There is Room for Rebirth in the 1950’s

Chapter 767 The case is settled

After sorting out all the information about the wind turbine and submitting it to Professor Wei, when Zhang Guoqing fell asleep in the dead of night, Zhou Jiao, who was pillowing his arm in the dark, suddenly opened her eyes.

From the moment she came to this world, she stepped carefully step by step, and the scenes she experienced flashed through, there were sadness and joy, except for giving birth, she really had no achievements.

This time I tried to do my best without selfishness, but the result was that I died before I was able to succeed. She still underestimated her policy control over the situation.

Some of the hints that Professor Wei said after receiving the materials today were not out of sincere protection for himself. Yes, she is still a student!

Only when policy tasks are issued is it justifiable. Even if a project is approved, if someone makes trouble, there are still a lot of articles that can be done in it. As an applicant, she is even more unable to get involved outside.

Zhou Jiao was awakened by a word, and her original idea of ​​luck disappeared. Compared with achieving something, what she cherishes most is her own life and the safety of her family.

Burying the last extravagant desire in her heart, Zhou Jiao touched her stomach. She often said that Zhang Guoqing's mind was fluctuating, but why didn't she not waver?

After reflecting on herself, Zhou Jiao exhaled slowly, turned her head to look at Zhang Guoqing, and after a while, she quietly closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

The new semester has begun. In addition to more academic tasks, there are also many more thought classes. Zhou Jiao, who was pregnant, fell silent again. Compared with usual, she even went to the library less in the rest of the time.

The capacity-increasing transformation of generators in the laboratory involves a wide range of research.

Transformation of stator coils, rotor coils, and replacement of insulators to improve the heat resistance of coil insulation and achieve the purpose of increasing the capacity of the generator followed one by one.

If it hadn't been for Professor Wei's rethinking, Zhou Jiao might have devoted herself to it, and even paid for some equipment from Dongsi Zhang.

But now, even if she has the materials in hand, she silently waits for the professor to guide her step by step. Because she knows very well that without students like them, the technological innovation that should appear will still appear.

Maybe she stepped in arbitrarily in advance, and under the butterfly effect, maybe the self-conceived act of kindness actually deprived some people of their predetermined destiny.

Since I don't want fame and fortune, why bother? Everything is still to be verified by time.

The quiet daughter-in-law went about her normal work and rest in an orderly manner, which relieved Zhang Guoqing, who was so busy looking inside and outside.

Compared with the imminent future, the safety of Zhou Jiao's mother and son is the top priority in the short term, especially the big belly under the padded jacket.

I heard that there are a lot of people who have caught a cold recently. Brother Wang will send Ping An over on Saturday night, and I will send him back on Sunday evening. Do you think it is feasible?

Zhou Jiao swallowed the bird's nest in her mouth, Okay. I'm going back next week and make some dumplings and steamed buns to freeze. The family should be eating enough.

Zhang Guoqing held the hot towel and handed it to her silently. This girl can still speak, don't have too many messy buns, bean buns, and dumplings stored in the house, how many people in the family can eat them all in a week or two?

Hey, I'm actually homesick. People come and go here, so it's not very convenient.

Zhang Guoqing stood there listening to the movements in the corridor next door, left and right, and nodded thoughtfully. It seems that when the weather gets warmer, it is imperative to rent a yard in the nearby village.

Even if the upstairs and downstairs are considerate of Zhou Jiao's pregnancy, they have been careful and careful, but there is still a lot of noise. Especially the women's restroom, it's even more inconvenient for me to go there.

Why is the counselor looking for you in the afternoon? You will be busy going to the cafeteria when you come back. I can't ask. Is there something good?

Zhang Guoqing patted his forehead: You are not, I almost forgot.

Zhou Jiao looked at him in bewilderment.

The case last year was closed. Years ago they gave us the school's conclusion, and the counselor came to us just to mention this matter. Aren't you pregnant? I didn't ask him to inform you.

Zhou Jiao didn't pay attention to these details. What she wants to know most about the case?

If she didn't ask about it, Zhang Guoqing still wanted to get away with it. He looked at her and said, You simply wash up and go to bed first, and I will explain it to you in detail. This matter, I won't be able to finish it in a while.

Zhou Jiao resignedly followed his request, and after a while of busy work, she leaned on the soft bed and looked at him eagerly. Is it time to start now?

What a good baby, wait, I'll be here soon.

Zhang Guoqing sealed the stove, washed himself in a hurry, and went to bed. After holding her in his arms, he sighed and talked about the follow-up of the case.

The local police station first confirmed the identity of the deceased Hou Daxing, and started the investigation from his family. It turned out that when Daxing was young, his parents sold him to a large family in the provincial capital.

After liberation, the family ran away and ran away, and his contract of prostitution was naturally not counted. That family broke up, and he took his maid and daughter-in-law back to his hometown. Later, the power station recruited people, and he was recruited because he knew a few words.

After Hou Daxing died, when the police came to the door, his maid and mother-in-law also disappeared. The couple also had no children. It is said that the maid woman had a dystocia with her first child and finally survived.

Zhang Guoqing didn't dare to mention this statement in front of Zhou Jiao who was pregnant, it was too unlucky.

Afterwards, the local police interrogated the team leader based on the clues provided by the villagers, and finally caught Mrs. Hou Daxing in a town bound for the sea.

Things went smoothly after that, in order to atone for the crime. The maidservant handed in the list of all the people who had close contacts with her man.

At the end of the year, a group of dozens of enemy agents was wiped out, and the conspiracy they arranged naturally collapsed.

This time, the local police station highly praised Zhou Jiao and several other comrades for their spirit of preemptive strikes and courage to fight the enemy. Especially when they learned afterwards that this group planned to blow up the power plant, chemical plant, and steel plant at the same time in those few days, the police were even more fortunate.

All in all, this time the credit is great. It was reported level by level, and now, if it weren't for safety reasons, the seven of them would have made the headlines.

So I really haven't wronged anyone.

Zhang Guoqing rolled his eyes speechlessly. Why is the IQ not online? The point is to act simultaneously in a few days, okay? If they hadn't been tricked by their own daughter-in-law, their internship there would be like being on the powder keg, and it would all be over with a bang at any moment.

Not to mention other local employees, the twenty or so students who were in Zhou Jiao's group were all wiped out. Otherwise, how can you say that the credit is very great?

Zhou Jiao, who knew it well, leaned against his chest, and comforted him softly: Don't worry about me. Do you think I am turning danger into luck? All these accidents all show that I am a blessed person. Did you forget that my aunt and grandma took me to tell my fortune? That person said, after passing the previous hurdle, my life will be smooth and worry-free.

Yes, you are a person with great fortune, and you will be safe and sound. Zhang Guoqing echoed her, and he couldn't say anything else except these words. He touched his wife's belly, and secretly prayed that it would be as good as the words said.

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