There is Space After Rebirth

Chapter 515: I didn't see the two love sisters crazy 5

After a good lunch, Yun Haoxuan was picking his teeth and his expression was contented, "Ah, my baby girl's cooking skills are really good! It's delicious! This is the best I have ever eaten!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect Qiqi's cooking skills to be so good!" Ye Xian was also emotional, more proud of it.

In the past, Yun Qiqi entered the kitchen to ruin the rhythm of the kitchen, but now the cooking skills are so superb, even better than the chefs of the Michelin restaurant.

Yun Qiqi smiled, leaned directly on the back of the sofa, took out the phone, "Hahaha...I also learned from recipes, and I mostly learned medicated food!"

"You are a medical **** system, no wonder! This medicated diet is also necessary!" Ye Xian nodded in agreement.

Yun Qiqi lowered his head slightly, and saw inside the phone, Li Haolan sent himself a message, [Can you meet me? 】

Seeing the message he sent, he looked at his parents again, and it was estimated that he would not be able to see him for a while.

[No, my parents are back this morning! 】

Yun Qiqi raised his head and looked at Ye Xian, "Mom and dad, do you plan to stay here for a few days?"

Ye Xian hiccuped, glanced at Yun Haoxuan, and said, "Your dad has handled foreign affairs for the time being, so it is estimated that he will stay in China for a while!"

"The foreign scripts have been solved. Since you plan to announce your identity, I should also go back to China, and I will write a few scripts for you too!" Yun Haoxuan said dozingly.

Ye Xian used his script to get the crown of the queen.

Moreover, as long as it is a movie script written by him, the female number one is Ye Xian, and every one is her queen.

This is Yun Haoxuan's ability, and even a domestic first-class screenwriter.

The script written by Yun Haoxuan, as long as it is invested in filming, can be popular, and as long as the actor's role is selected well, it can be awarded.

Ye Xian's shadow queen was created by Yun Haoxuan.

Yun Hongyu, who was touching his chubby belly, heard it, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "That's good, our company hasn't made a movie on its own for a long time!"

Because they don't have a good script, they are actors at most, and only a part of the investment funds, which account for a small amount.

As long as Yun Haoxuan's scripts are domestic, they are almost entirely invested by Qi Yao Entertainment Company themselves, and there is no other capital injection.

Who makes them a family?

Doesn't the fertilizer flow into outsiders' fields?

Yun Qiqi smiled and said expectantly, "I really look forward to your movie, Dad. I must play the female number one!"

"I want to act too!" Xiaobai heard it, raising his paw to express his presence.

Yun Qiqi glanced at Xiao Bai disgustingly, "Can't you talk?"

"You don't need to speak, but I can also act! Really!" Xiaobai looked at Yun Qiqi expectantly.

Yun Haoxuan smiled and looked at Xiaobai, hesitated for a moment, and nodded gently, "Well, it's okay, I'll write it out!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Xiaobai, who was allowed, jumped happily on the coffee table immediately, "Little master can also make his debut!"

Yun Qiqi's mouth twitched fiercely, not wanting to see Xiao Bai, let alone admit that this is the spirit of the system.

Continue to look at the phone and see that Li Haolan has already responded to the text message, [Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I will go home tomorrow! 】

Li Haolan didn't make it clear that Li Haolan said that she wanted to find him a woman, and she couldn't let her know about it.

Therefore, I only found a reason to go home during the Dragon Boat Festival.

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