After Lin Lishan said goodbye and left the family courtyard, she took Xizi and her husband back to the guest house with a flashlight. There was only one waiter sitting at the counter in the hall, wearing a sweater. When she saw Lin Lishan bringing Xizi in, she immediately stood up and conveyed the old man's instructions to let them go directly to his room.

After Lin Lishan thanked the other party, she took Xizi up to the second floor and went directly to the old man's room.

Mr. Lin's room is used for entertaining distinguished guests. In addition to the bedroom, there is also a living room outside.

In the living room, only the old man and Zhang Guoqing were talking about something. The old man softly analyzed the military positions and power backgrounds of the several leaders who accompanied him today, and then talked about the history of these people's fortunes, their personalities, ways of doing things, preferences and weaknesses.

After finishing speaking, listening to Zhang Guoqing's question, appreciation flashed in his eyes from time to time. After the grandparents and grandson talked and commented, the old man was full of smiles, and told him in detail how to deal with interpersonal relationships after leaving him in the provincial capital these few days, who needs to focus on, and whose children and grandchildren are like.

Zhang Guoqing listened carefully to the old man's arrangement of the itinerary for the next few days, and he had a rough idea of ​​the banquets he would attend.

After Mr. Lin talked about the situation in the provincial capital, he also talked about the current major forces, analyzed the difficulties that Zhou Xiaozheng will face after returning to the army, and roughly described some things that happened after Zhou Xiaozheng arrived in the capital from the Northeast Military Region. Let Zhang Guoqing pay more attention when interacting with others.

For Zhou Xiaozheng, the son-in-law, Mr. Lin loves and hates him at the same time.

Seeing Lin Lishan bringing Xizi in, the two stopped talking.

Mr. Lin asked Lin Lishan with a smile: Why did you come back? I originally wanted someone to find you. I saw that there were already things in your room. I guess you didn't see us go out when you came back. Later, Xiao Fei said that you probably I'm going to his aunt's. Xizi took the little car and saw that the boy guessed right. How is it? Are they here?

After Lin Lishan took Xizi to sit down, she frowned slightly, looked at the back room, saw that the door was closed and no one was guarding outside, and said softly: Xiaomeihua asked me to say hello to you for her, I guess I'm embarrassed to come You, there are many people with mixed eyes.

After a pause, he continued: Okay, it's definitely not good in the compound. The couple and their two sons live in two rooms, and the place is quite crowded. She doesn't seem to be very used to it, but she said that she always It is impossible for the child to be so old and not join the army.

I didn't want to go to her place this time. We said we were in the same unit, but we didn't have a deep friendship. For Xiao Fei's sake, it's not good not to meet, and the remittance vouchers in hand cost about the same, so I stopped by her to see if there is a way to find some vouchers, and keep some for us Jiaojiao as a spare. As a result, she didn't have many remittance bills, not even ordinary bills. Fang Jianmei seems to have been here for two years, and I don't think the couple can handle it well here. Dad, what is Uncle Xiaofei's position?

Mr. Lin pointed to Zhang Guoqing, Zhang Guoqing smiled and whispered to his mother-in-law: The battalion commander of the second battalion, there is no one in the crowd to welcome grandpa. Xiao Fei went out to accompany his uncle and has not come back yet.

After Lin Lishan listened, she said something thoughtfully, Fang Jianmei mentioned the three girls in our family at night, which meant something. Embarrassing for both of them. You see, I just don't like that about her.

In the evening, I asked me to take care of her niece. She said that someone had agreed that the little girl would join the art troupe next year. You think she is smart, right? Without my nodding and agreeing, it's still unknown whether I can get in or not. Now that it's all right, just a word of care, it's still not a certainty.

Dad, do you still remember the eldest daughter of the Fang family? The one who works in a department store, who always looks up at people with his chin up, is talking about her daughter.

Mr. Lin nodded when he heard the words, I'll go back and talk to your mother about the matter of your niece and Xiao Fei, and you don't need to get involved. Since she has mentioned the matter of her niece, you agree, and you just wait Let's talk about the documents. Do you want to go out together tomorrow? I also have some bills with me, should I give them to you?

