There is Space After Rebirth

Chapter 806: Young Li who doesn't want to go 2

At this moment, Lan Zuo also felt chilly all over, and knew what he had done wrong.

He destroyed the two worlds of the boss and Yun Mengyao!

Li Haolan walked out of the room, looking at Lan Zuoyi and Fu Qingyi's eyes were very unkind, wishing to eat them.

These two **** have destroyed their two-person world!

Lan Zuo also shrank his neck, trying to reduce his sense of existence, fearing that Li Haolan would be severely beaten by Li Haolan for disturbing the world of the two of them.

Now she doesn't know where else, it is estimated that Yun Mengyao specially came to send Li Haolan, but the gift was sent to the room first.

Then the two of them were deeply affectionate and reluctant to give up.

Especially when Lan Zuo also saw Yun Mengyao's still red and swollen lips, Lan Zuo also looked at Li Haolan's eyes as if he was looking at a bad person, how could he be bullied so badly?

Yun Mengyao blushed and said to Li Haolan, "Brother Li, you have to go too, I also want to go to the crew, so I won't see you off! I'll go now!"

"Wait!" Li Haolan looked at Yun Mengyao who wanted to escape, and quickly reached out his hand, grabbed her wrist, and hugged her into his arms.

Yun Mengyao slammed into Li Haolan's arms, seeing Lan Zuoyi and Fu Qingyi back a few steps.

Lan Zuo, who is very acquainted, hurriedly dragged his luggage and ran directly, "Boss, I'll go down and drive first, and wait for you at the gate!"

Looking at Lan Zuoyi's back, Fu Qingyi secretly scolded this unscrupulous person for leaving him, but still hurriedly stepped forward to follow, but he did not dare to speak.

Yun Mengyao looked at the actions of Lan Zuoyi and Fu Qingyi, his face flushed even more, and she raised her head and glared at Li Haolan, "What else are you doing?"

Li Haolan smiled slightly, and squeezed Yun Mengyao's little Qiong nose, "I just want you to give it to me again!"

"Okay!" Yun Mengyao thought for a while, nodded, thinking about Li Haolan's departure, and didn't know when to return, she still missed him not wanting him to leave.

After agreeing to send Li Haolan, Yun Mengyao escorted him out of the room and got off the hotel.

Along the way, because of reluctance, Li Haolan deliberately slowed down just to stay with Yun Mengyao for an extra second.

Lan Zuoyi and Fu Qingyi sat in the car and waited. Looking at Li Haolan, who had to stop for a few seconds after taking a step, the corners of his mouth twitched together.

"I feel that I really underestimated the man who fell in love before!" Lan Zuoyi muttered.

Fu Qingyi nodded deeply in agreement, "Yes, especially for men who used to be cold-hearted and cold-hearted, it is simply earth-shaking when it comes to falling in love!"

But no, he felt that his boss wanted to stick to Yun Mengyao.

Yun Mengyao finally sent Li Haolan to the side of the car in the eyes of Lan Zuoyi and Fu Qingyi watching the show and making complaints.

Yun Mengyao is already a little tired, feeling that this journey is very tired.

"Brother Li, get in the car quickly, I'm going to the crew too!" Yun Mengyao said with a bright smile on his face, without showing any clinging to Li Haolan.

Li Haolan reluctantly grabbed Yun Mengyao's slender hand and squeezed it tightly, "Well, then I'm leaving, you take care of yourself!"

"En En En, all right, don't worry, I will take good care of myself!" Yun Mengyao nodded like smashing garlic, comforting Li Haolan, "Big Brother Li, too, you should eat well, sleep well, and don't stay up late to work!"

"Good!" Li Haolan nodded with a gentle smile.

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