietly in the house. Because I couldn't see day and night, I could only count the passage of time silently in the darkness.

Usually my brother always returns home when it gets dark, but once, I waited in the dark for two full dark hours, but my brother still didn't come back.

Although my brother always said that it was easy and simple to go out to find food when he was in front of me, he never mentioned any danger. But I can't see with my eyes, but my hearing is very sensitive, but I know very clearly that the truth is not the case. I often hear people in the village talking about the dangers outside the village, and people often die looking for food outside the village. en route.

Thinking of the dangerous words I heard in the past about the dangers outside the village, I huddled in the darkness, thinking about my brother who had not returned yet, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

If my brother is really gone, then what's the point of living in this world for me?

"Xiao Xi, brother is back..."

I don’t know how long time passed in the darkness. I was curled up in the darkness and fell asleep, and I heard a familiar call in my ears.

When I heard that my brother had come home, I threw myself into his arms, and the previously suppressed sadness and fear burst out, and I burst into tears.

Then, my palm touched some viscous liquid in the dark, with a pungent smell of blood. This was a wound on my brother’s body that had not yet healed.

My brother just said that he encountered some minor troubles outside the village and told me not to worry. He also happily said that the food he brought back this time would be enough for us, brother and sister, to eat for a long time. He could stay with us for the next few days. I'm around.

Although I couldn't see with my eyes, I could clearly feel from the wound how serious and dangerous the so-called little trouble my brother said was, and my tears suddenly became more intense.

I blame myself very much. If it weren't for my dragging me down, and if my brother hadn't taken care of me who has been in poor health since birth, he could have lived a better life on his own than he does now, at least he wouldn't have to work so hard to find food.

As if sensing my inner thoughts, my brother held me tighter in his arms, then stretched out his palm to touch my head, and said softly: "Xiao Xi, don't blame yourself, all this has nothing to do with you. Relationship. In fact, if it weren’t for you, Xiaoxi, by my side, my brother would have been unable to hold on and would have given up the idea of ​​living in this cold and cruel world. So it was you, Xiaoxi, who gave me, my brother, the hope of living. Brother should thank you."

"But if it weren't for me, my mother would not have died at all. Just like those people outside said, I was a child who should not have been born, and would only bring disaster and misfortune." I cried.

"How could it be? Xiaoxi, you know, when mother left, she had a smile on her face. In fact, mother's body has long been exhausted, but because you are still in the womb, she I worked very hard to persevere until you were born. Just like the name your mother gave you when she was dying, you are the hope she clings to."

My name is "Xi", and "Xi" means "Xi" of hope. This is the name my mother gave me when she was dying.

My brother held my hand and said softly: "So from now on, Xiao Xi, please don't say these stupid things again, and don't think about those stupid things in your heart. Let us, brother and sister, live in this cruel world." Let’s depend on each other for life.”


I nodded heavily.

An indescribable warmth came from the tightly held palm. At that moment, it seemed that all the darkness in front of me was melted by this warmth, and I became fearless.

As long as my brother is here, I am not afraid of anything!

Depend on each other for life.

When I was young, I had never seen what the light described by my brother looked like. I had never seen flowers blooming everywhere under the sun, and the sea was so blue that it stretched as far as the eye could see. I have never seen the beautiful scenery that Bian described to me more than once.

However, even if these scenery are really as beautiful as what my brother described, I am not very interested. What I want to see most is not the picturesque scenery, but just my brother's appearance.

Because in my heart, my brother is the most beautiful and best, and nothing in this world can compare to him.

I'm really lucky that I can be my brother's sister and that I can rely on each other as much as I do now.

"Xiao Xi, don't worry, my brother will definitely find a way to cure your eyes and let you see the light!" More than once, my brother promised me with heartache when he saw my dull eyes.

And I smiled and nodded every time, convinced.

It's not that he believes that his eyes, which were unable to see since birth, can recover and finally see the light, but that he just believes in his brother himself, just like he believes in this beautiful hope.

In fact, I know very clearly how difficult it is for me as a human being to be able to see light with both eyes. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

In this world, the human race is not only born with a weak body, completely unable to compare with those monster beasts that are born with strong bodies, but also cannot absorb and mobilize the power of heaven and earth like those monsters. It can be said to be the lowest and lowest race.

If it weren't for the fact that the human race's flesh was so favored by the monster race, the human race would have been extinct long ago in these tens of millions of years.

There would be no demon lord who would be willing to spend his mana on healing for a human race who only had cheap and low-level food.

