There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 109 The Creditor Arrives (on shelves at 12 noon on Friday! Please support!)

More than ten minutes later, the police who received the call arrived at the scene.

"Sir Han, after fingerprint comparison, the identities of the two comatose robbers have been confirmed. They are fugitives who have committed several home invasions, robberies, rapes and murders before!" A young police officer came over to report.

While surveying the scene, Officer Han, a middle-aged man called "Sir", nodded, indicating that he already knew.

As the leader of the criminal investigation team, there was actually no need for him to come out for this kind of police dispatch. The reason why he came here was because he was interested in the mysterious masked man who had appeared in recent days.

About five days ago, the masked man appeared for the first time and stopped a convenience store robbery. When the police received the report and rushed to the scene, the four robbers were already lying on the ground unconscious, with their ribs Several of them were broken, and it was estimated that within a year and a half, I would not even be able to get out of bed and walk.

As if he didn't want others to see his true face, the man always wore a white smiling mask to show off.

In addition, I don’t know where the man in the white mask got the information. Wanwan police had just received a call to report the crime. By the time they rushed over, the matter had been resolved. The criminals had been violently subdued, as if they were dead. They waited like dogs for the police to catch them.

And the case just now was already the third one tonight. I really don’t know where the man in the white mask got so much energy.

This is because he wants to become an immortal. Doesn’t this person even need to sleep at night?

"Ms. Zhang, you don't have to be afraid. Our police will protect you. Now please cooperate with our investigation and tell us what happened in detail." Officer Han looked at the victim in front of him and said in a gentle tone.

Just after receiving her alarm call, everyone rushed over.

Because her top and clothes had been torn, the woman, who was wrapped in a sheet at this time, slowly told the story of what happened, from how she was held hostage by the two gangsters to how she was saved by the white smiling hero who seemed to fall from the sky.

After listening to her complete account, Officer Han pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Miss Zhang, have you seen the face of the masked man?"


"Did you hear any special information?"

"Special message?"

Miss Zhang, who had just been rescued and was in shock, thought about it carefully and then said: "I once heard him say to two gangsters that he himself is a sinner who wants to atone for his sins."

A sinner who wants atonement?

Officer Han took out his notebook and wrote it down immediately. This sentence sounded like a story. Maybe it had something to do with why the man in the white mask became so keen on fighting crime.

"He is a good man and a hero. You police won't do anything against him, right?"

Miss Zhang, who was belatedly aware of the situation, asked worriedly when she saw Officer Han's reaction in front of her.

"Although the original intention of what he did was good, this kind of lynching to hurt people is undoubtedly against the law. But don't worry, Miss Zhang, we will not hurt him!"

Officer Han spoke righteously, and only he knew how true his words were.

At the same time, on the top floor of the tallest building in Jiangcheng.

There is a saying that it is always cold at high places, and it is indeed true.

On the rooftop where the cold wind was howling, Ning Ye sat on the edge of the rooftop. In front of her was a lighted building that looked like a sea of ​​stars, and beneath her feet was the entire river city.

The white smiling face mask has been taken off and placed quietly aside.

Fortunately, it is already late at night, and the rooftop building cannot be seen from the street below, and no one will come to the rooftop for sightseeing. Otherwise, seeing Ning Ye sitting on the edge of the rooftop at this moment, one would probably think that he was thinking of jumping off the building to commit suicide, and would be frightened. You have to call the police directly.

In fact, Ning Ye was doing an extremely important thing at this time, eating!

In his arms, he was holding a pile of burgers and a carton of milk.

Just now, we collected more than 100 yuan from the two victims, which is just enough for today's supper.

There was nothing he could do. Not only was he desperately poor, but his home was inexplicably blown up by a mysterious force. He also owed a huge amount of debt from a previous date, and he could no longer even support his daughter... …

What's even more tragic is that Ning Ye found that her appetite was getting bigger and bigger.

After eating all the more than ten burgers in my arms, I was only barely three-thirds full.

