The annual leave is cancelled, how do you spend the Spring Festival?

Except for Zhou Jiao and the three children, these have little connection with Zhou Xiaozheng, who is a soldier. In fact, he never celebrated the New Year with his comrades.

But after the third day of the first lunar month, Cheng and his wife took Wen Yu, the little grandson, and the three Pingan brothers to the Southwest Military Region first.

The reason for this is that the wedding of the grandson of Cheng's parents was a lot of twists and turns, choosing a date and a place. According to Zhou Jiao's hearing, she changed it, not five times, but at least three times.

This time it was finally decided to hold it in the Southwest at the end of the first month of the new year.

If they hadn't changed the wedding date after August 1st, their family could have gone to have a wedding banquet. This time, the three Pingan brothers were appointed to represent the Zhou family.

During the Spring Festival this year, the temple fair was cancelled, and the whole family was busy commuting to and from work, but it was in line with the theme of the new year, grasp life and promote production.

Different from them, Zhang's family in Northeast China, apart from Zhang Guofu, who works in the food bureau, the rest of Zhang's brothers and sisters did not go home on New Year's Eve, and the first day of the new year kept going.

But Zhang's father and Zhang's mother returned to the village to spend the new year according to the habit of previous years, only to realize that under the slogan of learning from Dazhai in agriculture, the production team did not rest.

Finally, after the third aunt's grandma returned to the house for a banquet, Father Zhang fled back to the county with his wife. This year, he felt that he had treated his deceased parents badly, and he couldn't even buy paper money, let alone worship his ancestors on New Year's Eve.

——In the ancestral hall of the old Zhang family, the rows and rows of spiritual tablets have long been moved to a secret place by the old patriarch and elders.

It was also from this year that a new dance replaced Yangko twisting, and model operas began to appear in major theaters and fields in various villages.

Really a different experience.

Time passed slowly like this.

Zhang Guoqing once again received a letter from his family. Except for Zhang Mingzuo entering the county publicity office in winter, Zhang Mingyou and Zhang Ziwu had already become recruits.

According to Zhang's father's letter, if it weren't for worrying about implicating his Dashan brothers, even Zhang Mingzuo would have wanted to pack them up and send them to the military camp. It's better to be a soldier, to protect the family and the country.

Well, at these words, Zhou Jiao smiled. Regardless of whether her father-in-law has wishful thinking or not, as long as their juniors are really promising, she doesn't mind helping her sons.

Want to become the second Zhang Guoqing, how is it possible?

Father is really willing. I thought he would let them go to work.

Zhang Guoqing rubbed his nose, Didn't I write a letter to my father when they were celebrating the New Year at our house last year? Do you remember?

Zhou Jiao thought about it, and it really happened. She has also read the content, it seems that this guy really wrote that children should grow into talents, regardless of whether they will leave the military in the future, it is necessary to go to the army to temper for a few years.

So, did her father-in-law find the meaning behind the words in the letter? So copied the route that the three Ping An brothers might take in the future to other grandchildren?

Looking at her expression, Zhang Guoqing shook his head with a smile. There are really few people who can put her in his heart.

Zhou Jiao gave him a noncommittal sideways glance. She was too lazy to disguise her temperament in front of him. What kind of person she was, she didn't even want to hide it in front of people she trusted.

She dragged him back to her room after work, not because she was bored, but because she was on business.

So, Zhou Jiao took out a stack of papers from the space and put them on the desk, and pointed with her finger, This is the conclusion I have reached based on all the information from the trail.

At this moment, Zhang Guoqing didn't care about other things, so he immediately picked it up and looked at it. The more he looked at it, the more he frowned, and after reading it, he rubbed his chin and wandered back and forth in the room.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiao smiled and said, Why, don't you dare?

Use less aggressive methods.

Do you think what I deduced makes sense?

Zhang Guoqing glanced at the documents on the desk. This is a report on the results of the searches in various parts of the city and the total she calculated.

Things are indeed missing a lot.

He believed in the ability of his little girl, but how could things be so simple? Since someone dares to reach out, the other party will hold back. Nothing is more important than safety these days.

Besides, his family is definitely not the only ones who are eyeing these things. As far as he observes during this period of time, there are many people around him who are either openly or secretly looking for these stolen goods.

Black eat black?

What his wife can think of, those old foxes can't think of it?

not worth it.

Zhou Jiao nodded in agreement, So I changed my goal.

The corners of Zhang Guoqing's mouth twitched when he heard this, should he praise his wife for being humorous? It made him worry blindly, and I hope he didn't have to ask for leave to venture into the rivers and lakes by himself.

You can still see it at the feet of the emperor, what about outside?

Or how can I say that the person who knows Zhou Jiao best is himself! Zhang Guoqing shook his head quickly, Wherever you go, where accidents happen, who is stupid!

Zhou Jiao glared at him angrily.

Zhang Guoqing hurriedly hugged her and ran along, Are you tired of being bored here? Baby, you don't need to go out of town if you want to have fun and adventure. How about I give you some advice?

Are you sure you don't want to play? Zhou Jiao tilted her head and looked at him with sideways eyes.

Zhang Guoqing didn't do such a stupid thing as competing with his wife for a win. He nodded and smiled and said, Yes, my wife is smart. Does this mean that we have a good understanding?

Zhou Jiao laughed and thumped him a few times, Virtue!

Liang Shengnan is gone, is the Liang family's ancestral house really not moving?

Zhou Jiao sneered, I'm not a rat like their family, just digging people's backyards to play secretly in the middle of the night.

Well, noble enough! Zhang Guoqing smiled speechlessly.

Besides, their family has never dealt with it before. I guess all the ones that can be transferred out have been transferred. It doesn't make much sense to move his old yard again.

What Zhou Jiao didn't say was that the secret room she pointed out on purpose, the Liang family was completely peeled off by those young generals, she really couldn't look down on that bit of tea powder.

Zhang Guoqing didn't think twice, he immediately shifted his target, Then I'll take you to find fault, how about it?

Zhou Jiao snapped her fingers, and said with a beaming smile: That's fine, tell me which guy you unfortunately took a fancy to first? Let me tell you, Master, the old man just wants to beat someone with a sap.

Daughter-in-law, you have been led astray by the old urchin, does our father know?

Zhou Jiao glanced at him sideways, You think Dad doesn't want to do it? I've seen his hands itch already. If it wasn't for being inseparable from people around him, he probably put a sack on the man in the compound.

Zhang Guoqing pinched her nose with a smile, but was snapped angrily by her, and laughed happily. Why is this little guy so funny? As expected of his daughter-in-law.

It's strange that I want to sleep on the kang for a night. I haven't been to the city for a long time. Let's go to stay for a night on the weekend, and take the time to walk around my little aunt.

Zhou Jiao smiled knowingly.

Compared to going to the garbage and waste place to hunt for treasure and wasting her one dollar, she prefers to find faults. It is really satisfying to be able to yell at injustices and make secret money.

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