However, no matter what kind of desperate situation we are in, we must always live with hope. This is the survival principle taught to me by my mother who gave me the name "Xi" and my brother.

The village where my brother and I live is owned by a demon clan lord, who owns more than a hundred similar villages.

Fortunately, the great lord of the demon race does not like young humans. Instead, he likes to enjoy middle-aged and elderly humans. It is said that the meat of old humans is chewy.

Therefore, the life that my brother and I live together is relatively peaceful, and we don’t have to worry about our lives for the time being.

And because my brother has shown extraordinary strength since he was a child, he can move a huge boulder that usually requires ten people to move by himself. Therefore, he is respected in the village and no one dares to bully him. We are brother and sister.

My brother himself doesn't understand the reason for his unique strength talent, but he often likes to look at the sky, sometimes for the whole day, as if that is his final destination.

I thought that the days when we, brother and sister, depended on each other, would go on peacefully, but that day, the peace was finally broken...

Another demon lord came to the lord's castle in our village as a guest, and that demon lord from other places loved the tender flesh of very young girls the most, so all the girls of the right age in the village were recruited. Food for the table...

Among them, including me.

After hearing the news, my brother rushed back to the village. In order to protect me from being taken away as food, he fought with the demon guards.

In the desperate situation, his brother awakened talents that humans did not have. Like the great lords of the demon clan, he had the powerful power to communicate with the power of heaven and earth.

All the demon guards were killed by my brother alone.

Seeing this scene, almost all of the villagers knelt on the ground, thinking that their brother was a messenger sent by God to save the human race from suffering.

After gaining this power, the first thing my brother did was to heal my eyes, allowing me to see the light for the first time in my life.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the most beautiful scenery in my life, which was the face of my brother that I had always wanted to see.

My brother, who had just awakened his power after killing the bodyguard of the demon lord and was not yet ready to face the demon army, left the village with me, who had regained my sight, and began my life in exile.

During the days of his exile in the world, his brother had more and more followers. Under his guidance, these people also mastered the method of communicating and absorbing the power of heaven and earth like the demon clan.

Because this technique was created by the elder brother, and the elder brother named himself "Tao", they called this power "cultivation".

After seeing the light, although I saw the appearance of my brother who I thought about day and night, and the beautiful scenery that my brother had told me about more than once, I also saw the filth and tragedy in this world.

Too many human beings are treated as edible livestock.

And for some reason, since he gained power, his brother also started to have some strange changes.

This change is not a change in his treatment of me as a younger sister. In fact, my brother is still the same as before, doting on me and taking care of me. Even if I want the stars in the sky, he will try his best to pick them for me. .

The change in my brother was caused by his treatment of other human races. Whether he was facing the tragedies suffered by the human race or the cruel actions of those monsters, there was no trace of compassion or anger in his eyes, only the aloofness and aloofness. The coldness and indifference.

This feeling is like my brother no longer thinks that he is a member of the human race. He is looking at everything below with a detached attitude that is above everything else, like an ant watching life and death. He is watching everything below without sadness or joy.

Moreover, the number of times my brother looks at the sky has also increased a lot, and it seems that he will disappear with the wind and return to the sky at any time.

My brother once said that he was going to find a quiet place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and take me there to spend the rest of his life together, ignoring the things in the world.

But in the end, this idea was not realized. The elder brother chose to lead the human race to fight against the demon race and became the supreme king of the human race.

I didn't understand the reason for my brother's sudden change at the time, and it wasn't until much later that I remembered the root of it all.

It was one night when my brother who was looking at the sky suddenly turned around and asked me casually what wish I wanted to realize. Then I said, I hope that there will be peace in this world and there will be no more bloodshed, death and sorrow.

My brother at the time just chuckled after hearing what I said and said softly that this wish was really difficult.

I didn't care about it at the time, because it was indeed too difficult to achieve my wish, and there was no possibility of it being realized. I just said it casually. But I never thought that my brother would always keep it in my heart.

In the days when I became the highly anticipated king of the human race and fought a life-and-death battle against the monster army, I was unable to communicate with the power of heaven and earth to practice Taoism because of my physical weakness. Besides, my brother didn’t want me to have this power, because he didn’t want me to go. Fighting with monsters on an extremely dangerous battlefield, so I was left at home and was heavily protected by his people.

Just like before, waiting for my brother to return at home.

Every time when my brother led the army to go to war, I could only stay at home and pray to God for my brother's safe return. At the same time, when my brother returned from the army, I would hold a light in my hand and watch my brother go home on the road outside the door.

What if my brother can't find his way home?

