There is Room for Rebirth in the 1950’s

Chapter 461 The old Zhou family asks for help

Father Zhang took his three sons back to the village to pay homage to Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang, and then returned to the county seat. He finally mentioned the main reason for not letting them go back to their hometown.

He didn't want to say it at first, so as not to add something to the children's minds. But not long after the old son and the young couple arrived home, no one in the county did not know they had returned.

In order to prepare the children's hearts. I have to remind the young couple about this matter. Those people in the old Zhou family are not good stubble.

When Zhang Guoqing had dinner at noon, he saw that he was hesitant to speak, and now that he had finally pulled his husband and wife into the room to talk, it was not difficult to figure out what it must be difficult to speak.

Father, if you have something to say, just say it, if you have any embarrassing things, leave it to me, and I will definitely handle it properly.

Zhou Jiao nodded after listening.

Dad Zhang smiled and shook his head, What can Dad do? The old Zhou family came to see me. I should have mentioned this matter to you in the letter. Dad was worried that you would be soft-hearted, but after I thought about it, I decided to forget it. The old Zhou family I have severed all ties with you, so why let you know.

When Zhou Jiao heard this, her eyes flashed. She had already guessed something, it was nothing more than the fact that the old Zhou family wanted to ask for food through her father-in-law. Shameless! How dare they speak?

Father Zhang knocked on the pipe, Isn't there a saying in the play that it seems to be messed up if you keep cutting it. If you keep cutting it and it's messy, then there's no need for you to get in touch again. I don't think the old Zhou's Like ordinary rural people, food shortages are severe. At the beginning, your milk gave so much gold, and the old couple still had retirement wages and rations, so they would never go hungry.

Last month, old man Zhou brought his little grandson to the door. I didn't let them in, so I chatted a few words at the gate. It was still noon at that time, and old man Zhou was crying like a woman, saying that he was wrong and wanted to find your father and you.

Zhou Jiao didn't say anything when she heard the words. She had long thought that there would be such a day, but it was just pity that her father-in-law was disgusted. Didn't Mrs. Zhou say last time that it was all her fault? It hasn't been long since I said this, and now it's not the most difficult time, but I ran over first. Is this intended to play a rogue?

Zhang Guoqing smiled and shook his head, This old thing is really sick!

Don't care if he is sick or not, you have to have a bottom line in your heart. I'm worried that he will kneel at the gate when he hears you coming back. What will you do then?

Seeing Father Zhang looking at her, Zhou Jiao shook her head with a smile, Old man Zhou won't see me. He came here just to want you and mother to sympathize with him. He deceived himself and thought that if you sympathized with him, you would speak for him.

Father Zhang asked in surprise: Really? He won't be confused, right? I don't want to sympathize with my son and wife? How did he come up with that?

Zhang Guoqing laughed loudly after hearing this, Father, old man Zhou really dare not see Jiaojiao. He would rather go to the capital to meet my father-in-law than come to see Jiaojiao. Didn't he know that Jiaojiao was begging for life under him in the past? ? If he really wants to see Jiaojiao and her father and daughter, he will definitely let the old lady do it herself.

Zhou Jiao thought of another aspect. Seeing that the two of them were not in the northeast, old man Zhou purposely approached Father Zhang. In case the relationship between the two families gets closer, can't he take advantage of Father Zhang's influence?

Zhang's father is now in the county seat, with Zhang Guoqing in the capital, Zhang Guoqiang in the bureau, and the eldest son of the grain station in the middle. No one around looked at him highly.

With this move, old man Zhou underestimated her parents-in-law. Do you really think that her father-in-law was born in a farmer and has no knowledge or insight, so it is easy to fall into his way? Let alone other things, her father-in-law doesn't know how to deal with this type of person.

A clown who is as disgusting as Gu Ruyi, who is self-righteous, thinks highly of his own IQ, and looks down on others, making people sick with vulgarity. She didn't clean up these people, but posted them again to make her own ideas.

It seems that this old man knows that he can't get through your father-in-law's family, and he is unwilling to give up such a good backstage. So he wants to make a detour to associate with our old Zhang's family and sing such a scene on purpose.

Zhou Jiao secretly laughed. look! Her father-in-law had already guessed the other party's purpose.

Zhang Guoqing said worriedly: It's up to me to solve it. Otherwise, you and my mother will not be able to live a safe life.

Father Zhang waved his hand and said indifferently: As long as he doesn't cause trouble for you two. He will cry again next time. I'll let him stay at the gate and ask him, since he knew he was wrong, should he let him go Return the gold to your father-in-law. I guess they will all run away as soon as they say this.

Zhou Jiao couldn't help laughing.