Zhang Guoqing went back to the room and took out a small box, and said with a smile, Jiaojiao asked me to bring the money and tickets because she was afraid that you would not have enough money, and you would leave in a hurry before I could say anything. Mom, I will give it to you. No need.

Lin Lishan shook her head, and pushed back, The two of you are saving your money and using it slowly. I asked Fang Jianmei to save some bills for you. Besides, I bought everything that should be bought. I will go to the city tomorrow to have a look, and I will go back Accompany Jiaojiao, it's useless if you give it to me. You take it back and put it away, and go to Mom's room to see if there is anything you haven't bought.

Zhang Guoqing took the small box and didn't give in politely to her. He took Xizi to the mother-in-law's room to see what he had bought.

Xizi hugged the car in her hand with a smile on her face, seeing the usual time to go to bed, but the little guy was in high spirits and not at all tired.

How about it, is there a lot of things in the mall? Have you seen something you like and feel embarrassed to propose it? You tell my uncle, and I will bring it to you when I go back. Think about it and write down what you want.

Hearing what he said, Xizi pulled him hastily, Uncle, you should save some money, and save it for your mother-in-law. I don't have anything to buy. I have learned a lot today, and there are still people who buy things like this. I think At a glance, she bought one, and I dare not look at it.

Then you think about it at night, why can she have the confidence? She doesn't care if she buys so much? When you can buy like this, what do you need to work on next? Do you want to be like grandma, or like the ancestors in the village, Going to the fields and farming, hunting, drinking a little wine, marrying a good woman in the village, giving birth to a bunch of cubs, what else do you want?

Go out tomorrow and look at what the people around you say and how they do it, and then compare how the people in the village do and say it. If you read too much, think about it yourself. Besides studying hard, what else do you want to learn?

Zhang Guoqing took the opportunity to speak slowly, guiding him to think. Xizi is ten years old, in fact, she already has her own ideas, and she should also have goals. At the age of five in the orphanage, he knew what he wanted and what to do to get what he wanted.

After finishing speaking, he was left to think in a daze, and nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at the pile of things on the table on the ground, I sighed. The mother-in-law has good eyesight, but she is not able to handle housework.

Zhang Guoqing carefully bound several bolts of fabric, and packed the remaining fabric, wool and other textiles into a big bag. Then all the conspicuous things were packed into a bag. It seems that today I spent a lot of money, and the ones I picked were all high-end. This vision is really extraordinary.

In Mr. Lin's room, the old man looked at his daughter's eyes looking forward to him, secretly amused, seeing that she couldn't bear her temper. Finally nodded.

Seeing her overjoyed, she said with a smile: Very good, stronger than our family's Dingsheng. Some people are born with unique advantages, and Xiaowu is very outstanding. He has excellent ability and personality charm, and he is generous to people and things. The attitude is gentle and polite, and the grasp is very good. It is rare that the clues can be caught from small things and conversations.

18 years old, so young. Zhou Xiaozheng was like this back then. Don't worry, you got a good son-in-law. Old man Zhou, then take a look and talk, you don't need to intervene. You have Zhou Jiao and her husband and wife to protect you, even if you don't have Zhou Xiaozheng, you will have no worries in your life.

Lin Lishan nodded straight with a smile, a stone in her heart fell. She didn't think about what her daughter and son-in-law would do in the future, the young couple had a harmonious relationship, and it was enough for Zhang Guoqing to protect her family's Jiaojiao. I kept telling the old man that I was satisfied.

That's enough? Your good days are coming. Mr. Lin laughed loudly after speaking. Even if Zhang Guoqing's grandson-in-law is better than his eldest grandson, he is also happy in his heart, thinking of his old friend's envious eyes and secretly laughing.

Seeing Zhang Guoqing coming back with the child, Lin Lishan finally told her father not to drink too much alcohol. And after the doctor read the prescription Jiaojiao gave, remember to give it to her mother on time.

Mr. Lin nodded with a smile, Okay, you go to bed early. I'm going to rest too. Have Xiao Wu read something? Have you read it? Then go to bed early. You take Xizi to a room, and Xiao Fei ignores it. He's gone, he'll come back by himself, you all go to bed early. After speaking, when Xiao Zhou came in, the old man waved them all back.

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