The old hen in Aunt Wang's house next door started to lay eggs and gave Ping An two eggs. The other party repeated the old saying, asking Zhou Jiao to plant some vegetables and fruits on the flower bed, and specially gave some vegetable seeds.

It's hard for Zhou Jiao to say that there are a lot of plants in her yard in the village. Depending on the other party's change of mind, she will listen to persuasion no matter what. Soon, she took peace, and the mother and son were tossing around in the small field with nothing to do.

Zhang Guoqing turned over the land and let the mother and son play. Anyway, if there is any gain in the future, it will be a surprise. It can also let children understand that farming is not easy.

With this in mind, a small piece of land was tidied up by the family. It was all right, so Ping An went to the small vegetable garden with two pairs of calves to see if there were any sprouts.

As the days passed, new shoots appeared on the ground. Weeding and fertilizing, the mother and son are careful, taking good care of it and waiting for the harvest.

Ping An counts the days with his fingers every day, but unfortunately, no matter how smart a child is, he still can't figure out when he will mature. Zhou Jiao asked him three times a day, took a bottle, threw coins into it, and asked him to take out one every day, and when there were no coins in it, the harvest season would come.

As the coins were taken out safely, a sudden frost struck in the middle of the night. The weather suddenly dropped in the middle of the night, and the sleeping family fell asleep without knowing anything.

Waking up in the morning and leaving the living room, Zhang Guoqing began to notice something was wrong. When I went out, it was frost. He didn't think much about it for a while, and then ran out to exercise.

Running, he accidentally spotted the weeds on the ground. Finally, he remembered that his house still had a large backyard of open-air fruits and vegetables, and a large area in the village.

Woke up, Zhang Guoqing started to run home. As soon as I entered the yard, I hurried to see my son's vegetable garden. It's okay if you don't look at it, but just looking at him gives you a headache. Just sprouting leaves, just sprouting, all were frozen to death.

Sneaking into the master bedroom, Zhang Guoqing pushed Zhou Jiao and told her that it was frosty and he had to go to the village to see his back yard. Let her find a way to coax her son.

Zhou Jiao let out a bewildered sound, then went back to sleep. Soon, she felt wrong. If she remembers correctly, the cold spring in the south did not freeze the plants to death. Yes, she is in the north at this time. Shocked, she got up, put on her clothes and ran out, only to find that Zhang Guoqing had already left in a hurry.

Ping An's vegetable garden failed to harvest—the backyard of her house—the crops that had just been planted in the village. There are many things that cannot be feared without deep thought. Looking at the frozen vegetable seedlings, Zhou Jiao felt sad in her heart. She didn't know whether she paid for the hard work of the mother and son, or was sad for something else.

Standing in the yard, Zhou Jiao thought of the smug look of Zhang's mother a few days ago, imagining the harvest in the garden, Lin Juhua's look of hope for the harvest, and the smile gradually revealed by the old captain.

She finally realized what it means to rely on the sky. After all, the most miserable and poorest people are ordinary people. Thinking of this, she felt that she should do her best.

Here Zhang Guoqing stared anxiously at the bicycle and hurried to Zhangjiacun. The sky had begun to brighten, and he passed several farmlands along the way, and there were many people squatting on the ground. Thanks to his good ears, he could clearly hear the crying inside. What kind of cry was that? It is not as good as a woman crying, not as good as a child crying, it is the unwillingness of the man in charge to suppress his voice, and it is to vent his frustration about the future.

Zhang Guoqing suppressed tears and let himself ignore it as much as possible. Not far ahead is his home, his clansmen, he doesn't know what he is about to face.

There is a piece of land in the east of the village, and a group of villagers gathered in the early morning. Men, women, old and young squatted, and sat slumped on the ground, but all eyes were on the old man in the middle.

The old captain is everyone's hope at this time. Everyone has been used to obeying his arrangements for decades. Even if the land is owned by an individual, it is still waiting for his notice and arrangement. The sudden disaster at this moment made the village unite and waited for the old captain to speak.

The old captain secretly sighed, he knew he couldn't be discouraged at this time. When the family must be steady! If I can't stabilize myself, I will be even more flustered below.

Fortunately, the patriarch and the others reminded us before. It's a pity, who expected the weather to become so low. I didn't see many people who died of freezing. The big guys should do what they should do. Don't sleep at night during this time Die, come out more and keep an eye on it. And the big guys are tired these days, try to replant as soon as possible.

Zhang Guoqing was relieved when he heard what the old captain said when he came from a distance. He was just about to leave when the old captain spotted him with sharp eyes.

The old captain took him back to the office and handed him the warehouse list. The old captain said it nicely just now to comfort the villagers, but there is a fixed number of seeds that can be replanted, especially since there are more fertile fields in the mountains in their village. where are the seeds

Zhang Guoqing frowned and looked at the ground. He did have a seed in his hand, but he couldn't open his mouth. Some things are related to Zhou Jiao's safety, he dare not! also can not!

The only way is to go to Mr. Huang, Li Aiguo, Zhang Zhifeng, and Lao Chen, but he can't come forward for many things, and once he does, things will get serious.

Who dares to be individualistic? Zhang Guoqing is thinking about this question, is replanting worth it? No one understands better than him what a severe drought is followed by a severe flood. How much can you reap if you replant? The harvest of the whole county, this responsibility will make Li Aiguo and the others go from heaven to hell overnight.

He, Zhang Guoqing, touched his lips, and it was no surprise that after passing the college entrance examination this summer, he patted his ass and left. But the responsibility after the event is on the elders who take care of themselves, can you live in your heart?

Zhang Guoqing finally sighed. We can only let the old captain respond to the village first. A series of procedures came forward to see how the village decided.

After bidding farewell to the disappointed old captain, Zhang Guoqing went back to his backyard and took a look. Except for a few hardy crops, basically all of them froze to death. He was not in the mood to tidy up, and hurried back to the county seat.

In the unit, colleagues are talking about this frost, except for a few older ones who have life experience and know that this matter is of great importance. The young colleagues didn't notice anything else at all, only thinking about the shortage of supplies in the grocery store.

Before getting off work, Zhao Dashan notified everyone to hold a meeting. For the content of the meeting, no one is allowed to ask for leave during this period, and all holidays are postponed. Let everyone be ready to go to the countryside to support agriculture at all times.

Zhang Guoqing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. It seems that the reissue of seeds has been approved. That's good, it's up to the above to make up more and make up less. You don't have to feel guilty about this.

After getting off work and returning home, Zhang Guoqing was surprised to see that Ping'an didn't cry, but shoveled the dead seedlings with a shovel. He looked at Zhou Jiao.

Zhou Jiao smiled. She just taught the child a lesson—a thinking lesson, and this was the first time she gave the child a thinking lesson. She didn't know how much the child would understand, but the effect should be good.

Stupidity is not terrible, but children are afraid of ignorance. No matter what environment you are in, it is the best policy to learn to go with the flow. At this moment, even if she discussed with Zhang Guoqing to send food secretly, she must not show up.

People's hearts are unpredictable, today's grace, tomorrow's revenge. How many people in the world will know how to repay their kindness? Gu's main house is a living example, it has been warning future generations.

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