There is Room for Rebirth in the 1950’s

Chapter 725 Return from Internship

After three days of rest, Professor Wei and the others started to discuss and decided to take the students to study. It was precious time wasted by staying at the guest house.

After discussion, for the sake of safety, they chose several large factories in neighboring cities this time, so their group of teachers and students embarked on the trip again early the next morning.

Based on Professor Wei's current research direction, this time he first selected various engines in large enterprises.

Facing the monopoly of Western powers and the retreat of brother countries in recent years, technological innovation has also slowed down a lot. As the saying goes, when people take a breath, the Buddha receives a stick of incense. Facing the encirclement of the outside world, patriots are all passionate, thinking that one day we will no longer be controlled by others.

For such sentiments, even the most timid and selfish Zhou Jiao was tense while continuing to struggle in the computer room day and night when the professors forgot to eat and sleep.

After living for so many years, Zhou Jiao has never been so sad, pretending that she thinks her IQ is not bad, but she really can't find a good way to get the best of both worlds.

The latest engine of the 21st century has passed through her hands, and it has been translated into different versions countless times and appeared in front of the world, but now she cannot expose it at will.

The longer she stays in this space, the more she understands. She also understands what it means to be beaten if she lags behind, but she doesn't know what to do?

Not to mention personal safety, but to say that she is pushing the gears of history, how to improve the relevant accessories and equipment? Holding guilt and frustration like this, let her fall into work again.

So after returning to the capital, Zhang Guoqing, who was waiting for her at school, was really angry and anxious when he saw her ghostly appearance that had lost a lot of weight. Even if he has always been good at hiding his expression, this meeting has to be moved.

Glancing at Zhou Jiao, who was guilty, he didn't say much due to the large number of people present, and reported to the counselor the general situation of the rest of the students during this period.

Zhang Guoqing was very angry with himself, knowing her temperament, especially when he thought of the news he got not long ago, when he thought of her fighting gangsters alone, he regretted his hasty decision, and he hugged her without saying a word after returning to the dormitory.

Brother, I'm really fine! Look, I'm in good spirits.

Zhang Guoqing rested his chin on her head and touched her raised spine, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Originally, Zhou Jiao wanted to tell him about the two secret rooms, but now that she has given her courage, she knows that she can't go against it, maybe this man will really get mad.

Sigh... It's really not her fault, she has already eaten Xiaozao, but with so many people every day, she can't do whatever she wants.

Besides, everyone lost weight. Just Yi Jiefang, this heartless and foolish boy, also lost almost twenty catties. To be honest, Zhou Jiao feels good about herself, and even the only sleep problem at the end is enough to make up for it on the return trip.

But holding it like this is not an option!

Zhou Jiao gently tugged the clothes on his arms: I'm cold. I've been shivering since I got off the car!

As soon as Zhang Guoqing heard this, he immediately stuffed her into the bed.

I haven't washed it yet.

Hey, cover it well, I'll make ginger soup for you.

Zhou Jiao looked at him as he was talking and busy, and looked at him with a smile. It was snowing heavily outside, with him by his side, the room was warm.

Xiao Wu, open the door quickly.

Zhang Guoqing looked back at Zhou Jiao, saw that there was nothing wrong with her, walked quickly and opened the door, saw him coming in with a luggage bag, raised his eyebrows, and pointed to the door.

Yi Jiefang closed the door knowingly, and when he went in and saw Zhou Jiao, who was in a bunch of bears, he laughed heartily, Are you under control? You deserve it, you are disobedient, little chick!

Skinny Monkey!

Zhang Guoqing was really surprised at this meeting. You must know that Zhou Jiao had never called someone a nickname so intimately.

What's the matter with you two? No food?

Yi Jiefang made a bitter face when he heard the words, Brother, my young master lost at least ten years of life this time. If it wasn't for your wife, how could I be so pitiful?

As he spoke, he pointed at Zhou Jiao: Do you know how bad your daughter-in-law is? She tried her best by herself, and she insisted on dragging us into the water together. Look at mother will definitely cry to death.

Is there anything abnormal in your body? Do you want to go to the hospital for an examination?

Come on, just kidding! I'm fine. Yi Jiefang threw the bag to him, Look, I bought it for you. How about you? Give me all the good ones.

Zhou Jiao squinted at him contemptuously, Aren't you busy cutting seats and breaking up friendship?

Stupid! Where do you get straw mats in winter? Wait a minute. You have to survive the winter anyway. I will take care of this guy for his wife before the debt is paid. Let's be a good buddy for the time being.

Zhang Guoqing didn't know what they meant, and pointed to the corner of the wall, There are straw mats there, so we should break up the relationship as soon as possible.

Zhou Jiao took a look at the words, and laughed happily, How can this broken straw mat be worthy of your pig and dog friends? I'll go buy a new one tomorrow.

Zhang Guoqing looked at her dotingly and smiled, poured two cups of ginger soup in his hand, handed it to them and put two lunch boxes on it to heat.

Open it and have a look! Keep it as you like it.

As soon as Zhang Guoqing opened it, he saw a small saber inside and a brand new set of sportswear. This is not available in China, he frowned, Didn't others see it?

No one knows except He Benshan, his father, and your wife.

Zhou Jiao nodded to him.

Zhang Guoqing saw them and said to them with a serious face: Remind him not to wear it outside during the evening self-study. This time when you go out, some people report that he pays attention to pleasure and loves Western countries. I found a reason to suppress this matter. You also pay attention.

Yi Jiefang restrained himself and laughed: There are no sequelae, right?

It just so happened that you were doing meritorious service over there. As soon as the news came, I used some means, and there was no problem. But you should pay attention, there are too many mad dogs in this world.

Yi Jiefang immediately pulled up the luggage bag, Then I'll take care of this.

Zhang Guoqing shook his hand: Don't be so nervous, I keep the things here. At the end of the year, we will sort out some things and go to the black market to see if we can get some good ones. The small saber is not a big problem, so it's fine to keep it.

Yi Jiefang nodded quickly: Then I'll send it over later. I still have two watches that I have sold, so I should be able to raise some money. This time I'm going to the south, and my pockets are empty again.

Zhang Guoqing knew that the watch he was talking about was bought from his own before, just to make a difference. There is no problem with this, but it is easy to sell without going to the black market.

Nowadays, watches are out of stock in various shopping malls at the end of the year, and many people are waiting to use them urgently when they get married. A few days ago, someone asked Cheng Ruzhu to find a way.

After talking about private affairs, Yi Jiefang will be in the mood to gossip about what he is doing in the army this time.

Regarding these topics, it's not that Zhang Guoqing can't talk to old friends, but it's not suitable. He picked out what he could talk about, and briefly brought the rest, and heated up ten steamed buns for dinner for the three of them.

Bring it from home?

Of course, the school can give us white flour steamed buns? I was scared before. I think the old man can't wait to add wild leaves and vegetables.

We went to practice this time, and the food in the unit is better than that in school.

Zhang Guoqing didn't take it seriously when he heard the words, everyone became thin like a monkey, what a hair!

Instead of mentioning these disappointing questions, he talked about other things. After dinner, when the three of them went downstairs for evening self-study, he suddenly reminded: After this internship, there are two less classmates. If outsiders mention this, you The two of you don't interrupt, the reason is ready, you are not at school.

Yi Jiefang and Zhou Jiao looked at each other and nodded knowingly.

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