There is Room for Rebirth in the 1950’s

Chapter 763 Is there anything abnormal about this fetus?

After the gossip is over, let's get down to business.

Seeing that it was late, Dr. Hu took out his pen and wrote out a prescription for Zhang Guoqing.

General pharmacies have the above medicinal materials. You can make a few more stickers and bring them to school, and boil them on the stove every day to soak your daughter-in-law's feet. When the weather gets warmer, I will change the prescription.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Guoqing solemnly folded it and put it in his inner pocket.

Dr. Hu pointed at the package, tapped the table, Pick it up.

Zhang Guoqing not only carried the package given by Dr. Hu, but also opened it himself—there were wooden boxes and books of different sizes inside, no wonder it was very heavy.

Dr. Hu touched the dozen or so yellowed ancient books, and took off a piece of letterhead attached to it.

I originally attached this planner in the package for the master. Master Hu said with a sideways glance at the apprentice. At present, the books in the package should be read later, and everything depends on your health.

Zhou Jiao smiled and nodded.

Zhang Guoqing was startled when he heard the words, and his lowered hands tightly curled into fists.

...Your elder brother just reminded me to introduce the sect's rules to my master. It's not because my master has forgotten it. He has an honest temperament and forgot that Ma Daochang originally had the same origin as our sect, so I deliberately avoided it for my master.

Zhou Jiao asked softly, Taoist medicine?

Dr. Hu nodded approvingly: We are orthodox Taoist doctors, and the rules of the school are similar to those of other sects. But since your Tai Shigong has been pursuing casualness.

Zhou Jiao suppressed a smile and nodded. She understands the meaning of this, but don't be fooled by the rules of the house. Her master himself is a casual person.

Laugh if you want. Dr. Hu glanced at his apprentice sideways, When you understand what happened to the ancestors of our sect, you will understand why he is like this. Too much fame is not a good thing, just like your grandmother's family.

Zhou Jiao was taken aback, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

This is also the biggest reason why the teacher accepts you as an apprentice. After several dynasties and life and death trials as a teacher, I have long lost the ignorance and ignorance of my youth. Why is it not to save my life if I follow my heart?

Master... Zhou Jiao looked at him guiltily, remembering that the old man had restored her original post.

Hahaha, your master and I are living a very good life. Dr. Hu laughed gratifiedly, winking at Zhou Jiao, I have grown old as a teacher in the past two years, and my eyes are getting old, and my hands and feet start to tremble. Why don't you take in an apprentice as soon as possible? Pension.

Zhou Xiaozheng, who was watching quietly from the sidelines, saw that the conversation was about the same, he put down his teacup: Uncle Hu, are you okay living alone?

Who said I was alone? After the first month, someone will take care of my daily life. Ouch, if you go back early, I won't keep you for dinner.

Zhou Xiaozheng didn't try to persuade him anymore, he glanced at the time: Then let's say goodbye first. Xiao Wu will take your mother and the others to the car first, and I will come later.

Zhang Guoqing looked at the old man when he heard the words, secretly happy in his heart, and quickly pulled up his wife who was about to speak.

Zhou Jiao looked helplessly at her hands being held. What is this? Zhang Guoqing noticed something, she still had some points, but her son held her other hand firmly and walked out?

Master, then I'll go first. The food and drinks at home are gone. I'll ask Xiao Wu to bring them over. Don't lose yourself.

Okay. Wait for Aunt Huo and the others to come over and ask them to prepare delicious food for you as a teacher.

Zhou Xiaozheng was waiting for his daughter and the others to leave, and asked in a deep voice: Is there something abnormal about Jiaojiao's fetus? Don't want to affect your body now?

Dr. Hu frowned: Are you willing? If you guessed correctly, this is the heir of your Zhou family.

Zhou Xiaozheng sneered, The heir to shit! My daughter doesn't even have a life, so who cares about the blood inheritance. The military general hospital or the city hospital?

Doctor Hu was taken aback. No kidding!

Your brain... Dr. Hu had just opened his mouth, caught a glimpse of Zhou Xiaozheng's black face, and immediately stopped talking, and said in a gentle voice, Old man, I finally have an apprentice, can I watch her have an accident? If you care about it, you will be confused, so calm down first.

Zhou Xiaozheng looked at this old face, feeling extremely disgusted. He really wanted to punch him in the face, and took a breath, What's going on? My own daughter, she can guess what it means just by looking at her. Don't try to hide it from me. !

Dr. Hu lowered his head and muttered: Then why don't you ask your precious daughter, and try to scare me, the poor old man. Poor, my life is really hard...

Zhou Xiao was listening carefully and his eyebrows twitched. He suspected that he had made a wrong decision, why he agreed to find such an unreliable master for Jiaojiao.

Dr. Hu secretly rolled his eyes at the cold air he exuded. He raised his head and sighed: Mother and child are both healthy, and the little girl has taken care of her very well in recent years.

Zhou Xiao looked at Dr. Hu blankly, he understood the piss of these doctors too well, so he waited for the other party to say but...

I checked the child's pulse just now. If there is no accident, it must be twins. A good thing is a good thing, but the risk is also high, and it is easy to be born prematurely.

Dr. Hu saw that his face became more serious, Don't be nervous, I'm here.

Uncle Hu, go ahead.

It seems that she means that she is definitely not willing to suspend school. I have already decided to wait for her for six months, and I will rent a yard near the school. I usually have Xiao Wu, a silly boy, by my side. This way, it will not be a big problem. You Ah, let's relax, if it's serious, how can I not tell you and cooperate with the child foolishly?

My Jiaojiao knows?

Dr. Hu gave him a dissatisfied glance, Of course. Otherwise, I would bother to take her as an apprentice? After finishing speaking, he found himself showing his mouth, and he laughed a few times.

Zhou Xiaozheng didn't pay attention to these details, he is now considering whether to suppress his daughter from going to school. To be honest, the child would be obedient if he really forced it, but he couldn't bear to wrong the child, let alone rest assured that she would stay at home alone.

With her Jiaojiao's character of not going out of the door, if Zhang Guoqing is not by her side, wouldn't she be desperately reading at home? I can't keep an eye on my child 24 hours a day.

Don't think too much about it. After saving so many lives, I still can't protect my disciples? What about you, find some supplements if you have nothing to do, and leave the rest to me.

Is it really okay? Is it too late to have children now?

When Dr. Hu heard this, his old face was filled with sorrow. He finally understood why his apprentice chose to hide it, and now he wished to turn back time.

Uncle Hu, you must not be careless. My Jiaojiao has never had a good day since she was a child. She just got her child back, and she was only a handful of bones. It was hard to raise some meat back in the past two years, but this child took a lot of money. The mind is no less than earlier years.

Can't you understand what my Jiaojiao is to me? With this daughter, I have a family and the motivation to move forward.

Seeing the tears in his eyes, Dr. Hu was startled for a moment, and nodded solemnly: Son, don't look at me not doing a good job all day, but I can still tell which is more important.

Zhou Xiaozheng stood up and bowed to him to thank him, and then stepped out with big strides after calming down—there is his daughter there, and how to ensure the smooth delivery of the child is the most important thing.

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