Last night, the eldest sister received the admission notice from Ziwen. She was so happy. We chatted too much and went to bed late. Otherwise, the eldest sister and the others would have come here. But it will be soon. The two sisters have prepared the meal They'll come with them around the same afternoon.

After Lin Juhua finished speaking, she shouted to the kitchen: Sister-in-law, do you want me to help?

Zhou Jiao looked at her speechlessly and said a series of words, but she couldn't get rid of the burden on her body. How big a heart is this? And can you take your son?

No! You can eat right away!

Lin Juhua laughed and shouted after hearing this: Then hurry up. By the way, Shitou's father and Xiaowu are going to pick up elder brother, and they will be back later.

Zhou Jiao guessed that the two of them still had a lot to talk about, but the child in her arms smelled so bad, what should she do? She could only try her best to attract the other party's attention, Is Xiao Liu hungry?

Lin Juhua looked down and saw her son kept leaning on his aunt, and laughed happily. She quickly took off the burden and put it on the stone bench, and took it from her arms.

This silly boy, I want to eat before it's time for dinner. Lin Juhua patted the child in her arms, and then said: Is Ziwen in the backyard? This kid is really up-to-date, he really has to pass the exam. Fifteen years old My baby will be able to hold a solid job in three years. Big sister doesn't have to worry about him.

Zhou Jiao caught a glimpse of Ping An retracting her fist, stood up and replied, What are you worried about, Xiao Shitou is very smart. Sister-in-law, please sit down first, and I will take the child back first.

Then hurry up.

Zhou Jiao almost fell when she heard the words, come here quickly? She had noticed just now that the second sister-in-law hadn't talked about which college her eldest nephew was admitted to. If she really wanted to expand this topic, she probably had more to talk about.

Zhou Jiao, who fled in the wind, led Xiao Pingan and hurried home.

As soon as he entered the house, Ping An saw her closing the courtyard door and gave her a strange look. He giggled happily when Zhou Jiao scooped up two large buckets of hot water from the pot and carried them to the bathroom.

Mom, did you hug your little brother just now?

Zhou Jiao glanced at him speechlessly. Why are you so smart? Didn't you say something, don't say it clearly.

Ping An said winkingly, Mom, wash first. I'll guard the door for you.

Zhou Jiao picked up a towel, soaked it and wrung it dry quickly, and wiped his face, Mom can't take it anymore. Sit down and cool off first, and you can take a shower soon.

Ping An nodded with a smile, moved a stool and sat in the yard, looked at the door and shook his head. A person as smart as his mother is also stupid, knowing that his little brother is dirty and still hugging him. His second aunt is really not particular about it, the poor little brother was raised stupid by his mother. Too old to walk and talk.

After Zhou Jiao took a shower and changed her clothes, she couldn't smell the smell, so she went out of the room and waved to Ping An.

In the bathroom, Ping An thought for a while, and couldn't help asking: Mom, is the little brother two years old? Why can't he talk? Can't even walk?

Zhou Jiao looked at him amusedly, and while helping him dry, she said, The imaginary age is two years old, but the real age is a few months more than one year old. Some children are late in development and slower.

Oh, I thought he was a fool. He only eats and stretches.


After washing the clothes that the mother and son had changed, looking at the sun, guessing that the old courtyard was busy having breakfast, Zhou Jiao carried her son to the living room to rest for a while.

The two girls chatted about irrelevant topics one after another,

Mom, will Dad really wait for them to go together?

Zhou Jiao shook her head. How can it be? I let him go out early in the morning because I was worried about being exposed to the sun.

Let's take a rest, let's wait for your father at the entrance of the village.

What if Grandpa runs away?

Your second aunt can't hide her words. She will definitely tell them that your two aunts and your uncle are back today, and your grandfather will not go out.

When Zhou Jiao led Ping An out, Zhang Guoqing had just stopped at the gate of the old courtyard. His eyes lit up when he saw the mother and son, and he waved at them.

Seeing that he was sweating profusely, Zhou Jiao took out a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to him.

Zhang Guoqing didn't reach out to pick it up, but stretched his neck over with a smile.

Puff! Zhou Jiao laughed softly, gave him a sideways glance with a smile in her eyes, looked around guiltily, and quickly wiped the sweat off his forehead with her hand.

Dad, did you really buy soda? How much is the deposit for the bottle? Ping An stood on tiptoe and couldn't see what was tied behind the car, and patted his leg regretfully.

One bottle is a deposit of fifteen cents. This brand is different from Arctic Ocean. I don't know how it tastes. Dad ordered a box first, and you like to buy it later.

Baby, you go in and ask your brother to come out to help. Take it easy and don't worry.

Zhang Guoqing watched Ping An go in, and unloaded the back seat of the car one by one, leaving only a wooden box. After the children poured in like a gust of wind carrying things, he pushed the car and boxes into the yard like a baby.

Son, let's see what good things Dad brought you? He said, beckoning to Ping An like offering a treasure, and opened the lid to reveal a corner of a small quilt inside.

Ping An let out a wow in surprise, and quickly asked, Are they all bean popsicles, creamy?

Zhang Guoqing shook his head with a smile, There are only about fifty sticks in the store, so I don't have to pick them, and I made them all round for Dad. These days, those brothers and sisters take you to play and treat you to eat, and you treat them to popsicles.

Zhou Jiao raised her head to look at the blue sky and blue sea. Fortunately, Grandpa Sun came out. Otherwise, it's really heartbreaking, and you have to prepare for medical expenses if you invite someone to eat.

Brothers, come and help. These are popsicles, move them into the house first.

Seeing Zhang's mother hearing the movement, Zhou Jiao walked towards here quickly, and was so frightened that she hurried to the kitchen. Silently counting one, two, three...

How much does it cost? Who asked you to buy it?...

In the kitchen, Huang Cuilan saw Zhou Jiao come in with her mouth covered and grinning, and said with a smile, What's the matter, are the children playing again? These children have been playing like crazy these days.

Let them play. Sister-in-law, what do we have to prepare next? Second sister-in-law is home?

Huang Cuilan passed the bowls and chopsticks in the pot through the water, and put them in the cupboard, I'll ask her to go back and get some household items. Wait a minute, she will come right away. Why did Xiao Wu come back so soon?

Zhou Jiao glanced at her, knowing that she wanted to know when Zhang Guofu would arrive, but this was really unpleasant. Is it wrong for my man to come back early?

She doesn't like such suggestive words very much, especially belittle others to achieve their goals. Seeing this, Zhou Jiao smiled and shook her head. She really didn't want to answer on purpose, who knows what time does Boss Zhang leave?

Huang Cuilan worriedly looked at the sky outside, Didn't Chrysanthemum say that the second child entered the city with the fifth child? Why didn't the second child come back? Will you wait for the elder sister and the others to come together?

Zhou Jiao secretly sighed, Second brother should be planning to ride a bicycle to pick up eldest brother.

It's really possible. The child's father hasn't come back for several weeks this time. I don't know if he brought a change of clothes? It's really hard to drive in this hot day.

Zhou Jiao was stunned, how should she reply?

Mother is not here, so I dare to say. In fact, mother doesn't have to go to the provincial capital to see your elder brother, he will come back. Every time my parents go to the provincial capital, the round-trip fare is quite a lot.

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