There is Room for Rebirth in the 1950’s

Chapter 976 Difficult sister-in-law

Ever since her wife went out with the children, Zhang's mother has been uneasy.

Let the eldest granddaughter Mai Miao accompany her sister-in-law who has not yet entered the door to the study on the left, which is now used as a guest room to rest, and she herself also went out of the yard.

On the kang in the study, Gong Xiaoya took out the scarf and handed it to the future sister-in-law, Will it be too popular?

Mai Miao pursed her lips and smiled, It's costing Miss Xiaoya, I like it very much, don't buy me anything next time, I'm still a student and there's no need to waste it.

Waste what? Xizi is only your sister.

Mai Miao glanced at her, thinking about some things, let the elder brother tactfully mention them. She is not the only one in her family, but also Maisui and the others.

Whether her grandma and second aunt or her sisters heard this, I'm afraid they would all feel awkward. Especially Maisui must give you a face.

My sisters are not short-sighted, they haven't seen anything before, so they would be rare for these small favors? It would be better to switch to red-headed ropes, one for each person.

Immediately, Mai Miao smiled self-deprecatingly. She also worried a lot, and when the other party married, she would understand the relationship between the family and take it for granted.

Is the next door your uncle's and aunt's room? I heard from Mingyuan that the east house of your three families must be reserved for the elders. Why is it different here?

When Mai Miao heard this, she carefully observed her eyes and was relieved to see that she was calm, but she had to say something clearly, otherwise who would know what the other party thought.

If it's really a shit stick, even if she is married, she will have to find a way to get rid of it. It is enough to have a foolish mother in their family.

She pretended to be surprised and asked: My brother didn't tell you that this is my aunt's dowry?

Oh, no wonder.

Mai Miao replied with a smile: No wonder what? My grandma always said that my aunt is her own daughter, do you know what that means? My aunt wanted her to live in the east room with my grandfather, but they themselves refused.

My aunt doesn’t like to push and push. After the yard of her hometown was built, she dared not tell my grandma to make the east house just like the new house, and she would not agree to let the old man live in the west house.

Gong Xiaoya nodded after listening, Your aunt is very filial.

Of course. Seeing that the other party was very interested, Mai Miao immediately took the opportunity to tell in detail some things that the old Zhang family could disclose.

As for some things that should not be said, forget it, even if you really marry in, you have to look at your character. If it weren't for the engagement now, she wouldn't bother to bother.

Gong Xiaoya was silent for a long time after listening, and said after a while: Your uncle is very... How should I describe it, he is very manly. No wonder Mingyuan said that no one he knows can compare to his uncle.

Mai Miao smiled proudly and nodded, That's true. My uncle is not only kind to his family, but also loyal to his friends. He is famous for his righteousness.

My second uncle often jokes that he is a good person, but he is not unconditionally good. There is no principle issue involved. He is easy to talk about, but if you want him to help you find a job or find a way out, it is useless. Just look at my mother and my second aunt who are idle at home now...

After talking so much tonight, Mai Miao focused on this sentence. She believes that a college student on the other side must understand, but don't try to benefit her natal family ignorantly.

Mai Miao, who never forgot to ring the alarm bell, didn't know that when she was worried about her future sister-in-law's family, her grandma was worrying about her future husband's family. Seeing that the eldest granddaughter is almost 20 years old, if she does not marry again, she is really worried that she will fall into her hands.

Sister-in-law, why don't you let the two children meet? The young man is just two brothers. If he gets married, he doesn't have to worry about his sister-in-law getting angry. He looks good and energetic.

This condition really makes Zhang's mother tempted, the population is simple and the right and wrong are small, and the young man is a formal worker...

You also know that I don't know how to be a matchmaker. This kid went to my house twice, and he told me in private. His parents will live with the boss in the future, and he just pays.

Zhang's mother immediately waved her hand, Forget it, there are three elder brothers above Mai Miao, and we will not consider her until their weddings are over.

If you said that you were still tempted just now, but after hearing the next sentence, Zhang's mother would not think twice about this candidate. He even said that he would just pay in the future before he got married.

She has no parents in her heart, and no matter how much she likes her eldest granddaughter, can she really believe it? Now Mai Miao is young and beautiful, young people are greedy for sex, waiting to grow old. Not reliable, absolutely not reliable.

Okay, then you can think about it again. This kid and my family know everything about it. I think it looks pretty good.

No, no, no, his grandfather has explained the marriages of several children in the family, and we will not interfere as adults. You are busy first, and I will go and see where the children are.

After finishing speaking, Zhang's mother quickly slipped away.

As I walked, I wondered if I should consult with the sister of the Zhao family? He is the director of the Women's Federation, and the three children have chosen top-notch candidates. This vision can't be wrong.

Grandma, where are you going?

Mother Zhang followed the voice and saw that it wasn't the old man and grandson she was looking for, she shook her head, Xizi, Xiao Zuo and the others have someone to talk to?

Xizi looked at her in surprise, What's wrong, who said what?

Mother Zhang shook her head.

Oh, they said that they have candidates, but they haven't made up their minds yet. Grandma, don't worry about my grandfather, we brothers have made an appointment, let you agree first before we make a marriage agreement.

Mother Zhang sighed, I'm not worried about your boys, but should I look for Mai Miao? Just now, Granny Tian in the front yard told me who I should choose.

Father Zhang shook his head, Mai Miao doesn't need to look at her first. Xizi, you should go back to rest early, and bring your partner to your house tomorrow, so that she can spend more time with your mother.

No, let her breastfeed with me.

Trouble, your grandma is quite old and still has to take care of the guests. If you want to talk about it after entering the door. Saying this, Father Zhang waved his hand, urging him to go back first.

Seeing her grandson leaving slowly step by step and turning her head three times, Zhang's mother looked at his wife's expression, What's wrong? What did Xizi say that made you unhappy?

Father Zhang looked at the disappearing figure with complicated eyes, We all follow us, what else is there to be unhappy about?

Mother Zhang looked at him in confusion, what happened?

Father Zhang didn't intend for her to answer, and said to himself: I remember that I would have a crush on you, and I didn't even dare to say a word to you, because I was worried that your reputation would be damaged.

The same is true for the five men and women I gave birth to, so I don't procrastinate when I see it right. If the reputation of being disliked by the girl's family spreads, how will she behave?

If you look at these children again, what do you mean if you have a candidate, but you haven't made up your mind yet? It's really not like our old Zhang family's species, it's really unkind!

Zhang's mother, who was one step behind him, couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this. What he said made sense, but he didn't know what was going on, so there were so many complaints.

She sees, it's the old man who is unhappy, finding fault is the real thing!

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