Okay. Since there is no problem with this matter, then ignore him. When you go back, remember to tell Brother Zhou to let him know. I am worried that Old Man Zhou will trouble you. In the capital, it is different from other places. Some people just watch the excitement. People who don't think things are too big. When you go out, you have to be careful in everything.

Zhou Jiao nodded earnestly. It seems that Father Zhang has been thinking about this matter for a long time. Just in case, she had to plan again.

That afternoon, Zhang Guoqing met with Zhao Dashan, Zuo Lin, and Li Aiguo. Zhou Jiao went to Lin County alone without telling anyone.

If he didn't take this trip, old man Zhou would probably feel that he tacitly agreed that his family was close to Lao Zhang's house. But who gave them the right to harass their family members at will?

Getting off the bus in Lin County, Zhou Jiao went directly to the village to find Zhou Xiaocun. She is not as patient as Zhang Guoqing. They are two families who are tearing their skins apart, so there is no friendship to talk about. In the past, she might have been concerned about Mrs. Zhou, but since she avoided seeing her last time, Zhou Jiao felt chilled.

Whatever happened to the old Zhou's family was basically caused by Zhou Xiao's existence. As for the old man Zhou, she has been fighting with each other for many years, and she doesn't bother to pay attention to the old man's rascal temperament.

In the cold weather, Zhou Xiao exists in the yard of the production team and rubs hemp rope with others. At this time, a little girl ran over to inform him that someone was looking for him outside. He subconsciously asked who the other party was, but it was a pity that the little girl ran away long ago.

As soon as Zhou Xiaocun went out, he looked up and saw a girl standing in the distance talking to the captain. As soon as he saw the figure, he knew it was Zhou Jiao.

Even if the little girl Pianzi gained weight, she became different from before. But he recognized it easily, even if the animal turned into ashes, he would still remember that it was the film of this dead girl that made his family unmarried.

He hated himself countless times for not being cruel. What if Zhou Xiaozheng came back and killed her without anyone noticing?

No matter how sorry his father was for that bastard, they could still get in touch with each other through the kindness of the old lady. It's all over now, it's all ruined by this dead girl.

Thinking of this, he shrank his pupils, and then stepped forward quickly. If I am late, I guess this dead girl is adding fuel to the outsiders.

The captain pointed at Zhou Xiaocun who was getting closer, and said with a smile: Here's someone coming, so I didn't leave beforehand. Remember to call if you need help.

Zhou Jiao thanked the other party gratefully, and watched the other party leave. She turned around and looked at the so-called uncle—the same cowardly pee. It was such a person who stared at him like a poisonous snake.

I want to come to the other party to think of myself as the enemy of life and death. No matter how harmless the other party pretended to be, there was an unconcealable hatred for him in his bones. Zhou Jiao was too lazy to defend herself, and she didn't want to pay attention to it. As long as he is a bad person for a day, then congratulate him for living in hatred forever.

Seeing Zhou Xiaocun standing aside and bowing her head silently, Zhou Jiao glanced at him. On a deadly cold day, she is not interested in enjoying the snow with the other party, so come and play guessing.

You should have guessed the purpose of my coming here. You are a smart person, but smart people often don't follow the right path. Old man Zhou came to my father-in-law and shouted for atonement. It was your idea.

Having said that, Zhou Jiao waved her hand to stop him from speaking.

Then she said in a cold tone: I didn't come here to listen to your excuses. Since the two families are against each other, it's better not to communicate with each other forever.

Atonement? Is the redemption of the two generations of your father and son clear? I am not my father, nor Zhang Guoqing. My dad can give up the gold just so that the two families have nothing to do with each other; Zhang Guoqing thinks that the old lady will let you live.

But I'm different. I always remember how I survived in your Zhou family! If you don't believe me, just see if Huang Zhaodi can come out alive?

Whether you take me as a warning or a threat. Zhou Xiaocun, live well! Don't make me do it!

After speaking, Zhou Jiao sighed, turned and left.

Did you forget how the old lady treated you?

Zhou Jiao heard him howl unwillingly, held her head high without looking back, and just left.

Da Beibei blew a sentence that made Zhou Xiaocun crouch down in despondency - Is your life enough to repay the old lady's kindness?

Zhou Xiaocun knew that this was the last ultimatum given by the other party. That dead girl's movie was not wrong, it was indeed his idea to get closer to the old Zhang's family. This day is too sad, he is not reconciled!

Why is that wild species delicious and spicy? Why can that bastard become a general? And I live carefully, living to see other people's faces.

If he had run away from home back then, everything that bastard had now would be his own. He hated his old man and that idiot Huang Zhaodi to death.

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