After finishing her supper, Ning Ye just sat on the edge of the rooftop, basking in the howling cold wind from high above, looking at the bustling night scene below her feet, quietly in a daze.

It's been almost a week since that date, and I don't have any feeling at all. It's like everything happened just yesterday.

Thinking of the name engraved in his heart, his eyes became a little sad.

But no matter what, life has to go on.

Originally, Ning Ye thought that he would be defeated by sadness, but in fact he was not. Only then did he realize that he was a little stronger than he thought.

And now, he has also found a new goal in life!

First, as a father, he should take good care of his daughter Xiao Lian, who is like a little angel sent to him by God.

And the second thing is to live happily and do your best to atone for your sins!

From the mouth of Master Shouji, he also learned how many murders his lover Jiang Jingyi had committed when she was transformed into a demon, driven by her demonic nature.

Ning Ye has already made plans. Now that she has left, it is up to her to fulfill the dreams and expectations she once had. She will live well, live happily, and live happily. Live together for her sake!

If you just feel sad and depressed, you are really a complete loser.

As for the sins that have been committed, it is up to me as my boyfriend to pay for them.

In fact, a few days ago, Ning Ye had secretly visited those families who had lost their loved ones due to lovers turning into monsters.

Facing the sad tears of families who had lost their loved ones, Ning Ye, who was hiding in the dark, seemed very helpless and heartbroken. In the end, I could only do my best to remit a large amount of money to those families anonymously, as a consolation, so that these families could live a better life in the future.

This money was naturally borrowed from Dongfang Qingyue first.

Of course, in the face of disappearing lives, money is nothing at all. Ning Ye also knows this deeply, and has never thought that as long as he pays this amount of money, he can atone for his sins.

But after all, people cannot be resurrected, so this is the only compensation he can make now.

Ning Ye, who was walking back that day, stood in the noisy street with people coming and going, looking around blankly and feeling lost.

At this time, he saw the news broadcast on the big screen outside the mall, saying that a single woman was brutally killed by gangsters on her way home last night...

After seeing this news, Ning Ye felt as if she had been enlightened and finally found the best way to atone for her sins!

Since the previous lover involuntarily took the lives of several innocent passers-by due to her demonization, now she can save herself, who will live with her!

Although life is not like mathematics, it cannot be measured by numbers, and it cannot be compared by simple addition and subtraction, but at least doing this will make you feel better.

As a result, there was a mysterious man wearing a white smiling mask in the night in Jiangcheng, a sinner who was performing salvation and eradicating sin.

"Ding ding ding!"

The pleasant ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted Ning Ye's meditation while sitting on the rooftop.

He took out his cell phone and found that it was Chu's mother calling.

But it's normal, after all, I have been in the Xu Realm of the branch alliance these days, and I haven't been back to the Chu family for several days. Moreover, although Chu's father and Chu's mother are not related to him by blood, they have always treated him as a relative and silently cared for him.

After answering the call, Ning Ye had a confused expression on her face.

On the phone, Chu's mother asked him to come to her house for dinner tomorrow at noon, and she wanted to introduce Chu Ran's girlfriend, a girl named Lu Yumeng, to her.

But... didn't that boy Chu Ran disappear? When did a girlfriend suddenly appear?

emmmm...I always feel that something is very strange!

Forget it, anyway, you can meet Chu Ran's girlfriend, the girl named Lu Yumeng, at noon tomorrow. Then we can just have a good look and communicate with her.

It’s really exciting. I wonder what this Lu Yumeng looks like!

Ning Ye put her phone back in her pocket and was about to leave the rooftop when she suddenly saw a familiar green sword light that only practitioners could see, piercing the night sky and heading towards her.

I say familiar because the owner of the sword is Dongfang Qingyue, and Ning Ye has taken it several times.

It's just that, why did she come to Yujian to find him if she didn't sleep in the middle of the night?

Talk about life and ideals...or are you here to collect debts?

Thinking of this last possibility, Ning Ye felt exhausted. Now he was a veritable debtor, owing an astronomical amount of debt.

And Dongfang Qingyue is his big creditor!

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