There is Room for Rebirth in the 1950’s

Chapter 635 What's the fun?

All the way, he made a detour from the north in a secretive way, while Zhang Guoqing went to the team's health center with a sack of medicinal materials. When I went inside, I found that there was no ghost.

He opened the sack directly, spread the bunches of herbs inside to dry in the yard, and how to do the rest, they should clean up when someone comes back later.

Ping'an has fallen asleep, you also go to wash and rest. When Zhou Jiao saw him coming in at home, she quickly pointed to several buckets of water drying in the yard, urging him to go to sleep.

Even my hardened body couldn't stand such a torment. Zhou Jiao made up her mind that she would stay at home in the afternoon, and no one would disturb his rest.

Zhang Guoqing nodded, came to the well, took off his clothes and pants, Give everything to mother?

Zhou Jiao rolled his eyes at him, the courtyard door was wide open, what if a little daughter-in-law came? Well. She said why didn't you ask her to go up the mountain with dad.

Outside Lie, you go in and lie down first, I'll be fine soon.

Zhou Jiao nodded, went to the gate and closed the courtyard door. This afternoon, my mother-in-law took the three little girls to clean up and dry them in the sun, and my father-in-law took a few boys to sell wild fruits in the county town, but no one should have come.

daughter in law……

Zhou Jiao turned her head in surprise and looked at him suspiciously.

Zhang Guoqing pointed to his back, itch.

Zhou Jiao hurriedly ran behind him, didn't approach him, and sprinkled a ladle of water on herself. Looking at the soaked shirt on her body, Zhou Jiao couldn't laugh or cry, I just changed the clothes.

Wash again, come on, I'll help you carry the water in.

After hearing this, Zhou Jiao slipped out of his arms and ran to the bedroom. She was hugged by him and blinked her eyes, Brother, you must remember that the water flows forever.

Zhang Guoqing laughed straight after hearing this, and joked: Are you thinking too much? Now I am so tired that I can fall asleep as soon as I close my eyes.

Facing his teasing gaze, Zhou Jiao gave him a sideways glance.

Look, look, it's looking at me again. Forget it, let me work harder so that you can sleep before you.

Nonsense! Don't make excuses.

Speak louder, my son is awake.

Zhou Jiao touched his dark eye sockets distressedly, Sleep first. I'm sleepy too.

Then you have to promise me... Zhang Guoqing rolled his eyes, and whispered the rest of the words in her ear.

No one knew what he said, but from Zhou Jiao's flushed face, she hesitated for a long time before nodding her head shyly, it could be seen that it was probably not a good word.

The couple hugged each other like glue and whispered. After changing the wet clothes, after a while, lying on a big kang, two big and one small fell asleep.

At this time, Li Qinglin, who was getting off a train in the provincial capital, also came out with his luggage. After leaving the station, he looked in the direction of Zhang Yuntao's school, hesitated for a while, then turned around and ran to catch the bus bound for the county. This trip is still to seize the time to meet Zhang Guoqing and then reunite with the brothers.

This time, Zhang Guoqing, who was extremely tired, fell asleep until he woke up naturally. When I woke up, the room was dark, even the moonlight was blocked by thick curtains. He lay there and listened carefully, and he could vaguely hear Zhou Jiao outside humming a tune in a good mood, as well as the sound of the knife cutting on the wooden board.

Zhang Guoqing gradually got a smile on his face, jumped off the kang quickly, grabbed his clothes and left the room, seeing a bright light in the kitchen, he felt warm in his heart.

He put on his clothes while walking, came to the door of the kitchen and put on his pants, leaned against it, and said with a smile, Why didn't you call me? Do you want to help? Where's your son?

Are you comfortable after sleeping? Sit down first. I can eat right away. Ping An and Xizi ran out and haven't come back yet. Dad went to the village entrance to enjoy the shade, and mother went to watch the excitement.

Zhang Guoqing filled his face with water, wiped his face hastily, and asked curiously: What's the excitement?

In the evening, the big-necked woman beat her, as if saying that her mother-in-law ate something. My uncle and the others talked to my mother, but I didn't listen carefully.

Zhang Guoqing didn't care. In his memory, it seems that his father and three brothers don't beat their wives. It's not surprising that even someone as good as the old captain has done it.

By the way, after dinner, Qinglin hurried over to look for you alone. He seemed to be in a hurry. I was going to call you just now, but he said he was not in a hurry. He went out with Ping An and hasn't come back yet.

Zhang Guoqing raised his eyebrows, Did the condom come with him?

Zhou Jiao nodded, took the noodles in the cold boiled water into a large bowl, poured beef and potato sauce on it, stirred vigorously, and sprinkled sliced ​​meat and sesame seeds on top.

You're done. Try it first to see if it suits your taste. If I eat this sauce abroad, I think it will be good.

Zhang Guoqing said with a smile: With so many seasonings, it must be delicious. If this is seen by a big-necked woman, she will definitely jump into the river. What did you and your son have for dinner?

Sorghum rice. Ping'an beat a wild rabbit and asked my mother to burn one. He ate a whole bowl at night, which really scared me. Tonight, the children have so much appetite that they even ate your dinner.

It's okay. Running up and down consumes a lot of energy. Ping An didn't even eat supper last night, let him go home to sleep tonight.

Seeing Zhang Guoqing feeding herself several mouthfuls in a row, Zhou Jiao smiled and shook her head and said, He said he would come back to sleep tonight. I've already eaten, so hurry up and eat.

Okay, I'll look for Linzi later, do you want to go for a walk outside?

Yes, just now they invited me to have a chat. I said I would go in a while.

Zhang Guoqing smiled and shook his head, If you don't want to socialize with them, then don't go, there is no need to wrong yourself. Sister-in-law is still not in the village this afternoon?

I heard from Mai Miao that her mother went to the street to pick up some handicraft work, and she was busy making money these two days. Yaya told me that this weekend is my mother's birthday, and her two sisters will come over. This girl Mai Miao is so smart. Immediately went on to say that her mother was rushing to work because she was afraid of delaying Mother's birthday. I think this girl will ask Xizi to notify her mother as soon as possible at night.

A nine-year-old girl should understand everything. You can see that Yaya and Maisui are two years younger than her, and they work so neatly on the mountain today. Children in the country understand things early.

Zhou Jiao nodded in agreement. These three girls are stronger than boys. Today, as soon as I was busy on the mountain, I knew that I was pulling myself to learn to identify herbs, and I knew to keep a sample of each kind, which was a success.

Have you noticed that these three girls follow the elder sister? They are very talkative, and they do their jobs well. Tonight's dinner is all made by the three of them. My mother told me that it is free to take advantage of outsiders. I asked her to Don't make any baby kisses for your children. The three girls are good-looking, and after a few years of schooling, you won't be able to find anyone with any conditions.

Zhang Guoqing knew that if others said that, his mother might not take it seriously. After all, this is a granddaughter and granddaughter, and with his mother's temper, she won't interfere too much, and let their parents decide more or less. But Zhou Jiao actually opened her mouth to say that, those three girls were sure that they would never get engaged early.

That's fine, the other two girls have his second brother and eldest brother-in-law, so he's not worried, he's just worried that Mai Miao will be sold by her muddleheaded mother.

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