Zhang Guoqing walked out of the main room, quickly walked out of the yard, opened the door, and looked at the five guests in front, Uncle Li, why don't you just open the door and come in? You are rare visitors. Come in quickly, some of you big leaders are here today. The humble house is really full of splendor.

The leading middle-aged man has a Zhang Guozi face, and his demeanor is calm, and he is the leader of the five people by his demeanor and demeanor. It is Li Aiguo, the senior county official of L County today.

Behind him were Zhao Dashan from the County Armed Forces Department, Zuo Lin from the County Public Security Bureau, Zhang Zhifeng, the Township Secretary, and Li Dawei from the Township Police Station. They all smiled and nodded when they saw him come out.

Li Aiguo listened, and nodded him with his hand, I'm still a rare visitor, didn't you come here for your business? You guys are fine, if you make a lot of noise, you won't let us in. Is that old man from the Lin family there?

Just after drinking, the old man is inside. You uncles and uncles can give me face today, and you have to have a glass of wine even if you come here rarely. Come on, let's go in. Uncle Li, can you return to the car in your car? Someone, please come down for a drink? Zhang Guoqing greeted the people behind with a smile, and led them inside.

Li Aiguo walked towards the main room, not forgetting to observe the left and right, No one, just the five of us. We came here for dinner to drink at your house, and you usually steal some of our private possessions.

Zhao Dashan said with a smile: It's the first time to come to Xiaowu's house, so we have to make this kid bleed.

Of course, we are so busy with their young couple that we don't even drink our saliva now. Zhang Zhifeng nodded and joked after hearing this.

Zuo Lin glared at Zhang Guoqing with a stern face, Why haven't I heard you talk about the Zhou family? Are you stupid? You even made a fuss. Fortunately, nothing happened today. Otherwise, what should I do? Just your daughter-in-law You can keep the situation under control without any big trouble. Look at your white head. If you have something to do, just mention it to a few of us, and keep it a secret.

Zhao Dashan nodded in agreement, Xiao Wu, my uncle often sees Jiaojiao, and never heard her mention it. She is an orphan of a martyr. As long as she mentions it, I will take action. If you have something to say in the future, don't be silent. If you don’t make a noise, there will be a big mess. You can see that all of us have come, and you will know that the matter is big enough.”

Zhang Guoqing said helplessly: You guys don't know me yet? Who would have thought that the other party would come to the door arrogantly. Even Jiaojiao's temper will not make a sound when she is wronged. This time she was forced to do nothing, or I guess She'll still keep it secret.

Li Aiguo saw the main room, Okay, let's talk about this after meeting General Lin. How long will he stay here this time?

I'm not sure, I heard that I have to go to the provincial capital for a meeting.

When Li Aiguo and others entered the main room, they saw several soldiers sitting on the table, and the famous Lin Xinsheng, General Lin, was sitting on the main seat. It's Li Aiguo from the county, and the people next to him are the leaders of the county and the township. It can be seen that you are getting old, why didn't you say hello when you came? We heard it, but we were excited, and the guest house was ready. This You may want to stay here for a while.

The people next to him also introduced themselves excitedly. Xiao Zhou Xiaofei, who was drinking vigorously in the seat, put down their chopsticks and stood up, even the two brothers Zhang Guofu and Zhang Guofu stood up.

Lin Xinsheng looked at the people standing up at this table, and pulled Zhang's father who was about to get up beside him, Old Zhang, I will take the decision. You boys go to that table with your own bowls and chopsticks. And you come They are all here, and they will also sit down and have a few drinks with Lao Zhang and me, if you don’t sit, they will be embarrassed to sit down and drink.”

Zhang's mother asked Huang Cuilan and the two to quickly clean up the table, add bowls and chopsticks, and then prepare some big dishes. Here Xiao Zhou Xiaofei and the others also moved to the table next to them.

Seeing that the tables were quickly cleared, Li Aiguo sat down with a few others, Old General, we are lucky. Don't be too polite. Drinking with your old tablemate is a dream come true.

Zhao Dashan of the Armed Forces Department of the nearby county also said happily: Old chief, I am Zhao Dashan from the XX Regiment of the 19th Division. That can be regarded as your old subordinate. I would like to toast to you. I have heard of your name for a long time. It can be regarded as seeing you. When you are old, I will tell those old comrades later that they will envy me to death.

Okay, let's drink first. Xiaowu, you don't have to go to that table to help grandpa pour some wine. Come and sit next to grandpa. That Zhao Dashan, you retired soldiers have already made arrangements Is it? As for those retired comrades, if they have difficulties, they must report to their superiors in time. Mr. Lin waved his hand and said happily when he saw the former soldiers.

Zhang Guoqing got up and picked up the wine jar and poured wine to several guests, then sat next to the old man and took the bowls and chopsticks from Xiaofei.

Zhao Dashan stood up and saluted with a snap, Old chief, thank you for always remembering us veterans in your heart. There is no difficulty. Those of us who survived help each other and also help in the organization.

Okay, it's good if you don't feel wronged. I have a mission and I'm leaving tomorrow, otherwise I really want to get together with you comrades in arms. Send greetings to those comrades for me, and say that we all remember them. When the old guys get together during the holidays, they will miss a few words when they get together. Xiaowu, please tell grandpa about them, except for Li Aiguo and Zhao Dashan, you also know these few.

Zhang Guoqing nodded with a smile, Grandpa, let me introduce you. Except for Uncle Li, Uncle Zhao is from the county armed forces department. His old daughter Zhao Yuanyuan and Jiaojiao are little sisters. We will be bridesmaids when we get married. Yes, you can see her tomorrow.

This is Zhang Zhifeng, the mayor of our township. His second child, Zhang Yuntao, is my close buddy. This is Uncle Li Dawei, the head of the township police station. His children are still young, or they are our classmates.

hey-hey. And Li Qinglin, the youngest of Uncle Li Aiguo's family, is also Zhang Yuntao and I's buddies, the county is quite small, everyone knows each other.

As for Uncle Zuo Lin Zuo from the County Public Security Bureau, I drank with him several times. Also, his family has good wine, but they are too stingy to drink it or not to bring it back. He and my second brother-in-law are close buddies. They often like to go fishing. In fact, they drink and fish while drinking. Sometimes they are happy after drinking and drinking, and they don’t even know that the fishing rod has been taken away. Zhang Guoqing gave Zuo Lin a thumbs up while speaking.

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and the two daughters-in-law of the Zhang family brought some hot dishes on the two tables in a short while.

Li Aiguo and the others saw them serving several dishes in a row, and stopped them one after another, Don't add more food, it won't fit on the table. The taste of this dish is not inferior to that of the master chef in the restaurant.

Everyone also agreed that the workmanship was really good, the two tables were arranged in a hurry, and the standard of eating was not bad at all.

Zhang Guoqing stood up and continued to pour the wine, telling everyone not to put away the bowls and chopsticks, and to drink and eat the food. Everyone at the two tables was taken care of, and there was no negligence.

Mr. Lin looked at it and nodded in his heart. This kid would come to trouble even without his help. Check his social network before he opened it. No wonder everyone in the county praised him.

After eating a meal, talking and laughing, joking with each other, it took almost two hours.

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