Hard work pays off.

While busy with work and meetings, Zhou Jiao finally got in touch with the fishing village father and son the next day. This time, Zhou Jiao deliberately reminded the other party that apart from the public, they made a large number of purchases in private.

The opening of the farmer's market has resulted in the circulation of market materials, so there is also a very convenient point. That is, sufficient supplies and stable prices.

In addition to the regulations that allow farmers to sell vegetables and fruits, in fact, the more remote the place, the more types of transactions. For example, in the prairie market, restricted coarse grains and wild animals cannot be avoided.

Similarly, hairy crabs, lobsters, seafood from the river, seafood from the sea, etc. have also become the choice of most farmers in advantageous locations.

The father and son have lived for so many years, except that the father has become a fisherman, and the family is still mainly engaged in farming. The son is also fortunate to be the scorer of the brigade. Selling something every few days, I think life is good.

On the way to visit Grandpa Jiang's village, Zhou Jiao passed by their fishing village first. It's a fishing village, but it doesn't count compared to the fishing village in the northeast!

Near the river embankment, there are still many fertile fields.

In the scorching summer, there are always busy and sweaty commune members on the fields, as well as tanned clay dolls running around.

Hurrying on the road early in the morning, when Zhou Jiao arrived at the other party's house, it was almost noon and she was taken to a new yard at the entrance of the village by the youngest son who stayed behind as agreed.

My elder brother is getting married. This is his new house. After passing through the grove is the riverside. My elder brother said that everything is there, and it is quiet here.

Zhou Jiao nodded amusedly. It is really rare for a seven or eight-year-old boy to explain everything without interruption! He touched a few candies from his pocket and gave him a sincere smile.

Sister, my sister-in-law is also very beautiful.

Hearing this, Zhou Jiao smiled.

Looking at this courtyard with southern characteristics, it is not difficult to guess that over the years, in addition to the income on the surface, the family has also made a lot of money in private.

It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary family to rely on a fisherman's income, work points for the whole family, and build a half-brick and half-mud yard for the eldest son to marry.

Looking at the cute boy in front of her, Zhou Jiao planned to finish the transaction with good intentions, and gave the smart and capable elder son a little hint that it was time to stop.

Especially when I saw two small boats full of sea fish, river fish and miscellaneous supplies, as well as sacks of hairy crabs hanging in the river.

After paying more than three hundred yuan, which was not much higher than the market price, Zhou Jiao solemnly warned the other party a few words, and bowed to thank the young man thoughtfully.

She knew the other party had listened. Does that count as a good deed? After sending them away, Zhou Jiao was in a good mood and continued to rush to Grandpa Jiang's village along the way.

The directions of the two places are different, and she deliberately concealed her whereabouts so that no one would notice her whereabouts. Before night fell, I finally went to the village that Zhang Guoqing had mentioned countless times.

This time she deliberately changed into a military uniform. Yes, military uniforms! She had to impress people that Grandpa Jiang's granddaughter's family was soldiers.

When we first arrived at the bridge, as Zhang Guoqing said, if someone really sees an outsider coming, who should they call first, and who should they look for? With a cautious attitude.

As soon as Zhou Jiao uttered the dialect and announced Grandpa Jiang's name, the other party took the lead in shouting that the little dolls not far away should go and inform the third grandpa.

By the way, he ran forward enthusiastically, and took the two big packages from Zhou Jiao's hands.

After listening to his self-introduction, Zhou Jiao learned that Grandpa Jiang was the neighbor next door, so she was overjoyed and asked how the old man was doing in recent years.

Every time a letter comes, Grandpa Jiang always announces good news but not bad news, even if there is Huang Dong and Uncle Huang who often come to visit the old man, but after all, the mountains are high and the waters are far away.

It's fine. You have stayed in your hometown for the past two years and he doesn't like to go to the city. You send packages every day for food and clothing. Your grandfather is fine.

He can't stay idle, and he goes to the team to help when he has nothing to do. Last year, I received a telegram saying that you had given birth to twins. I was so happy that I invited everyone to eat.

Why didn't your man accompany you back? You are a little girl who came all the way, why didn't you send a telegram first? We can pick you up.

Zhou Jiao explained with a smile: I'm on a business trip this time. The child's father is a soldier, so he can't leave without vacation. I want to take my grandfather back this time.

Oh, don't mention it, he won't leave. The old man is stubborn. There are always a few days every month to chat with your mother and the others.

Zhou Jiao came to her senses and smiled unnaturally. Her own mother is still alive and kicking in the capital. Before I got on the bus, I asked myself to bring more money and coupons, and buy more special products to go back.

Sure enough, lying is wrong!

However, just like what the other party said, Grandpa Jiang always laughed but didn't say anything about going to the capital, or diverted the topic away.

After Zhou Jiao went to the uncle and aunt who had been taking care of the old man all the time, and to the captain's third uncle, after delivering the souvenirs she brought, as soon as she stepped into the courtyard, the smell of stewed chicken filled the air.

Grandpa, why did you kill the chicken? It's good to keep the eggs for laying. No wonder she said that, the hens raised in the countryside are like small banks. In addition to being able to exchange firewood, salt, sauce and vinegar, eggs can also supplement nutrition when meat is scarce .

The first aunt to visit was wiping her hands and joking with a smile: What is this? I also have chickens at home. Later, your grandfather will not be short of eggs.

Grandfather Jiang nodded cheerfully. What is an old hen? He gave the child everything in the future, and he still worried about this little thing.

During a dinner time, people from the whole village came one after another to watch the excitement. This is the aunt of their clan, or the aunt from the capital.

Zhou Jiao, who was full of smiles, hurriedly dialed a few words, brought out the sweets and pastries she brought from the house, and used dialect to get closer to the old ladies and aunts.

He also used a few bottles of good wine to invite the young and old to sit down and drink with Grandpa Jiang.

The respectful Zhou Jiao of the younger generation made Grandpa Jiang earn enough face. He was so happy that he never closed his mouth all night, and he didn't feel distressed and complained that Zhou Jiao brought too many things over.

This time when Zhou Jiao came over, besides the clothes, malted milk, milk powder, ready-to-eat cooked food and biscuits prepared for the old man, the most important things were wine and appetizers that could be stored for a long time.

People are old, and there is no relatives around them. If you want to be more lively, you have to save some good wine and attract a few old folks with similar interests to come to the house for a drink, so as to drive away the loneliness of old age.

Taking advantage of the excitement, Zhou Jiao thanked everyone again and again for taking care of Grandpa Jiang. In private, before leaving, he also presented a few pieces of fabric to the cousins ​​and sisters-in-law of the uncle's family who have already married.

She understands human nature all too well. Uncle Tang and his wife still have family affection for Grandpa Jiang, but that doesn't mean that the third generation has any affection to speak of, especially in rural areas where the legacy left by the elderly has not been customary since ancient times to be given to married daughters.

Such a large courtyard, even if it has been registered in her name, is not popular enough. As the next generation grows up, it is inevitable that their eyes will be fixed on these things.

She didn't care about these external things, but she cared about all the troubles that would make Grandpa Jiang old and suffer bad things. She had to give them a hint in her heart.

She Zhou Jiao is not short of money, she Zhou Jiao only wants her grandfather to live a good life in his later years, whoever helped the old man, this kindness, she will never forget, maybe the reward she will get in the future is comparable to this big yard.

She can't be blamed for using tricks. Since the old man won't go back to Beijing with her, Zhou Jiao, who is his only granddaughter, can only start preparing for the rest of her life.

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