There is Room for Rebirth in the 1950’s

Chapter 887 Who is right and who is wrong?

Mother Xiao Xiao.

Enduring the discomfort in his heart, Ping An stood in the outer circle and watched everything in front of him quietly.

In a two-entry courtyard, the red gate has collapsed, and the blue bricks and tiles and carved window lattices show the vicissitudes of its years.

Inside the open door, the clothes in the closet were discarded all over the floor, the items in the drawers were scattered everywhere, and the bedding and pillows were disassembled on the bed.

The cabinets and beds were removed one by one, and the quaint and old-fashioned suspended floors were pried up piece by piece; the quaint tiles were stepped on and thrown to the ground and fell into piles of rubble.

The soil in the flower pots scattered all over the floor, the ashes in the stove, the floating soil under the floor...

The inside and outside of the house are already in ruins.

However, except for a few pieces of porcelain and a miscellaneous pile of gold jewels recovered from the soil, there is still no trace of any shadowy correspondence.

In the courtyard, a thin, stooped, hunchbacked, trembling eighty-year-old man leaning on a cane was witnessing everything in horror with his old eyes that had seen all the vicissitudes of life.

After many times of home raiding, those red veterans who are the most active and wear bright red armbands are very familiar with copying/starting their homes.

Their chicness like a fish in water is in stark contrast to the little red soldiers who were just a little flattered just now.

From the leading captain, in an interrogative tone, he began to preach to the old man the great significance and policy of breaking/four/old, asking his family not to be obsessed with it, to understand the situation, and to actively cooperate with them in their actions, and honestly confess to the Tibetans at home. There are loot locations.

It is now in ruins, but in just two hours.

Frightened to the point of losing seven souls and eight souls, the sick old man murmured grievances back and forth indistinctly, and the captain, who was so angry and ashamed, finally got angry.

He immediately ordered four or five capable officers under his command to tie up the old man's old son and his wife first. After a stormy meal, in addition to the disappearing juniors, the three old men with bloody heads were put on a sign and escorted out of the parade.

These damn bad guys are still stubbornly resisting! Give me a hard hit.

Look at this gold, it's all stained with the blood of our common people.

Still complaining? Immortal, none of your bastards will be afraid.

All the passionate fighting spirit and full spirit led the three old men to parade, among the hustle and bustle, deafening slogans resounded through the sky.

Behind the long line, Ping An followed everyone with their arms raised high and shouted slogans. Compared with the trivial fights of the previous few times, his young heart was shocked.

The juniors who disappeared from the old man, the miscellaneous piles of gold and jewels found in the soil, the winners around them are like various means to enter the land of no one...

Filial piety and conscience, the ugliness of human nature, criminal evidence and justification...

Which is right and which is wrong?

——Is this the reality that his parents asked him to see with his eyes and experience it with his heart?

Not far behind, passer-by Zhang Guoqing walked along with the crowd watching the excitement, always looking at his son in the parade group, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

The last few times I either went to listen to the lectures of some advanced activists in series, or visited the exhibition of Chao/jia achievements. This ticket is already a big move.

He decided that after this time, let his son settle down at home first. It may not be a good thing to push the seedlings to encourage growth. A general understanding of the situation is enough for an eight-year-old child to gain insight.

After the parade, the next activity is said to be to hand over the results of today's search to the two-story building that has been converted into an office space, and to visit the recent results by the way.

As for where the two-story building came from?

If there is no mistake, Zhang Guoqing guessed that it should be privately owned by some unlucky guy who was targeted. Just don't know the money and space, are people still safe?

It's difficult in this world!

The three old people who were put on the signboard just escaped the little devils, several investigations, and the famine. As far as the set of Huangchenggen two-entry courtyard, according to the whispers of the onlookers, they still have a bit of family background Cadres' families, can't escape this wave?

What is a two-story building? There is mental arithmetic but no intention. When it was time to eat people, everyone stared with scarlet eyes and wanted to take a bite first.

What a sad reality.

In the hall of the small building, high-end clothing materials, luxury consumer goods, gold and silver jewelry, cultural relics and antiques, calligraphy and paintings, religious utensils, etc. are dazzling, making people dizzy.

In front of the fruitful results, there is a female student wearing a red armband and a washed-up military uniform standing on a stool to act as an interpreter.

In addition to the team that just returned, there are also junior and high school students from all over the country who are listening carefully to these heroic feats.

Among them, many students are still taking notes seriously.

It has been ten days and a half months since Ping An came here for the last time to appreciate the results of the battle, and he keenly discovered that this was another new battle result.

What about the original ones?

However, it is impossible for Ping An to speak these words. Relying on his short stature, he could easily observe the greed in the eyes of those grown-up players who bowed their heads.

After the event, it was past three o'clock in the afternoon. Unlike Wen Yu who wanted to go home, he followed the small army and got on the bus directly back to the compound.

This time when he stepped into the house, he didn't go into the living room, but stood in the yard and looked around in deep thought.

When Aunt Chen left to pick up the twins from the nursery, he moved—turned around and went to his bedroom on the second floor.

Pulling out a large wooden box, Ping An casually took out the snacks inside, and after emptying out, he began to go in and out of his room, the room of his two brothers, and the study room of the three brothers.

One or two ancient books stuck under the bed board, the original foreign language works with changed book covers, satin pajamas...everything that can be paid attention to is put in it one by one.

He is worried. Today, I listened to the summary of the exchanges of big brothers and sisters from all over the country. After these people go back, after publicity and imitation...

Everything was just as his parents said, and the warm-up really started.

He doesn't worry about his grandpa, doesn't worry about his parents, just worry about his own three brothers' negligence, which will make the adults get caught.

Zhang Guoqing went back to work at his unit after the parade, and couldn't wait to go home as soon as the bugle sounded.

Going upstairs to find the eldest son, he hugged Ping An and circled around with a smile. It's amazing! He was also worried that the child would be as sentimental as his mother, getting into a tangle.

Dad, when my mother comes back from get off work, I will also hide this box of things. I will ask her for anything my brothers and I need.

Zhang Guoqing didn't say that he followed him all the way in the morning, so he naturally saw what it meant to dig three feet into the ground. He didn't even ask his son the meaning of his actions.

The husband and wife and the father-in-law let go of their hands and let the children watch and listen by themselves. Isn't that the purpose? Now it seems that the effect is very good, better than they imagined.

No problem! Nothing is safer than leaving it to your mother.

Ping An smiled. In the past, he always thought that his mother was a fairy, but now he generally knows that his mother has a universe bag that exists in mythology.

But... this secret involves his mother's life safety, his father didn't tell her, and his mother didn't explain it, so I should still be a mother, and an adult is indeed a little fairy in fairy tales.

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