After all, my brother is fighting for the human race alone in this world. I am the only family member left, so even if I am the only one, I must let him feel the warmth of home.

In the fifth year of the struggle against the demon army, a small rebellion emerged within the human race.

Those generals from the human race, while my brother was fighting on the front line with the monster army, rushed into the home where my brother and I lived, and kidnapped me.

They also know that my sister is the one that my brother loves the most in this world. I am his only weakness as a king.

The reason why they held me hostage was that these people thought that my brother must be hiding something secret and did not hand over all his cultivation techniques. Otherwise, why could he be so powerful while others like him were so slow in their cultivation progress?

They believed that as long as they held me hostage, they would be able to make my brother hand over all his cultivation techniques and know-how. By then, the strength of the human race would have improved by leaps and bounds, reducing a lot of casualties and making it easier to defeat the demon race.

They had completely forgotten that if it had not been for the appearance of their brother, the current human race would still be in the same situation as animals. These people have no sense of doing anything wrong. Instead, they think that they have done a great good thing for the human race. He is a righteous man.

Then, when they brought me hostage to my brother, they were all dead.

I have never seen my brother so angry, and I have never thought that my brother, who has always been so gentle in front of me, has become so powerful. Just looking at these people, they immediately lost all their vitality.

"Oh, people's hearts."

Picking up the frightened me, my brother looked at the corpses at his feet and uttered this sentence in a cold voice. The expression on his face seemed to be very disappointed and lost.

At that time, I thought that my brother was disappointed because of the actions of these people who held me hostage. Later I realized that what my brother was disappointed with was not the actions of these people, but that even if he really pacified the world, the human race would be respected, and the world would not be the same. There will not always be peace, there will still be bloodshed, death and sorrow...

And the wishes I made at that time may never come true for me.

The reason is because of "people's hearts".

Even if there are no foreign enemies as powerful as the demon clan, war and destruction will still occur in the endless internal fighting of the human race.

After that small rebellion, my brother seemed unaffected and continued to fight on the front line against the monster army as the king of the human race.

Maybe in the past few years, my brother, who acts as a king, has also seen many beautiful things in the human race. Those who held me hostage before do not represent all.

Although it is difficult to realize your wish, you must still have hope that one day it may come true.

However, for the sake of my safety, my brother spent a lot of effort to improve the cultivation base of the white fox we adopted together, so that the white fox can protect me for him when he is away.

Some time passed, and news of defeat suddenly came from the front line.

It turned out that the rise of the human race caused the backlash of the mysterious and unpredictable heaven, which rained down punishment in front of the army, causing countless casualties.

Perhaps under the rules of heaven, humans only exist as livestock. How can they turn around and become the masters of this land?

However, my brother said that the way of heaven does not tolerate humans because it knows the potential contained in humans, so it is afraid.

Therefore, my brother gathered the power of the entire human race at that time and decided to create a weapon called a "sword" to slash the sky.

My brother is really awesome, he seems to understand everything.

However, there was a problem during the casting process of this sword because no one could imbue it with spirit.

A soulless weapon may be able to cut through iron like clay, but it will never pose a threat to the way of heaven.

And I also learned from the message that others secretly sent to me that my brother decided to cancel the sword-making plan because only the closest relatives and loved ones of the sword holder can imbue this sky-cutting sword with spirit.

And the only person in this world who is qualified to imbue this sword with spirit is me, his sister!

Without this sword, my brother, who has been noticed by Heaven, would be in serious danger.

I understand the meaning of the message that the other party secretly conveyed to me, and I have already made a decision in my heart.

That day, I put on the most beautiful new clothes given by my brother, cooked a table of his favorite delicacies, and then while my brother was resting, I secretly left the house and headed towards the sword furnace. direction.

The hot white sky fire was burning fiercely, and the sky-cutting sword was stuck in it. Standing in front of the fire, I felt calm inside.

I have always been taken care of by my brother, and now I can finally do something for him. I am really happy.

I don't regret my decision at all. The only thing I regret is that I couldn't stay with my brother longer and look at him more.

But it doesn't matter. From now on, I can still be by my brother's side. It's not like I could only stay at home and pray before, but I can become the sword in my brother's hand, accompany him in all directions, and never be separated for the rest of my life.

Jumping down, the white sky fire engulfed me. The scorching temperature was just like the warmth of my brother's hand holding my hand in that small village many years ago.

The kind of warmth that can drive away all darkness and fear nothing.

Really... very happy!

It took me a whole day to write a large chapter of nearly 6,000 words. I hope you all like it.

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